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Vibronav acquisition tools

Tools for synchronous acquisition of audio (from rasberry_pi/banana_pi devboard) and video from webcam, and signal processing.


usage: vnav_acquisition [-h] [--setup SETUP]

Web browser interface for synchronous acquisition of audio (from
rasberry_pi/banana_pi devboard) and video from webcam

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --setup SETUP  Path to setup JSON file (if not provided or some fields are
                 missing, default configuration is used.)

Run in commandline:

vnav_acquisition --setup /path/to/setup.json

This runs application in Python and opens web interface in web browser. Stop application with Ctrl+C in commandline. Setup JSON file format:

    "connection": ["hostname", port_number, "username", "password"], 
    "materials": ["material_1", "material_2"],
    "speeds": ["speed_1", "speed_2", "speed_3"],
    'local_dir': r"c:\vnav_acquisition",
    'remote_dir': "vnav_acquisition"    

Recordings from microphone(s) are recorded at RasberryPi device in directory /home/pi/$remote_dir$ and downloaded locally to $local_dir$. Audio recording is postprocessed to remove low frequency components and normalize amplitude. Original recording is renamed to extension .raw.wav.


usage: vnav_wav_process [-h] [--input-file INPUT_FILE] [--input-path INPUT_PATH] [--offset OFFSET] [--wave-word-size WAVE_WORD_SIZE] [--output-path OUTPUT_PATH]

Read, clean and save WAV file(s).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        Single input WAV file to process.
  --input-path INPUT_PATH
                        Path with WAV files file to process.
  --offset OFFSET       Time offset to skip at the beginning of waveform.
  --wave-word-size WAVE_WORD_SIZE
                        Size of word (16 or 32 bits) for saving WAV file.
  --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
                        Target directory (if not provided, files will be saved on input path and original file(s) moved to "original_wav" folder.


usage: vnav_audio_video_sync [-h] --audio-path AUDIO_PATH
                             [--audio-suffix AUDIO_SUFFIX]
                             [--video-path VIDEO_PATH]
                             [--annotation-path ANNOTATION_PATH]

Writes audio annotation based on synchronization between audio and video, and
video annotations.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --audio-path AUDIO_PATH
                        Path to audio files
  --audio-suffix AUDIO_SUFFIX
                        Suffix of audio file, compared to video and annotation
                        files (default: "")
  --video-path VIDEO_PATH
                        Path to video (webm, mp4) files (default: same as
                        audio files)
  --annotation-path ANNOTATION_PATH
                        Path to annotations files (default: same as audio


Requires Python 3.10. To install tool, run in command line:

python -m pip install