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Reviewing log information

Michael DeGuzis edited this page May 23, 2017 · 6 revisions

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Where to find crash logs and other output

Logs In many cases, reviewing the logs under /tmp/dumps/ can help. You will see crash logs and typically a "steam_stdout.txt" log which will contain useful information.

Steam Client logs

  • /home/steam/.local/share/Steam
  • /home/steam/.steam

steamos-autorepair logs

Use systemd's journalctl command for this:

sudo journalctl -u steamos-autorepair.service

Upgrade logs

  • /var/log/unattended-upgrades

How else can I review what is going on?

Since SteamOS runs in its own session, under the steamcompmgr compositor, it is not easy to just fire up a terminal in desktop mode and run steam. The logs mentioned at the top of this page should be sufficient for reporting issues.

What should I do with these logs?

Please paste the logs into a GitHub Gist and provide the link in your issues submission. If you are in SteamOS itself, using an SSH connection, or unable to use the desktop, will work as an alternative, due to issues with piping commands to pastebinit.


cat log.txt | curl -F 'sprunge=<-'
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