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Welcome to the tekmar-482 wiki!

The Gateway 482 allows integration between Home Assistant and a tekmarNet network. Tekmar devices that support tekmarNet will have wire terminals marked "tN4" or "tN2", or you can search Tekmar's website for devices that support tekmarNet communications. The gateway does not enable direct communication with attached Tekmar bus devices: the gateway acts as a buffer to coordinate between devices and the automation interface.

The gateway will send routine reports every minute to update status. Therefore, if settings are changed at the thermostat it may take up to a minute for changes to appear in Home Assistant. However, updates sent to the gateway from Home Assistant result in an immediate response from the gateway, so it will appear commands take effect immediately. A device can still reject a setting which will cause it to be reverted by a later report.

Only Gateway 482 is supported. Gateway 486 does not have a local interface.

Gateway Setback Support

Setback support can be enabled or disabled in the gateway by an integration configuration option ("Enable Setback Support"). This affects how the gateway handles updating setpoints on devices. The default is disabled. To change this setting click on "Configure" on your integrations panel in Home Assistant (Configuration -> Devices & Services -> Integrations).

When setback support is enabled the gateway allows three unique setpoints: Day (Wake), Night (Sleep), and Away. Use this behavior if you plan to use the schedule support on the thermostats or change scenes with a Tekmar User Switch. Some devices support four event schedules: Wake, Occ, UnOcc, and Sleep. For these devices the gateway sets Wake = Occ and UnOcc = Sleep. When setback support is enabled up to six number entities (3 for heat and 3 for cool) for each of the three setpoints (Day, Night, Away) will be available. Changing the setpoint in the climate entity will adjust the setpoint for the active setback state.

When setback support is disabled (default) the gateway will set all setpoints on a device to the same value. Use this behavior if you do not use network scenes or schedules, such as if you plan to change setpoints exclusively with Home Assistant scheduled automations. Setting schedules to OFF in thermostat setup is recommended. When setback support is disabled only one number entity will be available for heat and cool setpoints.

Fan Percent

Fan Percent requires thermostat with fan support and "VENT MODE" set to "ON" in setup. This setting is a duty cycle for operating the fan; not a fan speed. Each 10% will run the fan for 6 minutes per hour. Fan Percent is setback aware with two different settings in the thermostat for Day and Night/Away. If "VENT MODE" is set to "OFF" in setup, any setting between 10% and 100% will result in an constant "on" state at the thermostat while still showing a percent, so it's recommended to disable the Fan Percent select entity if a thermostat is configured with "VENT MODE" set to "OFF".

Select Entity

The Fan Percent select entity allows direct control of Fan Percent between 0% and 100% for Day mode or Night/Away mode.

Climate Entity

The climate entity fan mode only supports Auto or On modes. A fan mode of "On" is equal to Fan Percent 100% while "Auto" will be shown for all Fan Percent settings between 0% and 90%.

Humidity and the Climate Entity

The Home Assistant climate entity only allows one setpoint for humidity. It's possible in some configurations to have both a minimum humidity setpoint and a maximum humidity setpoint, if the Tekmar thermostat is configured for both HUM and DEHUM options in setup.

If this condition is present, the humidity setpoint will not be in the climate entity. Instead, two separate number entities for minimum humidity setpoint (humidification) and maximum humidity setpoint (dehumidification) will be used.

If only one of HUM or DEHUM is configured in the thermostat, the climate entity humidity setting will automatically determine if it should set the humidity minimum or maximum setpoint on the thermostat.

Setpoint Groups

Setpoint groups work with setpoint devices (161 and 162) and snowmelt devices (654, 670, and 671). When a setpoint group is switched on or off the enable/disable message is broadcast to all devices rather than individually addressing a single device. If you switch a setpoint group on or off when there aren't any devices assigned to that group, the setpoint group switch will not maintain its on/off state.

Time Synchronization

The integration will synchronize time on the Tekmar network with the local time from Home Assistant at startup and every 24 hours after.