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This repository holds my completed Octave/Matlab code for the exercises in the Stanford Machine Learning course, offered on the Coursera platform.

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Stanford Machine Learning Course by Andrew Ng

This repository holds my completed Octave/Matlab code for the exercises in the course.

Week 2 - Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Exercise 1)

Files for building functions that:

  • Explore data using scatter plots.
  • Implement Gradient Descent using an appropriate Cost Function.
  • Implement Gradient Descent using the closed-from normal equation.
  • Normalise features to enhance Gradient Descent's convergence.
  • Use multivariate linear regression to make out-of-sample predictions.

Scatter Plot

Week 3 - Logistic Regression (Exercise 2)

Files for building functions that:

  • Implement Gradient Descent on an appropriate cost function.
  • Explore and discover appropriate weights with-which to regularise the Logistic Regression.
  • Implement a regularized version of Logistic Regression by using a modified cost function.
  • Deploy and use Logistic Regression to make out-of-sample predictions.

Scatter Plot

Week 4 - Neural Networks: Representation (Exercise 3)

Files for building functions that:

  • Build multi-class classifier composed of multiple linear regressions.
  • Transform the data using a sigmoid link function to produce logistic regression.
  • Deploy the "One vs. All" method to classify handwritten digits and make out-of-sample classifications.
  • Build a Feed-forward neural network with three layers.
  • Train the neural network weights and biases on hand-written digits, storing the weights in a matrix.
  • Use the network to classify out-of-sample digits.

Scatter Plot

Week 5 - Neural Networks: learning (Exercise 4)

  • Implement a Feed-forward Neural Network using backprpagation from scratch to classify hand-written digits.
  • Use Finite-Differences method for Gradient Checking.
  • Enhance Neural Network performance and avoid over-fitting by implementing regularization.

Scatter Plot

Week 6 - Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Exercise 5)

  • Train a regularized linear regression to forecast water flow over a dam using various proportions of the training data.
  • Plot the learning and validation curves to evaluate and debug the model's performance on the training and cross-validation sets.
  • Compute and normalize polynomial features to experiment with polynomial regressions of various degrees, d, and use the cross-validation set to determine which value of d produces the optimal trade-off between bias and variance.
  • Experiment with multiple regularization parameters, lambda, and plot the learning and validation curves to determine which value produces the optimal bias-variance trade-off.
  • Compute and plot test-set error against cross-validation error to determine how well selected values of lambda and d generalize.

Scatter Plot

Week 7 - Support Vector Machines (Exercise 6)

  • Train a linear support vector machine (SVM) on a 2-dimensional example dataset to separate observations into two classes.
  • Experiment with the effect of various values of the regularization term, C, to see how this affects classification accuracy.
  • Train a support vector machine with radial-basis function kernel to classify 2-dimensional example dataset.
  • Test different regularization values, C, on cross-validation set to determine the optimal "softness" for classifier margins.
  • Test different parameter values, sigma, for the rbf-kernel to determine optimal sensitivity of similarity metric to distance between observations.
  • After preprocessing email data, create a feature vector with binary entries corresponding to whether each of the most frequently occurring words in our training set occurs in a given email.
  • Further transform these features according to the rbf-kernel to acquire feature vectors that are to be used for training SVM.
  • Train SVM to classify spam, testing different values of C and sigma on cross-validation set to determine their optimal values.

Scatter Plot

Week 8 - K-Means Algorithm and Principle Component Analysis for Unsupervised Learning and Dimensionality Reduction (Exercise 7)

  • Implement the K-means algorithm for image compression by reducing the number of colors that occur in an image to only those that are most common in that image.
  • Use principal component analysis (PCA) to perform dimensionality reduction on a dataset of 5000 face images and visualize the result.
  • Project 3-Dimensional data into a 2 Dimensionsional feature space using PCA implementation to make visualization less cumbersome.

Scatter Plot Scatter Plot Scatter Plot Scatter Plot

Week 9 - Anomaly Detection, Recommender Systems, and Kernel Methods (Exercise 8)

  • Implement a Gaussian density anomaly detection algorithm to detect anomalous behavior in server computers.
  • Determine appropriate threshold value by estimating Gaussian densities with various values and comparing their relative performances using the F1-Score on the cross-validation set.
  • Use a collaborative filtering algorithm to develop a movie recommender system that uses data on movie ratings by users to discover both features and parameters relevant to the task.
  • Train movie recommender system on own movie preferences and ratings to produce appropriate recommendations. Scatter Plot