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Reproducing CheXpert paper using the PyTorch library.

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CheXpert: A Large Chest X-Ray Dataset and Competitions

CheXpert is a large dataset of chest X-rays and competition for automated chest X-ray interpretation, which features uncertainty labels and radiologist-labeled reference standard evaluation sets. - from the CheXpert webpage description

This repository aims to reproduce and improve CheXpert paper's results using the PyTorch library. For the baseline, I tried to use the same model(DenseNet121) and the same parameters as the paper.

Since I know my results are still far short of the paper's, I will do many experiments from now on. If you have any ideas or suggestions to improve the model, please let me know!

This repository especially referenced here for the coding part. You can easily run the code with the following instructions.

This code is written for the GPU environment. It could be hard to run in CPU environment.

0. Environment

For those who want to compare the running environment, mine was as below(used GPU server).

  • Python 3.6+
  • PyTorch 1.7.1
  • Intel Xeon Silver 4216 CPU
  • 512GB memory
  • Four Nvidia Titan RTX GPUs

First, use git clone command to download this repository.

git clone

1. Download the Data

At the bottom of the CheXpert webpage, write a registration form to download the CheXpert dataset. You will receive an email with the download link. Right-click your mouse on the download link(439GB or 11GB) and click 'Copy link address'.

Then, run the following command. Paste your link address inside the double quotation marks(PLEASE RUN WITH QUOTATION MARKS). It will take a while even for the downsampled(11GB) dataset.

wget "link_address_you_copied"

After you downloaded the dataset, run the following command to unzip the .zip file.


Now the data is ready. As you see this repository structure, you have to place the CheXpert-v1.0-small, and CheXpert-v1.0 directories with the rest of the files(.py and .ipynb) at the same location unless you modify the path in the source code.

2. Run the CheXpert

Set Configurations

You can set hyperparameters in the configuration.json file such as maximum training epoch, type of image, batch size, etc. Here are some descriptions of hyperparameters.

Name Example Description
image_type "small" The image type of data.
For the original image (439GB), set as "".
pre_trained false Whether the model is pre-trained.
nnClassCount 5 The number of training observations. Set to 5.
policy "diff" If set to "diff", the optimal policy will be applied to each of the 5 competition observations.
If set to "ones", the U-Ones policy will be applied.
If else, the U-Zeroes policy will be applied.
batch_size 16 The number of batch size.
epochs 3 The number of training epochs.
imgtransResize 320 Resizing image in transformation.
train_ratio 1 Training data ratio.
lr 0.0001 Learning rate of optimizer.
betas [0.9, 0.999] Betas of optimizer.
eps 1e-08 Eps of optimizer.
weight_decay 0 Weight decay of optimizer.

Data Preprocessing

You MUST run the following command before running the model. Running the file makes the test set ready. Since the CheXpert uses a hidden test set for the official evaluation of models, I made the given validation set as the test set to repeat experiments. The given validation set was also used as the validation set for experiments. (This is cheating in general, but I didn't use validation loss information for model selection. This means early stopping ain't used.)

python3 configuration.json

Run the Model

Now you can run the model like below. You can use some options to run the model.

python3 configuration.json
Options Shortcut Description Default
--output_path -o Path to save results. results/
--random_seed -s Random seed for reproduction. 0

I also recommend you to use the nohup command if you run this code on server since it takes several hours.

nohup python3 configuration.json > progress.txt &

3. Results

You may get training and validation losses, as well as the test accuracy and ROC curves. You can also check the computational costs. Models(*.pth.tar), test set probabilities(testPROB_frt.txt, testPROB_lat.txt, testPROB_all.txt), and ROC curve(ROC_*.png) files will be saved in the results directory. In addition, the best models for each competition observation is also saved. If you run the code with nohup command, you can also save whole printed outputs. Let me just show you the ROC curves here.


The following table shows a comparison with the original paper results. I know it's not an accurate comparison since the test set is different. But at least we can roughly gauge the model's performance.

  • Stanford Baseline(ensemble) AUC = 0.907
  • My Baseline AUC(small) = 0.852
  • My Baseline AUC(original) = 0.864
Observation Experiment AUC Paper AUC Difference
Atelectasis 0.80 0.85 -0.05
Cardiomegaly 0.80 0.90 -0.10
Consolidation 0.90 0.90 -0.00
Edema 0.90 0.92 -0.02
Pleural Effusion 0.92 0.97 -0.05
Mean of 5 obs. 0.86 0.91 -0.05

This Part is Optional

Deep Ensembles

You can try deep ensembles with file. Under the ensembles directory, place ONLY experiment output directories you want to aggregate. If you place other directories, it will throw an error. When running the, set --output_path under the ensembles directory. have --output_path option just like The ensemble results will be saved in --output_path you set.

python3 configuration.json --output_path=emsembles/experiment_01/ --random_seed=1
python3 configuration.json --output_path=emsembles/experiment_02/ --random_seed=2
python3 configuration.json --output_path=emsembles/experiment_03/ --random_seed=3

python3 configuration.json --output_path=results/ensem_results/

Federated Learning (arranged version will be provided)

You can try federated learning using the CheXpert_DenseNet121_FL.ipynb file. You can modify federated learning hyperparameters.

Grad-CAM (arranged version will be provided)

You can try the Grad-CAM method on test set with Grad-CAM.ipynb file after you get the trained model.

4. Task Lists

  • Use subset of training dataset(10%) to check computational costs and performances.
  • Adjust the number of training data per each class.
  • Use whole training dataset(frontal images).
  • Try federated learning technique.
  • Apply Grad-CAM method for localization.
  • Try simple ensembles.
  • Use also lateral images for training.
  • Use original dataset for training(~439GB).
  • Vary uncertain policies per observation.
  • Try various data augmentations.
  • Try boosting technique.
  • Try attention technique.
  • Try various models for ensembles.

5. References