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Slashscreen edited this page May 21, 2023 · 2 revisions


The inventory is a container that keeps track of the IDs of any ids of the items in the inventory, as well as a currency. The inventory does not actually contain any items within itself. It also has methods for inventory management.


Snails are the internal name for the currency of this system. The name is also an artifact of the intended use case for Skelerealms, and may be renamed in the future. It is non-denominational for simplicity, so it is an int, not a float.


This is for equipping items. You can equip items in a slot, defined by the enum EquipmentSlots.Slots, but only if the item can go in the slot. Items to equip must have an EquippableItemComponent with a valid slot. There are also equipment management functions.

Loot Tables


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