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This repo is my neovim configuration based on AstroNvim project.

  Preview

  Features

It provides all basic features of basic AstroNvim except following:

  • Dashboard
  • Which-key

Additionally you can find here:

 Requirements

  Installation

To install configuration you should only clone this repo to lua/user folder in AstroNvim config (default: ~/.config/nvim).

git clone ~/.config/nvim/lua/user

  Basic Setup

  Install LSP

Enter :LspInstall followed by the name of the server you want to install

Example: :LspInstall pyright

  Install language parser

Enter :TSInstall followed by the name of the language you want to install

Example: :TSInstall python

  Manage plugins

Run :PackerClean to remove any disabled or unused plugins

Run :PackerSync to update and clean plugins

  Default mappings

Shortcut Function
Space+w Toggle terminal
Space+e Toggle Neotree
Space+t Open Telescope
Space+s Live grep
Space+f Live find
gD Go to declaration of current symbol
gd Show the definition of current symbol
gI Go to implementation of current symbol
Space+/ Toggle comment line
md Toggle markdown preview in browser