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Releases: Vantiv/cnp-sdk-for-dotnet


25 Jun 13:02
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==Version 12.37.0 (v12.37.0)(June 25, 2024) contains v12.37,12.36,12.35 & 12.34

• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New existing 'postCheckoutRedirectUrl' with min length '1' and maxlength '200'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New enum 'provider' is added with value 'AFFIRM'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex type 'inquiryResultType' is added with simple element 'response' of 'responseType' and 'message' of 'messageType'.
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLAuthorizationRequest' is added with added with few simple elements and few complex elements- simple elements 'amount','orderId' ,'provider' of type 'provider' and complex elements 'customerInfo','billToAddress','shipToAddress','enhancedData','postCheckoutRedirectUrl'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLAuthResponse' is added with few simple elements ,existing simple elements 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location' and 'checkoutUrl'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLCaptureRequest' is added with existing simple element 'amount','orderId','cnpTxnId'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLCaptureResponse' is added with existing simple element 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLRefundRequest' is added with existing simple element 'amount','orderId','cnpTxnId'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLRefundResponse' is added with existing simple element 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLCancelRequest' is added with existing simple element 'amount','orderId','cnpTxnId'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLCancelResponse' is added with existing simple element 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLInquiryRequest' is added with existing simple element 'orderId','cnpTxnId'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLInquiryResponse' is added with existing simple element 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location' and complex element 'inquiryResult' of 'inquiryResultType'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] new Enum is added 'accountFundingTransactionTypeEnum' with new values 'accountToAccount','agentCashOut','bankInitiated','businessDisbursement','businessToBusinessTransfer','debitPrepaidAccount','fundsDisbursement','fundTransfer','governmentNonProfitDisbursement','paymentOfOwnCreditCardBill','payrollDisbursement','personToPerson','personToPersonCardAccount','rapidMerchantSettlement','topUp','walletTransfer'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] new Enum is added 'accountFundingTransactionAccountNumberTypeEnum' with new values 'other','RTNAndBAN','IBAN','cardAccount','email','phoneNumber','BANAndBIC','walletID','socialNetworkID'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] New complex 'finicityAccountRequest' element is added with simple element 'echeckCustomerId' of type 'string25Type'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] New complex 'finicityAccountResponse' element is added with simple elements 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location' and new complex element 'finicityAccount' of type 'finicityAccountInfoType'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] To support 'finicityAccount' new complex type 'finicityAccountInfoType' is added with simple element accountId' of 'string','accType' of type 'echeckAccountTypeEnum','realAccNum' of 'echeckAccountNumberType','routingNum' of 'routingNumberType'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] new element 'fraudCheckAction' of 'fraudCheckActionEnum' is added in Authorization, sale request.
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] New values added 'APPROVED_SKIP_FRAUD_CHECK','DECLINED_NEED_FRAUD_CHECK' to existing 'fraudCheckActionEnum'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] New simple element 'accountId' of type 'string' is added in 'echeckType' existing complex type.
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] new simple elements are added in existing complex element accountFundingTransactionData,'receiverAccountNumberType' of 'accountFundingTransactionAccountNumberTypeEnum' and 'accountFundingTransactionType' of 'accountFundingTransactionTypeEnum'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] In existing Enum businessIndicatorEnum new values 'personToPersonCardAccount','debitPrepaidAccount','paymentOfOwnCreditCardBill','businessDisbursement','businessToBusinessTransfer','governmentNonProfitDisbursement','rapidMerchantSettlement','agentCashOut' are added.
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] New Enum 'stateTypeEnum' is added with values 'AL','AK','AZ','AR','CA','CO','CT','DE','DC','FL','GA','HI','ID','IL','IN','IA','KS','KY','LA','ME','MD','MA','MI','MN','MS','MO','MT','NE','NV','NH','NJ','NM','NY','NC','ND','OH','OK','OR','PA','RI','SC','SD','TN','TX','UT','VT','VA','WA','WV','WI','WY','AB','BC','MB','NB','NL','NT','NS','ON','PE','QC','SK','YT','NU'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] In existing Enum fulfilmentMethodTypeEnum new values 'STANDARD_SHIPPING' and 'EXPEDITED_SHIPPING'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] In existing Enum orderChannelEnum new values 'SCAN_AND_GO' and 'SMART_TV'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] New complex element 'accountFundingTransactionData' added with below simple elements receiverFirstName of 'string35Type' ,'receiverLastName' of 'string35Type','receiverState' of 'stateTypeEnum',''receiverCountry' of 'countryTypeEnum' and 'receiverAccountNumber' of 'string50Type'
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] 'accountFundingTransactionData' is added in Authorization,sale,credit,capturegiventAuth and FORCECapture request.
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] For existing simple element 'amount' simple type is changed from 'transactionAmountType' to 'achTransactionAmountType' in transactions- vendorCredit,vendorDebit,submerchantCredit,submerchantDebit,payFacDebit,payFacCredit,reserveCredit,reserveDebit
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] Added new simple type 'achTransactionAmountType' to support 'amount'.
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] Added 'accountToAccount','bankInitiated','fundsDisbursement','payrollDisbursement','personToPerson','topUp' in existing enum businessIndicatorEnum.
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] For existing element 'origId' from 'queryTransaction' simpletype changed from 'string25Type' to 'stringMin1Max36CollapseWhiteSpaceType'.
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] New request element 'finicityUrlRequest' is added with subfeilds-'firstName','lastName','phoneNumber','email'.
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] New response element 'finicityUrlResponse' is added with subfeilds-'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location','echeckCustomerId','url'.
• Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] New simple element 'echeckCustomerId' is added existing complex type 'echeckType'.


