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Parametric GDBs

KG edited this page Jul 23, 2023 · 5 revisions


Section Subsection Section Offset Length Type Description Notes
Data Length 0 2 Integer Two less than the length of the GDB
Mode Id 3 1 Integer The mode ID for the GDB
  • Always 0x40
Mode Flags 4 1 GraphMode The flags for the mode settings
  • Dot/Connected, Simul/Sequential, GridOn/Line/Dot/Off, PolarGC/RectGC, CoordOn/Off, AxesOff/On, and LabelOn/Off
Extended Mode Flags 6 1 GraphMode The flags for the extended mode settings
  • ExprOn/Off
Xmin 7 9 TIReal The X-coordinate of the left edge of the graphscreen
Xmax 16 9 TIReal The X-coordinate of the right edge of the graphscreen
Xscl 25 9 TIReal The separation between ticks on the X-axis
Ymin 34 9 TIReal The Y-coordinate of the bottom edge of the graphscreen
Ymax 43 9 TIReal the Y-coordinate of the top edge of the graphscreen
Yscl 52 9 TIReal The separation between ticks on the Y-axis
Tmin 61 9 TIReal The initial time
Tmax 70 9 TIReal The final time
Tstep 79 9 TIReal The time increment
X1T 94 ... TIGraphedEquation The 1st X-component in parametric mode
Y1T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 1st Y-component in parametric mode
X2T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 2nd X-component in parametric mode
Y2T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 2nd Y-component in parametric mode
X3T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 3rd X-component in parametric mode
Y3T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 3rd Y-component in parametric mode
X4T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 4th X-component in parametric mode
Y4T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 4th Y-component in parametric mode
X5T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 5th X-component in parametric mode
Y5T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 5th Y-component in parametric mode
X6T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 6th X-component in parametric mode
Y6T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 6th Y-component in parametric mode


Section Subsection Section Offset Length Type Description Notes
Data Length 0 2 Integer Two less than the length of the GDB
Mode Id 3 1 Integer The mode ID for the GDB
  • Always 0x40
Mode Flags 4 1 GraphMode The flags for the mode settings
  • Dot/Connected, Simul/Sequential, GridOn/Line/Dot/Off, PolarGC/RectGC, CoordOn/Off, AxesOff/On, and LabelOn/Off
Extended Mode Flags 6 1 GraphMode The flags for the extended mode settings
  • ExprOn/Off
Xmin 7 9 TIReal The X-coordinate of the left edge of the graphscreen
Xmax 16 9 TIReal The X-coordinate of the right edge of the graphscreen
Xscl 25 9 TIReal The separation between ticks on the X-axis
Ymin 34 9 TIReal The Y-coordinate of the bottom edge of the graphscreen
Ymax 43 9 TIReal The Y-coordinate of the top edge of the graphscreen
Yscl 52 9 TIReal The separation between ticks on the Y-axis
Tmin 61 9 TIReal The initial time
Tmax 70 9 TIReal The final time
Tstep 79 9 TIReal The time increment
X1T 94 ... TIGraphedEquation The 1st X-component in parametric mode
Y1T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 1st Y-component in parametric mode
X2T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 2nd X-component in parametric mode
Y2T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 2nd Y-component in parametric mode
X3T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 3rd X-component in parametric mode
Y3T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 3rd Y-component in parametric mode
X4T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 4th X-component in parametric mode
Y4T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 4th Y-component in parametric mode
X5T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 5th X-component in parametric mode
Y5T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 5th Y-component in parametric mode
X6T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 6th X-component in parametric mode
Y6T ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 6th Y-component in parametric mode
Color Magic -14 3 String Magic to identify the GDB as color-oriented
  • Always set to 84C
Grid Color -5 1 GraphColor The color of the grid
Axes Color -4 1 GraphColor The color of the axes
Global Line Style -3 1 GlobalLineStyle The line style for all plotted equations
Border Color -2 1 BorderColor The color of the graph border
Color Mode Flags -1 1 GraphMode The flags for extended color mode settings
  • DetectAsymptotesOn/Off
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