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YumYummity edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 2 revisions

Overview / Setup / Cogs / Logging / Examples


  • Use bot.traceback(Exception) to log and format errors. Otherwise, they won't be logged properly.
    • You can use print() for debug statements you don't want logged.
  • Use bot.print() to print things. Otherwise, it won't be logged properly. This will also add a timestamp.
    • You can use print() for debug statements you don't want logged.
  • Use to print info messages.
  • Use bot.error() to print error messages.
  • Use bot.success() to print success messages.
  • Use bot.warn() to print warning messages.


Logging Colors


  • You can use bot.COLORS.item_name when logging to highlight a input or item in logs.
    • Example: f"A user ran the command {bot.COLORS.item_name}!help{bot.COLORS.normal_message} on a server."
  • You can use bot.COLORS.user_name when logging to highlight a user's name in logs.
    • Example: f"{bot.COLORS.user_name}{}{bot.COLORS.normal_message} ran a command.
  • You can use bot.COLORS.cog_logs to color a [COGS] log. (Use bot.print!)
    • Example: bot.print(f"{bot.COLORS.cog_logs}[COGS]{bot.COLORS.normal_message} Loaded cog.")
    • error_logs, warn_logs, info_logs, and success_logs are also available, but it is recommended to use the bot.error(), bot.warn(),, and bot.success() functions instead.
    • guilded_logs is available, but it is recommended to leave that to the logger and not use it.
  • You can use bot.COLORS.reset to completely reset any formatting.
  • You can use bot.COLORS.normal_message to format normal text in logs.
  • bot.COLORS.timestamp exists as a color for the timestamps in front of a log message. You can use it to highlight any timestamps you may have.

Changing Colors

Edit the following class in to change colors.




  • User Info


  • Fetch all Server Channels


  • Server Member has Permission

Databases (under work)

  • PostgreSQL
  • SurrealDB
  • JSON
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