10 Jan 13:58
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==Version: 12.33.0 (Jan 10, 2024)
Note: It contains changes from cnpAPI v12.32 and v12.33. In case you need any feature supported by cnpAPI v12.32 and v12.33.please use SDK version 12.33.0.

  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.33] Added new simple types numberOfPeriods of type digit,string10Type
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.33] Added new simple element shipmentId
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.33] new complex element subscription is added with few simple elements subscriptionId ,nextDeliveryDate ,periodUnit ,numberOfPeriods ,regularItemPrice ,currentPeriod
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.33] Added new Enum periodUnit of type enum with values WEEK,MONTH,QUARTER,YEAR
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.32] simple type of customerIpAddress is changed from ipAddress to newly added simpletype stringipAddress


11 Jul 11:04
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==Version 12.31.0 (July 11, 2023)
Note : It contains changes from cnpAPI v12.31. In case you need any feature supported by cnpAPI v12.31, please use SDK version 12.30.0

  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.31] Added new Enum foreignRetailerIndicatorEnum with value F
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.31] Added new Element-foreignRetailerIndicator in sale,capture,forceCapture,captureGivenAuth requests.


21 Mar 10:11
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==Version 12.30.0 (March 21, 2023)

  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.30] Added new Element authIndicator for authorization
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.30] Added new values - Estimated and Incremental in authIndicatorEnum
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.30] Added new Element amount for authorization for cnpTxnId.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.29] Added new Element sellerInfo for authorization and sale
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.29] Added new Element sellerAddress in SellerInfo
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.29] Added new Element sellerTagsType in SellerInfo
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.29] New elements accountNumber, aggregateOrderCount, aggregateOrderDollars, sellerAddress, createdDate,
    domain, email,lastUpdateDate, name, onboardingEmail, onboardingIpAddress, parentEntity, phone,
    sellerId,sellerTags and username in SellerInfo.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.29] New elements sellerStreetaddress, sellerUnit, sellerPostalcode, sellerCity, sellerProvincecode,sellerCountrycode in
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.28] Added new value - MIT in orderChannelEnum


19 Oct 14:59
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==Version 12.27.0 (October 19, 2022)
Note: It contains changes from cnpAPI v12.25, v12.26 & v12.27. In case you need any feature supported by cnpAPI v12.25, v12.26 & v12.27, please use SDK version 12.27.0

