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I analyzed accident data for the NTSB, resolving missing values and data issues using programming skills. I filled gaps with FAA and other reliable sources, then applied advanced feature engineering and visualization for insightful results.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is an independent federal agency in the United States dedicated to investigating transportation accidents, including aviation accidents. Here's a brief description of NTSB's role and responsibilities in aviation accident investigation:

  • Investigation Mandate: The NTSB is responsible for investigating civil aviation accidents and incidents in the United States and its territories. It also investigates significant accidents involving U.S.-registered aircraft worldwide.

  • Objective: The primary objective of NTSB investigations is to determine the probable cause(s) of accidents and incidents, with the goal of enhancing transportation safety and preventing future accidents.

  • Investigation Process: When an aviation accident occurs, the NTSB dispatches a team of investigators to the accident site. These investigators collect evidence, interview witnesses, analyze data, and reconstruct the sequence of events leading to the accident.

  • Probable Cause Determination: After completing its investigation, the NTSB issues a final report that includes its findings and conclusions regarding the probable cause(s) of the accident. The report may also contain safety recommendations aimed at preventing similar accidents in the future.

  • Safety Recommendations: In addition to determining probable causes, the NTSB issues safety recommendations to address systemic safety issues identified during investigations. These recommendations may target regulatory agencies, industry stakeholders, or other relevant parties.

  • Advocacy and Outreach: The NTSB advocates for safety improvements in various transportation modes, including aviation. It conducts outreach activities, disseminates safety information, and promotes awareness of transportation safety issues among stakeholders and the public.

  • Event.Id: Unique identifier assigned to each aviation accident event in the database.

  • Investigation.Type: Type of investigation conducted for the accident, categorized as "Incident," "Accident," etc.

  • Accident.Number: Unique identifier assigned to each aviation accident.

  • Event.Date: Date when the accident occurred.

  • Location: Geographical location where the accident took place, including city, state, and country.

  • Country: Country where the accident occurred.

  • Latitude: Geographical latitude coordinate of the accident location.

  • Longitude: Geographical longitude coordinate of the accident location.

  • Airport.Code: Code assigned to the airport nearest to the accident site.

  • Airport.Name: Name of the airport nearest to the accident site.

  • Injury.Severity: Severity of injuries sustained by individuals involved in the accident, ranging from minor to fatal.

  • Aircraft.damage: Extent of damage sustained by the aircraft involved in the accident, categorized as minor, substantial, destroyed, etc.

  • Aircraft.Category: Category of aircraft involved in the accident, such as airplane, helicopter, glider, etc.

  • Registration.Number: Unique registration number assigned to the aircraft.

  • Make: Make or manufacturer of the aircraft.

  • Model: Model of the aircraft.

  • Amateur.Built: Indicates whether the aircraft involved was built by amateur constructors.

  • Number.of.Engines: Number of engines installed on the aircraft.

  • Engine.Type: Type of engine(s) installed on the aircraft, such as reciprocating, turbojet, turboprop, etc.

  • FAR.Description: Description of the Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) under which the aircraft operates.

  • Schedule: Indicates whether the flight was scheduled or unscheduled.

  • Purpose.of.flight: Purpose of the flight at the time of the accident, such as personal, commercial, instructional, etc.

  • Air.carrier: Air carrier associated with the flight, if applicable.

  • Total.Fatal.Injuries: Total number of fatal injuries resulting from the accident.

  • Total.Serious.Injuries: Total number of serious injuries resulting from the accident.

  • Total.Minor.Injuries: Total number of minor injuries resulting from the accident.

  • Total.Uninjured: Total number of individuals who were uninjured in the accident.

  • Weather.Condition: Prevailing weather conditions at the time of the accident.

  • Broad.phase.of.flight: Phase of flight during which the accident occurred, such as takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, etc.

  • Report.Status: Status of the accident investigation report.

  • Publication.Date: Date when the accident investigation report was published.