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Paradox AntiCheat Logo

Under Development
Paradox AntiCheat is currently undergoing a complete rewrite and revamp. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

About Paradox AntiCheat

Paradox AntiCheat is a powerful tool designed to combat cheating in Minecraft Bedrock worlds. The name "Paradox" was chosen because the concept of paradox perfectly represents the essence of what we do.

Paradox AntiCheat is a statement that contradicts itself. It is a tool that fights cheating by using advanced algorithms and techniques that are themselves paradoxical in nature.

Paradox: A statement or situation that contradicts itself, opposed to common sense and yet perhaps true.

Paradox AntiCheat offers a comprehensive solution for detecting and preventing cheating in Minecraft Bedrock. It uses detection methods to ensure that cheaters are caught and punished. In addition, Paradox AntiCheat is highly customizable, allowing game developers to tailor the tool to their specific needs and requirements.

If you're looking for a reliable and effective anti-cheat solution for your Minecraft Bedrock experience, look no further than Paradox AntiCheat. For more information, check out the Documentation.

Get Support

Join the Paradox AntiCheat community on Discord for support. Our community is active and dedicated to providing help and assistance to game developers who use Paradox AntiCheat in their projects. We also welcome feedback and suggestions on how we can improve the tool.

Project Status

Grade Downloads Latest Downloads Commits Per Month Last Commit License

Applying the Paradox AntiCheat Pack

When applying the pack to your world, make sure the addon is at the top of the behavior pack list and Beta APIs is enabled. This is to ensure all checks and systems work properly. The versioning system for Paradox goes as follows:

  • The first number denotes the pack version. This will rarely change unless there have been major changes to the code.
  • The second number denotes the major revision of the pack version. These particular changes mostly involve features being added or removed.
  • The third number indicates the minor revision of the Pack. This evolves around bug fixes.

Installing the Paradox AntiCheat Pack

To install this anticheat to your realm/world, follow these steps:

  1. Install the .mcpack.
  2. Apply it to your world.
  3. Enable Beta APIs.

Once you have done this, the anticheat should be fully up and running.

Development Environment Setup for Linux

  1. Install Node.js v22.5.1:
    • You can use Node Version Manager (nvm) to install Node.js. First, install nvm if you don't have it:
      curl -o- | bash
    • Load nvm:
      source ~/.bashrc
    • Install Node.js v22.5.1 using nvm:
      nvm install 22.5.1
    • Set it as the default version:
      nvm use 22.5.1
      nvm alias default 22.5.1
  2. Install Visual Studio Code (VS Code):
    • Download and install VS Code from the official website.
    • Alternatively, you can install it via your package manager. For example, on Debian-based systems:
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install code
  3. Clone the Repository:
    • Open a terminal.
    • Execute the following command to clone the repository:
      git clone<your-github-username>/Paradox_AntiCheat.git
    • Navigate to the project directory:
      cd Paradox_AntiCheat
  4. Install Project Dependencies:
    • Run the following command to install the project dependencies:
      npm i
  5. Open the Project in VS Code:
    • You can open the project in VS Code by running:
      code .

Contributing to the Project

  1. Fork the project repository: Click on the "Fork" button in the top-right corner of the repository page: Paradox_AntiCheat_Fork
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine:
    git clone<your-github-username>/Paradox_AntiCheat.git
  3. Navigate to the cloned project directory:
    cd Paradox_AntiCheat
  4. Install project dependencies:
    npm install
  5. Make changes to the project files.
  6. Save the files.
  7. Stage the changes to include all modifications:
    git add .
  8. Commit the changes with a meaningful commit message:
    git commit -m "Your commit message here"
  9. Push the committed changes to your forked repository on GitHub:
    git push origin
  10. Create a pull request to submit the changes to the original repository.