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Vrekt edited this page Jul 19, 2018 · 1 revision


The InputAdapter handles mouse and keyboard listeners. Let's start with getting keyboard input.

DefaultKeyListener listener = myGameManagerInstance.getInputAdapter().getKeyboard();

Keyboard listener

Now that you have the keyboard listener instance you can check which keys are down and for how long.

boolean keyPressedW = listener.isKeyDown(KeyEvent.VK_W);

To check how long a key has been down: PS. This value is in milliseconds.

long timeW = listener.keyDownDuration(KeyEvent.VK_W);

Mouse listener

To get an instance of the mouse listener:

DefaultMouseListener listener = myGameManagerInstance.getInputAdapter().getMouse();

The mouse listener contains these methods.

Point getLastClick(), boolean isMouseDown(), Component getEnteredComponent().

getEnteredComponent() WILL return null if no component was entered.

Registering custom adapters and listeners

Want to register a custom listener or adapter? The InputAdapter contains methods for just this.

To register a custom keyboard listener:

inputAdapter.addKeyListener(new MyKeyListener());

Removing adapters or listeners:


To register a custom mouse listener:

inputAdapter.addMouseListener(new MyMouseListener());

You can also register custom adapters.

inputAdapter.addMouseAdapter(new MyMouseAdapter());
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