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A MicroPython application written for an ESP32 microcontroller, used for reading environmental data from DHT22, BME280, SHT30, ENS160, or PMS5003 sensors, and sending the results as JSON to an MQTT topic.


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A version of my esp32-sensor-reader combined with esp32-air-quality-reader-mqtt that reads from an attached DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor, Bosch BME280 temperature/humidity/air pressure sensor, Sensiron SHT-30 temperature/humidity sensor, Plantower PMS5003 air quality sensor, or ScioSense ENS160 air quality sensor, and publishes the readings as JSON to a local MQTT broker.

Libraries used:


Requires a file called config.json inside src with the following contents:

    "client_id": "<client-id>",
    "server": "<broker-address>",
    "port": 1883,
    "ssid": "<wifi network name>",
    "wifi_pw": "<wifi password>",
    "sensors": [...]

The sensors array needs to be filled out as described below depending on which type of sensor(s) you have attached to the ESP32.

Once configured, copy the whole contents of the src directory to the board with mpremote and restart it when it's finished:

$ cd src
$ mpremote connect port:/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART cp -r . : + reset"

(Substituting /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART for your specific board's serial port.)

Alternatively you can adapt the Ansible runbooks described below for your own use.

DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor

For a DHT22 sensor, you'll need set the sensor type, the data pin it's attached to, and the topic to publish the data to:

    "sensors": [
            "type": "dht22",
            "rx_pin": 26,
            "topic": "home/outdoor/weather"

You can optionally include the calculated dew point in the returned data by setting enable_dew_point to true:

    "sensors": [
            "type": "dht22",
            "rx_pin": 26,
            "topic": "home/outdoor/weather",
            "enable_dew_point": true

BME280 temperature/humidity/air pressure sensor

For a BME280, you'll need to specify the sensor type, the I2C address of the sensor, and topic to publish to. You can also explicitly set the I2C SDA and SCL pins if needed (these default to 23 and 22 respectively if not specified):

    "sensors": [
            "type": "bme280",
            "i2c_address": 119,
            "topic": "home/outdoor/weather"
    "sda_pin": 19,
    "scl_pin": 18

If you're using several ESP32s with BME280s, you might not care about the atmospheric pressure and dew point data for any that aren't located outside, in which case you can disable those datapoints from being sent to the MQTT broker by setting enable_addtional_data to false:

    "sensors": [
            "type": "bme280",
            "i2c_address": 119,
            "topic": "home/indoor/weather",
            "enable_addtional_data": false

You can also have the BME280 send just atmospheric pressure data and nothing else (no temperature, humidity, or dew point) by setting enable_pressure_only to true:

    "sensors": [
            "type": "bme280",
            "i2c_address": 119,
            "topic": "home/indoor/weather",
            "enable_pressure_only": true

SHT30 temperature/humidity sensor

For an SHT30, you'll need to specify the sensor type, the I2C address of the sensor, and topic to publish to. You can also explicitly set the I2C SDA and SCL pins if needed (these default to 23 and 22 respectively if not specified):

    "sensors": [
            "type": "sht30",
            "i2c_address": 68,
            "topic": "home/outdoor/weather"
    "sda_pin": 19,
    "scl_pin": 18

You can optionally include the calculated dew point in the returned data by setting enable_dew_point to true:

    "sensors": [
            "type": "sht30",
            "i2c_address": 68,
            "topic": "home/outdoor/weather",
            "enable_dew_point": true

The SHT30 has a built-in heater that can be turned on to prevent the humidity sensor from becoming saturated and returning wildly incorrect readings when it's outdoors for extended periods of time. The code in this repository has it configured so it will automatically come on when the humidity reaches 95% and will turn back off either once the humidity drops below that, or if there have been five consecutive readings where the humidity is remaining above 95%. Once it's been on, it won't be turned back on again for five minutes after the initial trigger.

This does mean that the temperature reading will jump by around 2˚ when the heater comes on, but I'd prefer that than the sensor becoming useless for humidity readings after it's been outside for a while.

