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I just started to learn React and noticed that having a full-stack repo supporting TypeScript in both server and client side is would be great idea. It helps me to understand better how TypeScript is compiled and put lots of configurations together for a better development experience.


  • Yarn workspace - support maintaining and sharing dependencies across back-end and front-end.
  • Angular - Angular 7.
  • Express - Express server using TypeScript.
  • GraphQL - On both server and client with Apollo Server Express and Apollo Angular respectively.
  • TypeOrm - ORM to convert data from TypeScript to Postgres database.
  • TypeGraphQL - Make my life easier to work with TypeScript and GraphQL.
  • Lint - Tslint, check tslint.json file for more info.
  • Test - Jest for both client and server.
  • Husky + Lint-staged - Run tasks before committing.

Quick start

  1. Clone this repo using git clone
  2. Move to its directory: cd fullstackTs-workspace.
  3. Copy .env.example and change it to .env, fill it with your own variables.
  4. Run yarn install to install all dependencies.
  5. Run yarn dev to fire up application.

How to fill .env file

  1. Go to Heroku, login or create a new account.
  2. Select New button and Create new app.
  3. Go to Resources tab and search for Heroku Posgres.
  4. Select tier and click on the Postgres instance.
  5. It should open a new tab, go to Settings and click on View Credentials button.
  6. Fill the .env file with that data and you should be good.


MIT license, Copyright (c) 2019 Hoi Vu.