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A few tools to help with Gentoo overlay maintenance


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Provides certain tools to be run on the overlay directory. See individual commands help for details.

This is a small collection of tools to help automate some tasks related to Gentoo overlay maintenance.

It can:

  • Generate a README like this.
  • Look up a package in remotes and tell if a new version is available.
  • Look up a package on and show the newest known versions.

Getting started


Install the project from PyPI:

$ pip install --user overlay-maintain-tools

Or from nitratesky overlay:

$ eselect repository enable nitratesky && emerge -a1 app-portage/overlay-maintain-tools

Sample usage

The overlay directory is at /srv/overlay. To generate a README with the badges, create a skeleton template (like the one in repo) and run:

$ overlay_maintain_tools --overlay-dir /srv/overlay mkreadme --skeleton-file /path/to/readme.template

To generate a report on packages versions in overlay, make sure that metadata.xml file has remotes set and run:

$ overlay_maintain_tools --overlay-dir /srv/overlay check-remote-versions

To look up versions in repology, create a file with mapping between package atoms and project names in repology and specify it when running the script:

$ cat /srv/overlay/repology_cache
net-news/newsboat newsboat
$ overlay_maintain_tools --overlay-dir /srv/overlay check-repology --repology-cache-location /srv/overlay/repology_cache



$ overlay_maintain_tools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

General Options:

  • --version: Show version and exit.
  • --overlay-dir PATH: Specify location for overlay. [default: .]
  • --worker-count INTEGER RANGE: Number of workers for creating package cache. [default: 8]
  • --quiet: Suppresses output. For commands checking versions exit code 100 means newer versions are available. [default: False]
  • --install-completion: Install completion for the current shell.
  • --show-completion: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

These options can be specified for any COMMAND except for create-config which ignores these options.


  • check-remote-versions: Prints report on the versions of packages.
  • check-repology: Returns versions known to repology.
  • mkreadme: Creates a README for an overlay.


overlay_maintain_tools mkreadme

Creates a README for an overlay. The generated README can utilize data on packages available in the overlay and their versions. For sample template, see the documentation.


$ overlay_maintain_tools mkreadme [OPTIONS]


  • --skeleton-file PATH: The file containing README template. Should be inside the template directory.
  • --template-dir DIRECTORY: Template directory. Can be specified if more complex jinja2 templates will be used.
  • --output PATH: Where to save the resulting README. If not supplied - print to stdout.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

overlay_maintain_tools check-remote-versions

Prints report on the versions of packages. Checks versions available upstream. Pulls the data from remotes specified inside tag in metadata.xml


$ overlay_maintain_tools check-remote-versions [OPTIONS]


  • --show-updates-only: Shows only packages that have updates with links to remotes_with_new_versions.
  • --background: Suppress output of this subcommand completely. Exit code = 100 denotes that there are updates in remotes
  • --color: Enable/disable color in output
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

overlay_maintain_tools check-repology

Returns versions known to repology. Reported versions will be newer than ones in overlay.


$ overlay_maintain_tools check-repology [OPTIONS]


  • --repology-cache-location PATH: Path to file with the mappings between overlay package and repology project
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

Contrib directory

There are shell completions for bash and zsh (generated through typer).