  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.27] Added new Element AuthMax in Authorization/ Sale Response
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.27] Added new elements authMaxApplied, networkTokenApplied, networkToken, authMaxResponseCode, authMaxResponseMessage in new element AuthMax
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.27] Added new values FIFA, FIVC, FISC, FISD, FIPC, FIPD, FIRC, FIRD in existing actionTypeEnum Enum
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.26] Added new Element passengerTransportData for authorization/sale/capture/forceCapture/captureGivenAuth/credit/depositTransactionReversal/refundTransactionReversal
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.26] Added new elements passengerName, ticketNumber, issuingCarrier, carrierName, restrictedTicketIndicator, numberOfAdults, numberOfChildren, customerCode, arrivalDate, issueDate, travelAgencyCode, travelAgencyName, computerizedReservationSystem, creditReasonIndicator, ticketChangeIndicator, ticketIssuerAddress, exchangeTicketNumber, exchangeAmount, exchangeFeeAmount, tripLegData are added for new element passengerTransportData.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.26] Added new elements tripLegNumber, departureCode, carrierCode, serviceClass, stopOverCode, destinationCode, fareBasisCode, departureDate, originCity, travelNumber, departureTime, arrivalTime added in new element in tripLegData.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.25] Added existing Elements additionalCOFData in authReversal/credit
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.25] Added new Elements to support Guaranteed Payments for Authorization/Sale-overridePolicy, fsErrorCode, merchantAccountStatus, productEnrolled, decisionPurpose, fraudSwitchIndicator.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.25] Added a new Enum productEnrolledEnum(GUARPAY1,GUARPAY2,GUARPAY3) to support productEnrolled
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.25] Added a new Enum decisionPurposeEnum(CONSIDER_DECISION,INFORMATION_ONLY) to support decisionPurpose
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.25] Added a new Enum fraudSwitchIndicatorEnum(PRE,POST) to support fraudSwitchIndicator
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.25] Added new Elements to support Cruise Lines for lodgingInfo element for Authorization/Sale :- bookingID, passengerName, propertyAddress( name,city,region, country), travelPackageIndicator, smokingPreference, numberOfRooms, tollFreePhoneNumber.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.25] Added a new Enum travelPackageIndicatorEnum(CarRentalReservation,AirlineReservation,Both,Unknown) to support travelPackageIndicator


21 Apr 10:29
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  • BugFix: Starting with CNP API v12.3, threatMetrixSessionId is deprecated. Use webSessionId instead. The use and structure is identical.


19 Apr 11:30
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==Version 12.24.0 (April 18, 2022)
Note: It contains changes from cnpAPI v12.23. In case you need any feature supported by cnpAPI v12.23, please use SDK version 12.24.0

  • Change: Vantiv.CnpSdkForNet will support .NET Framework v4.7.2 & above. This change is applicable from SDK v12.15.1.
  • Change: .NET Framework v4.7.2 supported System.Net.Http version is included with this release as a NuGet dependency.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added a new value in businessIndicatorEnum to support businessIndicator element :buyOnlinePickUpInStore.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added new element :orderChannel for Auth/sale transaction request.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added new elements(accountUsername, userAccountNumber, userAccountEmail, membershipId, membershipPhone, membershipEmail, membershipName, accountCreatedDate and userAccountPhone) in customerInfo type.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added new elements:sellerId , url to support contact type which is referenced by retailerAddress
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added new elements retailerAddress,additionalCOFData to support Auth/Sale/CaptureGivenAuth.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added a new elements:discountCode,discountPercent,fulfilmentMethodType in enhancedData.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added a new elements:itemCategory,itemSubCategory,productId,productName in LineItemData
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added a new values in businessIndicatorEnum to support businessIndicator element :highRiskSecuritiesPurchase,fundTransfer,walletTransfer
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added OrderChannelEnum to support element :orderChannel for Auth/sale transaction request.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added fulfilmentMethodTypeEnum to support element fulfilmentMethodType in enhancedData type
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added new value in frequencyOfMITEnum: Annually(It was Anually- Incorrect spelling in earlier version.)
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added new element crypto to support Auth/Sale/CaptureGivenAuth.
  • Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added new element fraudCheckStatus to support Auth/Sale.


07 Apr 09:02
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==Version 12.22.0 (March 25, 2022)
Note1 : Required .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET Framework builds will now need to be 4.7.2 or greater)
Note2: It contains changes from cnpAPI v12.20 & v12.21. In case you need any feature supported by cnpAPI v12.20 or v12.21, please use SDK version 12.22.0.
*Feature: [cnpAPI v12.22] New element vendorAddress is added in vendorCredit and vendorDebit transaction type.
*Feature: [cnpAPI v12.22] Optional element cardholderAddress is added to fastAccessFunding transaction type.
*Feature: [cnpAPI v12.22] New addressType is added to support vendorAddress and cardholderAddress.
*Feature: [cnpAPI v12.21] fraudCheck authenticationValue can support upto 512 characters now.
*Feature: [cnpAPI v12.20] New methodOfPaymentTypeEnum value IC for Interac Payment has been added.
*BugFix: Invalid methodOfPaymentTypeEnum.BL has been corrected to PL.


25 Mar 07:21
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==Version 12.19.0 (March 24, 2022)

  • Feature: OrderID element now supports 256 characters.
  • Feature: Optional OrderID element is supported in Capture and Credit transactions.
  • Feature: transactionReversal transaction is not supported in and after cnpAPI v12.19. It has been split into two different transactions:
    - depositTransactionReversal
    - refundTransactionReversal


24 Mar 14:19
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==Version 12.17.3 (March 23, 2022)
BugFix: Fixed echeckAccountTypeEnum.CorpSavings for echeckTokenType