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Sprax2013 edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 1 revision


This route is used by my SkinDB project. You can access all of these routes by replacing with The use of the domain is preferred but has no impact on performance as they both undergo the same server configuration.

Content (Routes)
Provide a Skin
Skins (List)
Skins (Random)
Skin Metadata (get)
Skin Metadata (set)
Search Skin

Provide a Skin

GET /skindb/provide

Query-Parameter Description
data UUID or Skin-URL

The host of a Skin-URL must be included in the whitelist. A non-whitelisted URL is accepted but fails afterwards. (A manual review is required to be whitelisted)

Please set the User-Agent header to a custom one (publicly visible)!

Example Response:

  "ID": 24550,
  "SkinData": "",
  "SkinID": null,
  "UserAgent": "Sprax2013 (SkinDB-ACP)",
  "Status": null
} (Please URL-Encode the value of the data parameter)


GET /skindb/provide/:id

Parameter Description
:id The ID that you got when you provided a skin

Possible pending statuses:

  • 0 Unknown Error
  • 1 Success
  • 2 Duplicate
  • 3 Invalid Data
  • 4 Wrong Dimensions
  • 5 Non-Whitelisted URL

Example Response:

  "ID": 24550,
  "SkinData": "",
  "SkinID": 24550,
  "UserAgent": "Sprax2013 (SkinDB-ACP)",
  "Status": 1


GET /skindb/skin/:id

Parameter Description
:id The SkinID

Example Response:

  "id": 24550,
  "Skin": {
    "cleanHash": "cba19660f2128f81f29fb38ab9ad958f9b6a5ebe583bb7ce3c5ab948e5d23603",
    "overlay": true,
    "steveArms": true
  "urls": {
    "mojang": "",
    "clean": "",
    "original": "",
    "render": ""

Skins (List)

GET /skindb/skin/list

Query-Parameter Description
count Size of the list (Default: 25, Max: 50)
page The page to show (Default: 1)
sortDESC Sorts the list de- or ascending. Possible Values: true, false, 1, 0 (Default: 1)

Example Response:

    "id": 24550,
    "Skin": {
      "cleanHash": "cba19660f2128f81f29fb38ab9ad958f9b6a5ebe583bb7ce3c5ab948e5d23603",
      "overlay": true,
      "steveArms": true
    "urls": {
      "mojang": "",
      "clean": "",
      "original": "",
      "render": ""

Skins (Random)

GET /skindb/skin/list

Query-Parameter Description
count Size of the list (Default: 1, Max: 50)

Example Response:

    "id": 22014,
    "Skin": {
      "cleanHash": "287ed41228c1c918febf02ae9bd5885a3ff0b0c5bd97b996abf5b5b612e773f1",
      "overlay": true,
      "steveArms": true
    "urls": {
      "mojang": "",
      "clean": "",
      "original": "",
      "render": ""

Skin Metadata (get)

GET /skindb/skin/:id/meta

Parameter Description
:id The SkinID

Possible sex (biological):

  • 0 None (e.g. animal)
  • 1 Female
  • 2 Male

Possible ages:

  • 0 Normal
  • 1 Senior Citizen

Possible hair length:

  • 0 Normal
  • 1 Long

Example Response:

  "ID": 59,
  "CharacterName": "Mario",
  "CharacterURL": "",
  "SkinOriginName": null,
  "SkinOriginURL": null,
  "Sex": 2,
  "Age": 0,
  "WearsMask": false,
  "MaskCharacterName": null,
  "MaskCharacterURL": null,
  "WearsHat": false,
  "HatType": null,
  "HairLength": 0,
  "Job": "Plumber,hero",
  "Accessories": null,
  "MiscTags": "nintendo,red,mustache"

Skin Metadata (set)

POST /skindb/skin/:id/meta

Protected: This route requires authentication with an API token

Parameter Description
:id The SkinID

The request body has to have the exact layout as its GET-Request.

Search Skin

GET /skindb/search

Query-Parameter Description
q The search query
page The page to list (Default: 1)

Example Response:

    "id": 22014,
    "Skin": {
      "cleanHash": "287ed41228c1c918febf02ae9bd5885a3ff0b0c5bd97b996abf5b5b612e773f1",
      "overlay": true,
      "steveArms": true
    "urls": {
      "mojang": "",
      "clean": "",
      "original": "",
      "render": ""


GET /skindb/stats

Query-Parameter Description
deep Lists the User-Agents that provided skins (Default: 0)

Example Response:

  "estSkinCount": 24320,
  "duplicateSkinCount": 194,
  "pendingCount": 0,
  "lastUpdate": 1556653636112