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UniCourt Python SDK

The UniCourt SDK provides simplified access to the UniCourt API for applications written in the Python programming language.


See the API documentation here : UniCourt API docs.

See the UniCourt data model here (requires UniCourt account): UniCourt Data Model.


  • Python >=3.7


You can use the source code if you want to modify the package and use it as per your need. If you just want to use the package, just run:

pip install --upgrade unicourt

Install from source :

python install

Pre-request and Configuration

You need a UniCourt account with API access : Subscription Plans

You will find clientId and secret here: Client Secrets

Getting Started

The Python script you see here takes two command line arguments i.e clientId and secret, to execute the script copy and paste the code to a file ( and run the script in a terminal as shown in the example below.

Example :

  • python [your client id] [your secret]
  • python G3cfixgetVzfaoszGOBp5LPGtih1nMJ9 u6PTti57IjPlrwU5MzOwLBD2MCwx-IEbo8sTStTivh1I-EqQ8Jcm27Gfo2GhpHCw
import unicourt
from unicourt import *

# Get CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET from your account
unicourt.CLIENT_ID = "G3cfixgetVzfaoszGOBp5LPGtih1nMJ9"
unicourt.CLIENT_SECRET = "u6PTti57IjPlrwU5MzOwLBD2MCwx-IEbo8sTStTivh1I-EqQ8Jcm27Gfo2GhpHCw"

# Authenticate to generate a access token, below line will return
# a tuple consisting of authentication object and http status code.
# You can generate up to 10 authentication tokens so be sure to use
# invalidate_token() method to invalidate the token once you are done
# or store the token securely and use it for subsequent requests.
auth_obj, http_status_code = Authentication.generate_new_token()

# Get Area Of Law details.
court_standards_obj, http_status_code = CourtStandards.get_areas_of_law(
    q='name:"Personal Injury"',
for court_standard_obj in court_standards_obj.area_of_law_array:
    print("Area Of Law Id : ", court_standard_obj.area_of_law_id)

# Get Judge details.
judge_obj, http_status_code = JudgeAnalytics.search_normalized_judges(
    q="name:(ANN H. PARK)")
for judge in judge_obj.norm_judge_search_result_array:
    print("Norm Judge Id :", judge.norm_judge_id)

# Get Attorney details.
attorney_obj, http_status_code = AttorneyAnalytics.search_normalized_attorneys(
    q="name:(PURDY STUART JAMES)",
for attorney in attorney_obj.norm_attorney_search_result_array:
    print("Attorney Name :",
    print("Norm Attorney Id :", attorney.norm_attorney_id)

# Invalidate the generated access token

Python Error Exceptions

SDK will throw Python error exceptions in the below mentioned scenario's.

  • When the request agruments or data passed to the SDK functions are incorrect.

    Example :

    Callback.get_callbacks() got an unexpected keyword argument 'vardate'
  • When the sever sends any error response.

    Example :

    Reason: Internal Server Error
    HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Date': 'Tue, 13 Aug 2024 09:31:41 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '145', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Apigw-Requestid': 'ccMvJhfYoAMEWzA='})
    HTTP response body: {"object": "Exception", "code": "UN500", "message": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "details": "Has encountered a situation which needs to be handled."}
  • When the response has any new values which are not supported by the SDK. This can occur only when using the older version of SDK.

    Example :

    1 validation error for ServiceStatusDownDetails
      Value error, must be one of enum values ('issueAtTheCourtSource', 'notIntegrated', 'brokenIntegration') [type=value_error, input_value='underMaintenance', input_type=str]
        For further information visit