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Frontend for real-time data Twitter dashboards ⚡


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Twitter dashboard client

This project contains the Web dashboard front-end of a web application that displays near real-time data over a socket. It can be used in combination with the Twitter dashboard server project to create a complete web application. Check the video demo for context.

The goal is to represent near real time information in a map and a series of charts. Its visualization depends on serving data with a given structure, as explained in the Data structure section.

How does it work?

Interface serving

The interface contents are served using a Node.js server once it is deployed (explained in the Usage section). That web server will respond HTTP request with a static interface, which has been dynamically built using React.

The usage of React, Semantic-ui and React-router, has been done to allow easy interface extensibility.


Given that this project was originally created to work with a Twitter Streaming API data retriever back-end, an authentication step was built in the interface. This step forces the user to perform a log-in in the official Twitter page, obtaining two fields in return: oauth_token and oauth_verifier. This last one is used to obtain a token_secret, which is stored in the corresponding backend.

From those two token values, the first one is locally stored in the user computer using a cookie, while the second one is thought to be stored in the back-end, as it is use to start / stop a data stream when combining it with its cookie couple.

Components integration

As clarified in the introduction, this is jut and interface, which need to be integrated with a back-end. The connected backend would need to have several connecting endpoints for the pieces to work together:

  • /login POST endpoint to get the authentication redirect URL.
  • /token POST endpoint to get the twitter_account and twitter_token. Arguments:
    • oauth_token String with the user token.
    • oauth_verifier String with the user verification code.
  • /startStream POST endpoint to start the data stream. Arguments:
    • twitter_account String with the user account name.
    • twitter_token String with the user token.
    • location String describing the area to filter the data stream.
    • filterWord String describing the word to filter the data stream contents.
    • maxResults Integer indicating the number of simultaneous results (not used).
  • /stopStream POST endpoint to end the data stream.
  • /stream: Socket endpoint to open a persistent channel (use your language favourite SocketIO client).

Data communication

The data communication between a supposed back-end and this front-end client was designed to be done in an asynchronous manner, meaning each time a data point is retrieved by the back-end, it must be send over the open socket (allowing real-time visualization).

Data structure

Each data point interchanged between back-end and front-end need to have the following structure:

    "coords":  [123, -75],
    "label":   "neutral",
    "source":  "android",
    "text":    "This is just an example",

These JSON keys are needed to provide the interface current visualization capabilities: geo-location, sentiment comparison, and device source comparison. Additional JSON keys could be added to provide further functionality.

What is in the repository?

The code organization has been inspired by the How to better organize your React applications? post by Alexis Mangin. From there, the folder structure has been defined as follows:

/public: web server basic info.
    # Files
    config.js: global React configuration
    index.js: interface routes definition
    # Folders
    /controllers: contains any non-render React components.
    /pages: contains any renderable React component
        /login: login page
            # Files
            # Folders
            # Files
            # Folders
        PrivateRoute.js: defines a only-logged-in route
        PublicRoute.js: defines a publicly open route
package.json: project dependencies


Developers side

When deploying this front-end server, there are two possible scenarios:

  • Development deployment: live updates upon changes, but lower loading times.
npm install
npm start
  • Production deployment: no live updates upon changes, but faster loading times.
npm run build

End users side

From the end users point of view, once logged in, the web interface allow them to visualize different dimensions of the streaming data. Depending on which one they are interested in, they can switch tabs among:

  • Map canvas
  • Sentiment comparison chart
  • Source device comparison chart

The first one represents the geo-located dimension of each data point, where the color in the map represents the sentiment. On the other hand, the charts represents aggregated dimensions of the data, in this case, sentiment and source device.

In order to have a clear idea of everything that can be done with an up-and-running instance of this project, take a look at this video demo, recorded in combination with the Twitter dashboard server project.


Frontend for real-time data Twitter dashboards ⚡








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