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Taiizor edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

Skylark.Standard.Extension.Time.TimeExtension Class

The TimeExtension class is a static class that contains extension methods for the double data type to perform time conversions. It is a part of the Skylark.Standard namespace and can be found in the Skylark.Standard.Extension.Time namespace.


using E = Skylark.Exception;
using ECNT = Skylark.Enum.ClearNumericType;
using ETT = Skylark.Enum.TimeType;
using HC = Skylark.Helper.Converter;
using HN = Skylark.Helper.Numeric;
using HTTH = Skylark.Standard.Helper.Time.TimeHelper;
using MTTM = Skylark.Standard.Manage.Time.TimeManage;
using STTS = Skylark.Struct.Time.TimeStruct;

namespace Skylark.Standard.Extension.Time
    public static class TimeExtension
        public static double Convert(double Value = MTTM.Value, string Input = MTTM.DefaultInput, string Output = MTTM.DefaultOutput);
        public static Task<double> ConvertAsync(double Value = MTTM.Value, string Input = MTTM.DefaultInput, string Output = MTTM.DefaultOutput);
        public static double Convert(double Value = MTTM.Value, ETT Input = MTTM.InputType, ETT Output = MTTM.OutputType);
        public static Task<double> ConvertAsync(double Value = MTTM.Value, ETT Input = MTTM.InputType, ETT Output = MTTM.OutputType);
        public static STTS AutoConvert(double Value = MTTM.Value, string Input = MTTM.DefaultInput);
        public static Task<STTS> AutoConvertAsync(double Value = MTTM.Value, string Input = MTTM.DefaultInput);
        public static STTS AutoConvert(double Value = MTTM.Value, ETT Input = MTTM.InputType);
        public static Task<STTS> AutoConvertAsync(double Value = MTTM.Value, ETT Input = MTTM.InputType);


Name Description
Convert(double Value, string Input, string Output) Converts a time value from one unit to another specified unit.
ConvertAsync(double Value, string Input, string Output) Asynchronously converts a time value from one unit to another specified unit.
Convert(double Value, ETT Input, ETT Output) Converts a time value from one ETT enum value to another specified ETT enum value.
ConvertAsync(double Value, ETT Input, ETT Output) Asynchronously converts a time value from one ETT enum value to another specified ETT enum value.
AutoConvert(double Value, string Input) Automatically detects the input time unit and converts the value to all available units.
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