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A dataset of instance-level text genre annotations from the paper:

"UD-MULTIGENRE - a UD-based dataset of instance-level genre annotations" (Danilova & Stymne, MRL-WS EMNLP 2023)

It is a reorganization of 63 treebanks from UD version 2.11 Universal Dependencies. It currently covers 17 text genres in 38 languages. In addition, the test set currently includes data from 17 treebanks for five genres and 14 low-resource languages (119k tokens and 7.2k sentences).

The dataset enables new research as well as re-evaluation and a deeper understanding of prior research on genre-based data selection for cross-lingual dependency parsing. In addition, it is highly relevant for the research direction that investigates cross-lingual genre representation and classification.

The repository contains the following data:

  • train:dev Under each genre-specific directory, you'll find a list of treebank folders with the corresponding training and development .conllu and .txt files
  • test In each genre-specific directory, you'll find a list of treebank folders with test data in .conllu and .txt formats
  • genre_prefix_map.json This file stores the details on the identified sources for each prefix pattern. It has the following levels:
    • Level-1: Genre
    • Level-2: Language
    • Level-3: Treebank name
    • Level-4: Prefix patterns accompanied with descriptions and source where possible:
    "QA": {
        "Dutch": {
            "Alpino": {
                "sent_id = qa": "questions  used in a QA project (source)[]",
                "sent_id = wpspel": "questions  used in a QA project (source)[]"
        "English": {
            "EWT": {
                "sent_id = answers": "Question-answers are posts from Yahoo!s community-driven question-answering web site, Yahoo! Answers, where individuals submit and answer questions which may be on any topic. This data was collected in 2011 (source)[]"

nopattern value of prefix pattern is used for single-genre treebanks where the whole treebank is assigned to a specific genre.

  • evaluation_scores_LAS.csv contains the table of LAS scores achieved by genre-specific parsers on 14 low-resource targets. For five text genres (social, fiction, news, wiki, spoken), parsers were trained on gold UD-MULTIGENRE and on the data generated using the clustering-based approach. The details can be found in the paper cited above.

  • build to build this dataset, clone and from the build folder run

$ python3 /path/to/Universal_Dependencies_2.11_folder

Genre selection criteria

Genre In UD Criteria
academic Scientific articles and reports from different fields (medicine, oil and gas, humanities, computer science), and popular science articles
blog Texts proceeding from blogging platforms like WordPress
email Email messages
fiction Fiction novels, stories, fairy tales. Documentation and patterns tend to include author or story names
guide Wikihow, travel guides, instructions
interviews Prepared interviews with celebrities, politicians, and businessmen
learner_essays Essays of language learners on different topics that tend to contain grammar errors
legal Legal and administrative texts, including texts from governmental websites
news Mainstream daily (online) news, Wikinews. We stick to short articles and exclude long-read newspaper articles since they often belong to popular science
nonfiction_prose Documentary prose, biographies, autobiographical narratives, memoirs, essays
parliament Transcriptions of parliamentary speeches and debates
QA Data from Question Answering competitions
reviews Messages containing reviews and opinions
social Informal social media posts and discussions (e.g., Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, forum messages, and comments, etc.)
spoken Transcriptions of spontaneous spoken speech: monologues and conversations
textbook Educational literature, textbooks
wiki Main Wikipedia articles. Wikihow, Wikinews, Wikitravel, and Wikianswers are not considered in this category


Vera Danilova and Sara Stymne. 2023. UD-MULTIGENRE – a UD-Based Dataset Enriched with Instance-Level Genre Annotations. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Multi-lingual Representation Learning (MRL), pages 253–267, Singapore. Association for Computational Linguistics.


From v 1.0 to 1.1

  • added guide data for English and Swedish (Microsoft 2002 Online Help manual, LinES treebank)
  • added interview data for Western Armenian
  • removed Western Armenian from reviews
  • removed academic (specifically, instances corresponding to EMEA reports) from Romanian and French due to mixed genre (instructions, academic)
  • removed Turkish from guide due to mixed genre (non-fiction, recipe)
  • removed Bulgarian from interview due to mixed genre (interview, news)