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DevTec edited this page Mar 20, 2022 · 14 revisions

Shared section

Class Description Wiki
MemoryAPI Get up-to-date information on the use of Java by the program MemoryAPI
Config Our own Configuration API Config
LibraryLoader Load or download specific library jar in runtime LibraryLoader
OfflineCache Helper for caching of offline player uuids & names OfflineCache
PlaceholderAPI Our own built-in placeholder api - this is not PAPI integration! PlaceholderAPI
PlaceholderExpansion Placeholder expansion module PlaceholderExpansion
Scheduler Asynchronous tasks scheduler
Tasker Similiar to BukkitRunnable but async
SocketClient Socket connection holder between SocketServers
Server Socket connection server
RankingAPI<K,V> Sort map by values
SortedAPI Sort map by keys/values and return ComparableObject<K,V>[] or Map<K,V>
DatabaseAPI Simple database management without the need to import various SQL classes or manually enter commands
ComponentAPI Converting String to our own Component which can be converted back to String, BaseComponent(BungeeCord api) or Component(Adventure api)
Json Simple json manipulation class - Converting Object to String or vice versa
JReader Json string reader and convertor from String to Object/s
JWriter Json string writer and convertor Object/s to String
Listener Our own async listeners holder - very similiar to bukkit one
EventHandler Event handler of async listener
Event Event class of async listener
NmsProvider Nms provider across Bukkit versions
Ref Reflections helper class
Animation Animations helper class (creator)
Compressors Compress or decompress byte[]
PercentageList Percentage list - get random value from "list" via percent
SpigotUpdateChecker Simple spigot update checker
Metrics Simple metrics holder class
StreamUtils Convert InputStream or File (FileInputStream) to the String
StringUtils Huge util of useful methods like colorizing string with gradient support
VersionChecker Compare two versions and return result if compared version is newer, older or same
API Side class with different types of methods

Bukkit section

Class Description Wiki
TabAPI Player tablist manager - Header, Footer and displayname in tablist
NameTagAPI Player nametag manager - Prefix, Tag color, Suffix and Team name (sorting in tablist)
ScoreboardAPI Scoreboard builder
SimpleScore Simple scoreboard manager
BukkitLoader Main class of the bukkit section
HolderGUI GUI interface
AnvilGUI Anvil GUI menu
GUI Chest GUI menu
ItemGUI Item Holder in HolderGUI with actions on use
EmptyItemGUI Item Holder in HolderGUI without actions
BossBar BossBar support for 1.7.10 - 1.8.8
ParticleAPI Sends a packet with particle to the players
ParticleData Particle class datas - Ex. for redstone, note or block crack
Particle Particle holder
voidGenerator_1_8 Void world generator for 1.7.10 - 1.8.8
voidGenerator_1_9 Void world generator for 1.9+
Position Class very similar to Location class from Bukkit with the difference that all methods of this class can be executed from async tasks
TheMaterial Class helping to convert bukkit ItemStack to NMS ItemStack, NMS Block and NMS IBlockData
ResourcePackAPI Resource pack manager for 1.8+
NmsProvider Provider class for nms
NBTEdit Editor of NBT
PacketHandler Handler for packet listeners
PacketListener Modify or block the sending/receiving of packets
PacketManager Manager of registered packet listeners
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