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Here We Will Be Learning About Basic Functions Of Python

What is Python?

Python is a highlevel programming language, hence which is also known as Object Oriented Language. It is the most easiest language to learn. It uses simple - basic syntaxe's which we will learn here. Python

Why Should I learn Python First? Why not to try some other Languages first like C/C++ ?

Hmmm, It's a good question. So basically as You know, Python is a very asy language as it uses Intrepreter to run the code. For Example if you put a code ->

            Hence Output -> 30
     But if you put C or D -> The code will not execute and hence it will show ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
                          <ipython-input-2-3984b433e022> in <module>
                            1 a=10
                            2 b=20
                      ----> 3 print(a+b+c)

                     NameError: name 'c' is not defined

This is why you should learn Python first, by using simple human language you can easily understand the concept of the language, Where as the language C / C++ contain's Compiler in which a Programmer must have to enter whole code correctly or else the whole programm will not run until and unless it is programmed again with correct statements and logic.

Example if you put code --->

                             #include <stdio.h>    
                    int main()
                  // Displays the string inside quotations
                      printf("C Programming");
                       return 0;
            The Output ---> C programming 
                      But if you code it worngly then ---->  gcc /tmp/BKVH65M3PR.c -lm
                                             /tmp/BKVH65M3PR.c: In function 'main':
                            /tmp/BKVH65M3PR.c:6:5: error: expected declaration or statement at end of input
                                6 |     return 0;
                                  |     ^~~~~~
             why error? becuase you forgot } in the end of the program   

So this is why you should learn Python first . These code are taken from

Now What Kind Of Software Should You Use?

See if your computer/Pc/Mac is good enough so you can download Python directly on you're computer. You can download from here Python, For Mac-Book Python, For Other Platform's Python. These all releases are Provided by Official Site Python

If you are not able to download Python on you're Window's don't be sad 😢, Because my Laptop too doesn't support . But don't worry you can use Anaconda-Distribution for using Python, This Anaconda Distribution is also Open-Source project, you can do changes in it. NOTE: Anaconda is a big file make sure you're computer/pc/laptop has enough memory/storage. Or else you can simpley use Google Collab Google-Collab This platform will help you to connect python and can help you to show how much data you're python is consuming here is the image as an example Screenshot . The Yellow Mark are the example you can change the name of the file and connect to python from the top right corner .

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You can Contact me through mail from here G-Mail, Lichess. Don't Worry it's Open-Source, You can create you're Own website after once you fork my reposirtory.

Now Some Coding Practice

So usually you have to start with basic's like


write the coding command - So the command is Print(a+b) = Output---> 30

Let's try some diffrent commands

  Int ---> a=10 
          print((a), type(a))
Output ---> 10<Class 'int'>  

  str  ---> a='10'
           print((a), type(a))

 Output ---> 10<Class 'str'>      

float  ---> a=10.0
           print((a), type(a))
Output ----> 10,0<Class 'float'>

Bool   ---> a=True
           print((a), type(a))
Output ---> True<Class 'bool'> 

Hence for clear Image you can see this image Screenshot

Connect With Me Digitally

dron1203005 ---> Follow Me On Instagram , Accepting New Message's .

The-User-Python ---> Follow Me on GitHub

What Kind Of Open-Source License Used To Build This Website

The website uses Apache-2.0 License. In this License user is allowed to fork the repository and can take source-code and can build his/her own website.


You can see clearly about the website License.

How much does Python language take to learn completely?

So, the language Python has many type of courses like Python-Core - You can see what comes under it, A beginner will take about 6-8 weeks to learn the fundamentals of Python. It takes that much time to learn how to understand most lines of code in Python. It would take significantly more time learning Python to move into a new career as a Python Developer.

Now come up to Advance-Python - Different estimates show it could take anywhere from three to 12 months to learn Python for data science. It can take longer than more general Python learning because Data Scientists use Python differently than a programmer would.

So, If you want to learn as an Indian please join this coaching classes ShivaConceptSolution

shivaconceptsolution ---> shivaconcept github account

What is the best software to put our code safe so that we can do changes whenever we wants to?

I would reccomend GitHub only, It is preety easy to use and understandable too. You can use BitBucket too for storing your source code. GitHub , BitBucket .

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