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Charlie Fan edited this page Mar 15, 2023 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the openpilot-rootfs wiki! The purpose of this project is to build a rootfs for the OK8MP-C board to run openpilot on it.


  1. Build a rootfs with openpilot pre-installed
  2. Create and download the image to OK8MP-C dev board
  3. Adapt device drivers to the OK8MP-C board
  4. Test openpilot (on OK8MP-C) with a Carla simulator (on PC)
  5. Test openpilot (On OK8MP-C) on real cars

Current Status of the Project

Live Update as of March 15th, 2023

This is a picture displaying the print-outs after launching openpilot on the OK8MP-C dev board. After startup and initialization, openpilot prints out its running components on a regular basis, typically twice a second. You can see that the some of its components have been started up, including logmessaged, ui, soundd, etc. where the 'd' means daemon. To double check, you can also connect to OK8MP-C board via SSH, and type

ps -ef

to make sure that these components are indeed running.

Known problems as of March 15, 2023

However, some core components of openpilot, including model (modeld) controller (controlsd), camera (camerad), etc. have not yet shown up. This needs to be fixed. Apart from that, openpilot comes with a GUI, which has not been started up, as indicated by the 7th line:

: could not connect to display
: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized ...

Screen Shot 2023-03-15 at 13 36 16