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YATBABEL: Yet Another Tutorial on Babel


Babel is a JavaScript transpiler that converts not only ECMAScript 2015+ but also JS extensions like JSX, Flow, TypeScript, and other proposals into JavaScript code that can run in any browser or JavaScript environment.

This tutorial is a collection of notes and examples when reading tutorials on

  • how to start using Babel,
  • how to write plugins,
  • how to write macros,
  • how to extend the parser, tokenizer and scope analyzer
  • What is TC39 and how to make proposals to TC39

Babel Configuration

See the Babel Configuration section.

Babel Help

➜  babel-learning git:(main) ✗ npx babel --help
Usage: babel [options] <files ...>

  -f, --filename [filename]                   The filename to use when reading from stdin. This will be used in source-maps, errors etc.
  --presets [list]                            A comma-separated list of preset names.
  --plugins [list]                            A comma-separated list of plugin names.
  --config-file [path]                        Path to a .babelrc file to use.
  --env-name [name]                           The name of the 'env' to use when loading configs and plugins. Defaults to the value of BABEL_ENV, or else
                                              NODE_ENV, or else 'development'.
  --root-mode [mode]                          The project-root resolution mode. One of 'root' (the default), 'upward', or 'upward-optional'.
  --source-type [script|module]               
  --no-babelrc                                Whether or not to look up .babelrc and .babelignore files.
  --ignore [list]                             List of glob paths to **not** compile.
  --only [list]                               List of glob paths to **only** compile.
  --no-highlight-code                         Enable or disable ANSI syntax highlighting of code frames. (on by default)
  --no-comments                               Write comments to generated output. (true by default)
  --retain-lines                              Retain line numbers. This will result in really ugly code.
  --compact [true|false|auto]                 Do not include superfluous whitespace characters and line terminators.
  --minified                                  Save as many bytes when printing. (false by default)
  --auxiliary-comment-before [string]         Print a comment before any injected non-user code.
  --auxiliary-comment-after [string]          Print a comment after any injected non-user code.
  -s, --source-maps [true|false|inline|both]  
  --source-map-target [string]                Set `file` on returned source map.
  --source-file-name [string]                 Set `sources[0]` on returned source map.
  --source-root [filename]                    The root from which all sources are relative.
  --module-root [filename]                    Optional prefix for the AMD module formatter that will be prepended to the filename on module definitions.
  -M, --module-ids                            Insert an explicit id for modules.
  --module-id [string]                        Specify a custom name for module ids.
  -x, --extensions [extensions]               List of extensions to compile when a directory has been the input. [.js,.jsx,.es6,.es,.mjs,.cjs]
  --keep-file-extension                       Preserve the file extensions of the input files.
  -w, --watch                                 Recompile files on changes.
  --skip-initial-build                        Do not compile files before watching.
  -o, --out-file [out]                        Compile all input files into a single file.
  -d, --out-dir [out]                         Compile an input directory of modules into an output directory.
  --relative                                  Compile into an output directory relative to input directory or file. Requires --out-dir [out]
  -D, --copy-files                            When compiling a directory copy over non-compilable files.
  --include-dotfiles                          Include dotfiles when compiling and copying non-compilable files.
  --no-copy-ignored                           Exclude ignored files when copying non-compilable files.
  --verbose                                   Log everything. This option conflicts with --quiet
  --quiet                                     Don't log anything. This option conflicts with --verbose
  --delete-dir-on-start                       Delete the out directory before compilation.
  --out-file-extension [string]               Use a specific extension for the output files
  -V, --version                               output the version number
  -h, --help                                  display help for command

Compile JavaScript with Babel

npx babel src/input.js --out-dir lib --presets=@babel/env

➜  babel-learning git:(main) cat src/input.js 
const fn = () => 1;
➜  babel-learning git:(main) ✗ npx babel src/input.js --out-dir lib --presets=@babel/env
Successfully compiled 1 file with Babel (465ms).
➜  babel-learning git:(main) ✗ cat lib/input.js
"use strict";

var fn = function fn() {
  return 1;


You can also call babel.transformSync from your own program with the code as the first argument and an option object specifying the presets and plugins:

➜ babel-learning git:(main) ✗ cat src/hello-babel.js

const babel = require("@babel/core");

const code = `
let f = (x) => console.log(x);
f("Hello, Babel!");
const result = babel.transformSync(
    presets: ["@babel/preset-env"], // for compiling ES2015+ syntax
    plugins: ["@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions"]

When executed we get:

➜ babel-learning git:(main) ✗ node src/hello-babel.js

"use strict";

var f = function f(x) {
  return console.log(x);
f("Hello, Babel!");

Babel, the Web and Source Maps

See section /src/babel-tutorial/


Babylon was the parser that Babel used to parse JavaScript code. Not any more. Now Babel uses @babel/parser which is a fork of Babylon. See src/hello-babylon.mjs for an example of using Babylon.


See section It includes an example using the modules babel-traverse and babel-generator and compact-js-ast

Writing my first Babel Plugin

See section

Visiting the AST in a Babel Plugin

See section Visiting

Manipulating the AST in a Babel Plugin

See section Manipulation

Babel Template and Babel Types and Babel Generator

See section doc/

For another example using templates see section Babel Templates at file /src/manipulating-ast-with-js/


See section Scope

Plugin Options

See section Plugin Options

Babel Handbook at jamiebuilds/babel-handbook

Babel Plugin Examples

Babel Macros


Reproducing Nicolo Ribaudo's talk at HolyJS 2019

See chapter Reproducing Nicolo Ribaudo's talk at HolyJS 2019

The Babel Parser


Project "Creating custom JavaScript syntax with Babel"

See Commented Reading of "Creating custom JavaScript syntax with Babel"


See section Exercises.


See section References.


Make a fork of this repo, make your changes and make a pull request.

  • If you find a type, an error, make an issue or let us know in the Discussions.
  • If you find an interesting reference, tutorial, etc. please let us know either by modifying the doc/ file followed by the pull request or just make an issue.