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This repository contains a portfolio website showcasing my skills, projects, and achievements in the field of programming and web development.


  • Project Showcase: Explore my best projects and applications that I have developed.

  • Skills Information: Learn about my programming skills and web development expertise.

  • Professional Experience: Get acquainted with my work experience and professional accomplishments.

  • Contact Information: Reach out to me to discuss potential collaborations or projects.

Technologies Used

  • Programming Language: JavaScript

  • Libraries and Tools:

    • @formspree/react
    • antd
    • modern-normalize
    • react
    • react-dom
    • react-particles
    • sass
    • styled-components
    • sweetalert2
    • tsparticles
    • typed.js
  • Development Tools:

    • @swc/cli and @swc/core

    • @types/react and @types/react-dom

    • @vitejs/plugin-react

    • eslint, eslint-config-prettier, eslint-plugin-react, eslint-plugin-react-hooks, eslint-plugin-react-refresh

    • husky, lint-staged

    • prettier

    • vite

How to Run

To run this application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

  2. Install dependencies using npm install.

  3. Start the development server using npm run dev.



I am always open to new opportunities and collaborations. Feel free to reach out to me via Email or through my social media profiles.