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forked from thanoulis/tpmg

simple zenity/kdialog/etc replacement written in core Tcl/Tk


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tpmg is a Poor Man's GUI much like zenity or kdialog written in core Tcl/Tk.


Calendar dialog

  • description:

    Display a date selection dialog.

    Date format can be customized with --format option.

    Format options are almost the same with date utility from coreutils.

    See man n clock or man 1 date for details.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Select Date"
    --format= string format date "%a %d %b %Y"
    --day= integer set initial day current day
    --month= integer set initial month current month
    --year= integer set initial year current year
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    1 255
  • example:

    tpmg --calendar --title="Select a date" --format="%d%m%y" \
      --day="18" --month="3" --year="1986"
  • screenshot:


Color dialog

  • description:

    Displays a color selection dialog. Appearance depends on platform.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Select a Color"
    --color= hexcolor set initial color "#d9d9d9"
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    color 1 255
  • example:

    tpmg --color --title="Choose Color" --color="#eed421"
  • screenshot:


Directory dialog

  • description:

    Display a directory select dialog. Appearance depends on platform.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Select a Directory"
    --exist directory must exist
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    directory 1 255
  • example:

    tpmg --directory --title="Select a Directory" --exist
  • screenshot:


Entry dialog

  • description:

    Display any number of entry dialogs. Default is one.

    Configuration is done through --text option, with comma separated label texts, as in example below.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Enter Text"
    --text= csv set label text "Enter text below:"
    --default= csv set initial text
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    entry list 1 255
  • example:

    tpmg --entry --title="Personal Information" \
      --text="First name:,Last name:,email:" \
      --default=",,[email protected]"
  • screenshot:


FileSave dialog

  • description:

    Display a file save dialog. Appearance depends on platform.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Save File"
    --ext= csv set filetype filter show all files
    --file= path set initial file
    --noconfirm do not confirm on overwrite confirm overwrite
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    file path 1 255
  • example:

    tpmg --filesave --title="Save File" --file="~/myfile.txt" --noconfirm
  • screenshot:


FileSelect dialog

  • description:

    Display a file selection dialog. Appearance depends on platform.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Select Files"
    --ext= csv set filetype filter show all files
    --single single file selection
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    file list 1 255
  • example:

    tpmg --fileselect --title="Select a File" --ext="*.txt,*" --single
  • screenshot:


Information dialog

  • description:

    Display an information dialog. Supports icons for info, error, question and warning.

    Can have a combination of buttons, as okcancel, yesno, retrycancel, etc.

    Main message is bold and equals to the first non option string.

    All other strings are message details, with every string represent a line.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title
    --icon= icon1 icon to use in dialog info
    --button= button2 buttons to use in dialog ok
    first string string main message (in bold)
    other string string message details
    --help this help

    1: info error question warning
    2: ok okcancel yesno yesnocancel retrycancel abortretryignore

  • returns:

    the button2 name

  • example:

    tpmg --information --title="Are you sure?" --icon="question" \
      --button="yesnocancel" "All data will be wiped!" \
      "This action cannot be undone." "Proceed?"
  • screenshot:


List dialog

  • description:

    Display an option list with radio, combobox, check buttons or menu items. Default type is check buttons.

    Configuration is done through --options option, with comma separated list, much like in Entry dialog.

    Can also set the "default" option in a radio/combobox/menu list, or toggle default values in the check list.

    The following example shows how.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Set Options"
    --text= string set label text "Set options below:"
    --type= radio|combo|menu|check set list type check
    --options= csv set options list
    --default= radio:string
    default option
    default option
    default menu item
    set option to true
    --anchor= w|e|c list placement in window w
    --edit can edit combobox read only
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    radio: selected option 1 255
    combo: selected option 1 255
    menu : clicked item 1 255
    check: true|false list 1 255
  • example:

    tpmg --list --title="Select filetype" --text="Select filetype:" \
      --type="radio" --options="Text File,RTF Document,Word Document" \
      --default="Text File" --anchor="w"
  • screenshot:


Notification popup

  • description:

    Display a notification popup.

    Does not need a running notification daemon.

    Notification popup will close when clicked, or after delay seconds.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "tPMG Notification"
    --delay= integer set timeout (seconds) 5
    --geometry= widthxheight±X±Y set popup geometry 1 upper right corner
    --icon= icon2 icon to use
    --background= hexcolor set background color orange
    --foreground= hexcolor set foreground color black
    other strings string text to show
    --help this help

    width: popup width in pixels
    height: popup height in pixels
    X: popup X position on screen
    Y: popup Y position on screen
    widthxheight or ±X±Y can be omitted
    2: info error question warning

  • returns:

    OK Error
    ok 255
  • example:

    tpmg --notification --title="Notify Sith Lord" --delay="10" \
      --geometry="200x50+0+0" --icon="error" \
      --background="#f8a300" --foreground="#000000" \
      "System failure" "Cannot execute order: 66"
  • screenshot:


Password dialog

  • description:

    Display a classic username/password dialog.

    Username entry can be omitted.

    Password entry hides text with asterisks.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Login As"
    --nousername hide the "Username" entry
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    1 255
  • example:

    tpmg --password --title="Welcome $USER" --nousername
  • screenshot:


Progress dialog

  • description:

    Display a progress bar dialog.

    Progress dialog reads data from stdin line by line.

    Lines must be prefixed with tpmg:, or are ignored.

    If text is a number, the progress bar advances to that number.

    Else, it updates the label text.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Show Progress"
    --text= string set label text
    --color= hexcolor set progress bar color Tk default
    --pulse pulsating progress bar
    --auto close window on completion
    --max= integer set max value 100
    --value= integer set initial bar value 0
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    ok 1 255
  • example:

    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    echo "tpmg:Starting jobs..."; sleep 1
    echo "tpmg:30"; echo "tpmg:Setting variables..."; sleep 1
    echo "tpmg:70"; echo "tpmg:Clearing cache..."; sleep 1
    echo "This line will be ignored"; sleep 1
    echo "tpmg:100"; echo "tpmg:Done."
    ) | tpmg --progress --color="#948b84" --auto
  • screenshot:


  • bugs:

    Wrong behavior on pulsating progress bar (not critical).

Scale dialog

  • description:

    Display a scale dialog. Min, max and current value can be configured.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Adjust Value"
    --text= string set label text "Adjust value below:"
    --min= integer set min value 0
    --max= integer set max value 100
    --value= integer set initial value 0
    --step= integer set step size 1
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    scale 1 255
  • example:

    tpmg --scale --title="Adjust Transparency" \
      --text="Choose window transparency:" \
      --min="0" --max="100" --value="20"
  • screenshot:


Text dialog

  • description:

    Display a text information dialog.

    Text can be from file, from command line in the form of every string is a new line and from standard input.

    In case of multiple inputs, will concatenate the text, with file->string->stdin hierarchy.

  • options:

    option type description default
    --title= string set window title "Show Text"
    --file= path text file to show
    --edit can edit text no edit
    --font= font font to use "TkFixedFont"
    other strings string text body (every string is a new line)
    --help this help
  • returns:

    OK Cancel Error
    ok 1 255
  • example:

    tpmg --text --title="README" --file="~/README.txt" \
      --edit --font="{DejaVu Sans Mono} 12 bold"
  • screenshot:



  • Tcl version 8.6 or later.

  • Tk version 8.6 or later.

For Microsoft Windows users:


tpmg is licensed under the MIT License.

Read LICENSE for details.


simple zenity/kdialog/etc replacement written in core Tcl/Tk







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  • Tcl 100.0%