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StochasticTinkr edited this page Nov 24, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the PerformanceTuner wiki!

Settings explanation:

; Target FPS is the highest FPS that the game will be allowed to run at, and is also the baseline for 100% load.
; This value is converted to microsonds. I call this the targetFrameTime.
; For example, with an FPS of 60, you have 16666us per frame. 

; !Not Yet Implemented! Cap Framerate will control whether or not we sleep to cap the framerate. 
; In the current release it is always capped. 

; Target Load is the percentage of desired "work" time for the target FPS. This can be > 100 if you want.
; The shadow distance is adjusted (within the bounds below) so that 
; "targetFrameTime * fTargetLoad/100 = game engine work time"

fShadowDirDistanceMin=2500 ; This is the minimum performance tuner will set the shadow distance.
fShadowDirDistanceMax=12000 ; This is the maximum performance tuner will set the shadow distance to.

; !Not Yet Implemented!  bAdjustGRQuality will enable/disable updating of the GR quality.  
; In the current release, it is always enabled.
; The GR quality shadow distances tell the performance tuner what to set the quality to, given the current shadow distance.
; If the shadow distance is higher than all of the above, GR will be changed to 3.
; This is only supported for 1-3. 
fGRQualityShadowDist1=3000 ; When the shadow distance is above this value, the gr quality will be changed to 1.
fGRQualityShadowDist2=6000 ; When the shadow distance is above this value, the gr quality will be changed to 2.
fGRQualityShadowDist3=10000 ; When the shadow distance is above this value, the gr quality will be changed to 3.

bLoadCapping=0 ; Enables FPS cap when in the loading screen.  Disabling FPS cap during load can speed up load times.
bUsePreciseCapping=0 ; Determines whether to have a busy wait to sleep to the microsecond, or to just use microsecond sleep.
bShowDiagnostics=0 ; Enables the console, and displays some internal debug information.  
; F4SE and some plugins for it will also output to the console if it is enabled
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