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ncappc: NCA Calculations and Population Model Diagnosis

Travis-CI Build Status AppVeyor status CRAN_Status_Badge

A flexible tool that can perform:

  1. Traditional non-compartmental analysis (NCA) and
  2. Simulation-based posterior predictive checks for population pharmacokinetic (PK) and/or pharmacodynamic (PKPD) models using NCA metrics.


You need to have R installed. Download the latest version of R from Install ncappc in R using one of the following methods:

  • latest stable release -- From CRAN. Write at the R command line:
  • Latest development version -- from Github. Note that the command below installs the "master" (development) branch; if you want the release branch from Github add ref="release" to the install_github() call. The install_github() approach requires that you build from source, i.e. make and compilers must be installed on your system -- see the R FAQ for your operating system; you may also need to install dependencies manually.