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Goblin Desktop

"It is not for gnomes..."

Provide simple API for adding contexts, tabs, tasks, forms, status, notifications, hinters...

Creating a desktop

Usualy we create a desktop in a start quest, for a laboratory:

// Create a desktop for laboratory
const desktop = yield quest.createFor ('laboratory', labId, 'desktop', {

create (labId)

labId (string)

The famouse laboratory identifier looks like: laboratory@some-long-uuid-v4

Describing the desktop

addContext (context)

Adding context:

const docContext = {contextId: 'doc', name: 'Doc'};

context (context object)

  • contextId: a context identifier, lower-case, used for retreiving context tasks js files

  • name: the displayed name

Describe context tasks

You can write a tasks.js file in a folder named like the context id, in the widgets directory:

// exemple path for this file:
// goblin-name/widgets/codispatch/tasks.js
export default [
    text: 'Search',
    glyph: 'solid/search',
    workitem: {
      name: 'mission-search',
      icon: 'solid/search',
      kind: 'tab',
      isClosable: true,
      navigate: true,
    text: 'Mission',
    glyph: 'solid/plus',
    workitem: {
      name: 'mission-workflow',

Creating tabs

Minimal tab API:

  name: 'New tab',
  contextId: 'some-context',
  view: 'default',
  workitemId: 'content@exemple-uuid-v4',

addTab (tab)

tab (tab object)

  • name: the displayed name

  • contextId: a context identifier, where the tab will be displayed

  • view: name of the view, when the tab is clicked, import a view.js from a folder, named with this value

  • workitemId: a unique identifier for wiring a workitem (an existing goblin instance widget) in the selected view

  • closable: if true, show a close button and notify close request

  • navigate: if true, navigate the current view directly the tab workitem view

Working withs form and hinters

