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Max-clique implementations

Available algorithms


# to see available algorithms
python -h
# to options available to a specific algorithm
python aco -h
# run aco on all input graphs inside "input_graphs"
python aco --input-dir input_graphs/


  • Test graphs

Graph name #Nodes #Edges Longest clique length
anna 138 986 11
brock200_2 200 9876 12
brock200_4 200 13089 17
C125.9 125 6963 34
hamming8-4 256 20864 16
homer 561 3258 13
huck 74 602 11
keller4 171 9435 11
le450_15b 450 8169 15
le450_15c 450 16680 15
le450_15d 450 16750 15
le450_25a 450 8260 25
le450_25c 450 17343 25
le450_25d 450 17425 25
le450_5a 450 5714 5
le450_5b 450 5734 5
le450_5c 450 9803 5
le450_5d 450 9757 5
miles250 128 774 8
p_hat300-1 300 10933 8
p_hat300-2 300 21928 25
  • Found clique sizes

    • ACO params
      • num ants = 7
      • taomin = 0.01
      • taomax = 4
      • alpha = 2
      • rho = 0.995
    • BNB params:
      • lb = 0

*-> graph run didn't finish within time limit (20 mins)

Graph name (best) Ant-clique -> avg(sdv) Branch and bound
anna (11) 11.00(0.00) 11
brock200_2 (12) 11.33(0.47) 12
brock200_4 (17) 16.00(0.00) 17
C125.9 (34) 34.00(0.00) *
hamming8-4 (16) 16.00(0.00) 16
homer (13) 13.00(0.00) 13
huck (11) 11.00(0.00) 11
keller4 (11) 11.00(0.00) 11
le450_15b (15) 15.00(0.00) 15
le450_15c (15) 15.00(0.00) 15
le450_15d (15) 15.00(0.00) 15
le450_25a (25) 25.00(0.00) 25
le450_25c (25) 25.00(0.00) 25
le450_25d (25) 25.00(0.00) 25
le450_5a (5) 5.00(0.00) 5
le450_5b (5) 5.00(0.00) 5
le450_5c (5) 5.00(0.00) 5
le450_5d (5) 5.00(0.00) 5
miles250 (8) 8.00(0.00) 8
p_hat300-1 (8) 8.00(0.00) 8
p_hat300-2 (25) 25.00(0.00) *
  • Running times (in ms)

Graph name (best) Ant-clique -> nbCy(sdv) Ant-clique -> time(sdv) Branch and bound-> time
anna (11) 7.67(2.05) 17.38(2.91) 2.86
brock200_2 (12) 380.67(428.10)) 5119.13(5818.34) 10194.34
brock200_4 (17) 214.00(115.34) 4587.07(2452.60) 579099.92
C125.9 (34) 180.00(35.33) 7312.11(1569.49) *
hamming8-4 (16) 99.66(40.54) 2972.39(1211.32) 898296.82
homer (13) 8.33(2.86) 35.60(9.52) 2.69
huck (11) 1.66(0.94) 6.33(2.99) 0.51
keller4 (11) 22.66(14.29) 430.47(268.46) 158878.92
le450_15b (15) 1.00(0.00) 46.25(5.40) 54.47
le450_15c (15) 1.00(0.00) 88.35(12.46) 556.35
le450_15d (15) 1.00(0.00) 97.60(13.06) 557.51
le450_25a (25) 1.00(0.00) 54.30(7.13) 41.02
le450_25c (25) 1.00(0.00) 93.10(4.86) 466.93
le450_25d (25) 1.00(0.00) 92.79(10.94) 494.23
le450_5a (5) 1.33(0.47) 32.34(3.23) 41.55
le450_5b (5) 1.00(0.00) 29.13(3.77) 41.11
le450_5c (5) 1.00(0.00) 51.25(9.27) 145.15
le450_5d (5) 1.00(0.00) 48.91(1.72) 140.18
miles250 (8) 4.66(2.49) 10.19(3.34) 0.78
p_hat300-1 (8) 81.00(38.28) 1119.92(493.61) 1408.27
p_hat300-2 (25) 162.00(26.19) 5640.97(916.14) *


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