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Trident Build Status

The Trident project, the implementation of the new generation of multi-threaded, high-performance, and cleanroom Minecraft servers.

Latest Release

Getting the JAR

Method one: Build it yourself

If you have decided that our forms of distribution are questionable, or you would like to modify something before getting a JAR file, you want to build from the source directly.


  1. A computer
  2. Git
  3. Maven
  4. Java 8 JDK


Type in the following into the command line:

git clone -b [master|bleeding-edge]
cd Trident
mvn clean install

One would use master to ensure compatibility with the latest build of TridentSDK. Otherwise, for the most up-to-date (and potentially breaking) build of Trident, one would use bleeding-edge. If you are building the JAR yourself, it is your responsibility to know which one is right for you.

The built JAR will ./Trident/target/trident-*.jar

Method two: Download from Sonatype Nexus

For a precompiled solution, one which has passed the tests we have wrote, as well as if you are too lazy to download 2 files and install the Method one prerequeisites, you can download one yourself.


  1. A mouse
  2. A web browser
  3. A computer
  4. Java 8 JRE/JDK


  1. Click
  2. Click "Keep"

Method three: Get one from us

If we've released a JAR for you to use, it usually comes with a nice read. So if you like nice reads or the look of our official website, you can go rummage around the releases forum and look for a download link.


  1. A mouse
  2. A web browser
  3. A computer
  4. Java 8 JRE/JDK


  1. Nagigate to
  2. Scroll down the News list to the first release post
  3. Find the download link
  4. Click the download link