PMS5003 air quality sensor

For a PMS5003 sensor, you'll need set the sensor type, the data pin it's attached to, and the topic to publish the data to:

    "sensors": [
            "type": "pms5003",
            "rx_pin": 26,
            "topic": "home/outdoor/airquality"

ENS160 air quality sensor

If you're using a ENS160 sensor, you'll need to specify the sensor type, I2C address of the sensor, and topic to publish to. You can also explicitly set the I2C SDA and SCL pins if needed (these default to 23 and 22 respectively if not specified):

    "sensors": [
            "type": "ens160",
            "i2c_address": 83,
            "topic": "home/indoor/airquality"
    "sda_pin": 19,
    "scl_pin": 18

The ENS160 has built-in calibration based on temperature and humidity readings, if you're using it by itself it will always use values of 25˚C and 50% relative humidity but you have a DHT22 or BME280 attached as well, it will calibrate itself based on the values read from that sensor.

Using multiple sensors

If you have multiple sensor attached to a single board, you can add additional objects to the sensors array:

    "sensors": [
            "type": "bme280",
            "i2c_address": 119,
            "topic": "home/indoor/weather"
            "type": "ens160",
            "i2c_address": 83,
            "topic": "home/indoor/airquality"
    "sda_pin": 19,
    "scl_pin": 18

Other options

You can use your own NTP server instead of for time setting on board startup:

    "ntp_server": ""

By default, the board will restart itself automatically if it's not able to either read the sensor or publish to the MQTT topic after a period of time (ten minutes for the PMS5003, two minutes for any other sensor). You can override this by setting the disable_watchdog option:

    "disable_watchdog": true

By default the remote code updating described below will default to the main branch of this repository ( but those settings can be customised with the following options:

    "github_token": "a-very-secret-token",
    "github_username": "jdoe",
    "github_repository": "my-esp32-sensor-reader-fork",
    "github_ref": "a-branch-or-tag-or-commit"

The github_token variable is only required if the repository is private.

MQTT data

The data that's sent to MQTT will vary depending on the sensor type being used.

For a DHT22 or SHT30 (or a BME280 with enable_bme280_additional_data set to false):

    "timestamp": <epoch time in milliseconds>,
    "temperature": <number>,
    "humidity": <number>

For a DHT22 or SHT30 with enable_dew_point set to true:

    "timestamp": <epoch time in milliseconds>,
    "temperature": <number>,
    "humidity": <number>,
    "dew_point": <number>

For a BME280 with enable_bme280_additional_data set to true (or not explicitly specified):

    "timestamp": <epoch time in milliseconds>,
    "temperature": <number>,
    "humidity": <number>,
    "dew_point": <number>,
    "pressure": <number>

For a PMS5003:

    "timestamp": <epoch time in milliseconds>,
    "pm_1_0": <number>,
    "pm_2_5": <number>,
    "pm_10": <number>,
    "particles_0_3um": <number>,
    "particles_0_5um": <number>,
    "particles_1_0um": <number>,
    "particles_2_5um": <number>,
    "particles_5_0um": <number>,
    "particles_10um": <number>

For an ENS160:

    "timestamp": <epoch time in milliseconds>,
    "aqi": <number>,
    "tvoc": <number>,
    "eco2": <number>

Checking and updating configuration, code, and firmware remotely

The ESP32 will subscribe to the topic commands/<CLIENT_ID> to listen for commands, and will publish log messages to logs/<CLIENT_ID>.

For ease of management, an admin UI lives in the pi-home-dashboard repository at /admin.html.

Get current config

Send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID> topic with the following payload:

    "command": "get_config"

And the current contents of config.json will be published to logs/<CLIENT_ID> so you can see how a given board is configured.

Get system info

Send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID> topic with the following payload:

    "command": "get_system_info"

And a message will be published to to logs/<CLIENT_ID> with the current Git commit hash, the MicroPython version of the board, and the value of gc.free_mem().

Updating configuration

Send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID> topic with the following payload:

    "command": "update_config",
    "config": {
        "server": "<broker-address>"

And the board will trigger an update of the config.json file for the given fields in the config object. In the example above, this would update just the server value and all the other existing values will be kept. Once the update is finished, the ESP32 will restart.

To remove a configuration option, send the configuration option with an empty string:

    "command": "update_config",
    "config": {
        "ntp_server": ""

Note that the required options (client_id, server, port, ssid, and wifi_pw) cannot be deleted, only updated to new values.

Replacing configuration

To replace the entire configuration of the board all in one go, send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID> topic with the following payload:

    "command": "replace_config",
    "config": {
        "ssid": "<wifi network name>",
        "wifi_pw": "<wifi password>",
        "server": "<broker-address>",
        "port": 1883,
        "client_id": "<client-id>",

The replacement configuration will be rejected if the minimum required keys listed in config above aren't set.

Restarting the board

Send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID> topic with the following payload:

    "command": "restart"

And the board will run a machine.reset() and restart itself.

Updating code

Send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID> topic with the following payload:

    "command": "update_code"

And it pull down the full contents of latest committed code from the src directory of the primary branch of this repository on GitHub and will restart the ESP32 when finished. As mentioned above, the location of the code to download can be changed with the github_username, github_repository, and github_ref configuration options.

Updating firmware

If the version of MicroPython running on the board supports over-the-air updates (meaning it's been flashed with the "Support for OTA" firmware from the MicroPython download page for your specific board), you can remote update the version of MicroPython itself.

Send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID topic with the following payload:

    "command": "update_firmware",
    "firmware": {
        "url": "",
        "size": <size of firmware file in bytes>,
        "sha256": <SHA256 hash of firmware file>

And the board will download the given firmware file and update it, verify it, then restart. Upon successful restart the automatic rollback will be cancelled, but if the board doesn't come up correctly it'll revert to the previous version on next hard reset.

For the filename, note the -OTA- in the middle indicating it's an OTA-enabled firmware file, and the .app-bin extension indicating it's just the MicroPython app image and doesn't include the bootloader or partition table.

For easier updating, use the /admin.html page in my pi-home-dashboard repository which will calculate the filesize and SHA256 hash, as well as downloading the firmware file locally to use instead of needing to download it afresh from for every board update you're running.


LED status

The onboard LED on various boards is used for status: if it's on, the connection to wifi or the MQTT broker is down, if it's off, everything is running normally.

The default GPIO pin that will attempted to be used is 13, which is the red LED on an Adafruit HUZZAH32 or the blue LED on an Unexpected Maker FeatherS2. This can be changed by setting the led_pin option in config.json:

    "led_pin": 14

For boards with an onboard Neopixel RGB LED like the Adafruit QT Py ESP32-Pico, set the pin with neopixel_pin and it will come on red if the connection is down:

    "neopixel_pin": 8

For boards like the aforementioned QT Py ESP32-Pico that also have a separate GPIO pin that controls power to to the Neopixel LED, set the power pin to be used with neopixel_power_pin:

    "neopixel_power_pin": 5

Ansible runbooks

Also included in this repository are the Ansible runbooks I use to erase and re-flash the ESP with a specified version of MicroPython, to generate the config.json file for each board/sensor setup, and to copy the code over to the board. These are particular for my setup so you'll need to adapt them for yourself.

Run them with ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/<file>:

  • flash_board.yml — This will erase the board, download MicroPython, and flash it to the board. I have Adafruit HUZZAH32, Adafruit QT Py ESP32-Pico, and Unexpected Maker FeatherS2 devices, but the inventory can be updated for other boards.
  • copy_code_dev.yml — This will prompt for the board type, sensor configuration, and client_id, and will generate the config.json file and copy the files to the board then restart it.
  • copy_code_prod.yml — This is my "production" configuration I use for the temperature sensors that are set up permanently around the house. It only prompts for the client_id and the rest is either calculated based on that or is hard-coded, to avoid me making any configuration mistakes if I need to reflash the board.

Adding a self-contained Ansible installation

  • Install and configure pyenv
  • Install the version of Python for this project — pyenv install
  • Add a new virtualenv for this project — python -m venv .venv
  • Activate the virtualenv — . .venv/bin/activate
  • Install Ansible — pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Before running any ansible-playbook commands, load the virtualenv with . .venv/bin/activate.


A MicroPython application written for an ESP32 microcontroller, used for reading environmental data from DHT22, BME280, SHT30, ENS160, or PMS5003 sensors, and sending the results as JSON to an MQTT topic.





