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A RAG Chatbot designed to introduce and answer questions about me

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This repository aims to develop a chatbot application that can introduce me to others. It is repurposed from the excellent llm-search package by Denis Lapchev ( It is designed primarily to act as a Retrieval-Augmented Generation Chatbot and leverages my CV and personal bio as the knowledge base.

Existing features of LLM-Search

  • Better document parsing, hybrid search, HyDE enabled search, re-ranking and the ability to customize embeddings.

    • General configurations can be viewed and modified in src/llmsearch/config.yaml.
  • The package is also designed to work with custom Large Language Models (LLMs) – whether from OpenAI or installed locally.

    • LLM-specific configuration can be viewed and modified in src/llmsearch/openai.yaml.
    • To switch to local LLMs like Llama cpp or HuggingFace models, please refer to the steps outlined in the llm-search's Quickstart
  • Generates dense embeddings from documents and stores them in a vector database (ChromaDB) using Sentence-transformers' intfloat/e5-large-v2 model.

  • Generates sparse embeddings using SPLADE ( to enable hybrid search (sparse + dense).

  • Supports the "Retrieve and Re-rank" strategy for semantic search, see -

    • Besides the originally ms-marco-MiniLM cross-encoder, more modern bge-reranker is supported.
  • Supports HyDE (Hypothetical Document Embeddings) -

  • Support for multi-querying, inspired by RAG Fusion -

    • When multi-querying is turned on, the original query will be replaced by 3 variants of the same query, allowing to bridge the gap in the terminology and "offer different angles or perspectives" according to the article.

Components Developed for Chatbot

To repurpose llm-search into a chatbot, the following modifications were made

  • Prompt engineering GPT-3.5 Turbo for the specific task.
    • Prompt:
      I want you to act as a person called Aditya. I will provide you with an individual looking to know about Aditya, and your task is to introduce Aditya and answer questions about Aditya. Always use first person to answer questions. Context information is provided below. Given only the context and not prior knowledge, provide concise answer to the question. If context does not provide enough details, answer it without hallucinating.
       ### Context:
       ### Question: {question}
    • The prompt addresses the requirement of LLM to act as Aditya, use first-person when interacting and utilize the fetched context to answer the question.
    • In addition, a key requirement is that the chatbot should be able to answer questions for which knowledge is not present in the documents.
      • The last sentence in the prompt handles this.
      • Chain-of-Thought prompting can handle this better but has not been incorporated in the current implementation.
  • Revamping the UI using Steamlit Chat to suit a chat-style interface.


RAG Chatbot Demo


  • Tested on Mac (M1 Pro), but should work on Linux and Windows as well (please follow respective installation procedures below which are based on llm-search)
  • Python 3.8+
  • OpenAI API key to interact with OpenAI models
    • Personal cost for developing and testing the OpenAI model was ≈ $0.2 at the time of writing this
    • Testing the chatbot would require a much lesser cost

Manual virtualenv based installation (personally tested on Mac)

git clone
cd Aditya

# Create a new environment
python3 -m venv .venv 

# Activate new environment
source .venv/bin/activate

# Set variables for llama-cpp to compile with CUDA.

# Assuming Nvidia CUDA Toolkit is installed and pointing to `usr/local/cuda` on Ubuntu

source ./ 

# Install newest stable torch for CUDA 11.x
pip3 install torch torchvision

# Install the package using Metal (MPS) for mac (required for llama-cpp-python
CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_METAL=on" pip install .

Automatic virtualenv based installation on Linux

git clone
cd Aditya

# Create a new environment
python3 -m venv .venv 

# Activate new environment
source .venv/bin/activate



1) Generate document embeddings

llmsearch index create -c src/llmsearch/config.yaml

Using the configuration YAML file in src/llmsearch/config.yaml, this command will scan the PDF files contained in document path (src/llmsearch/docs) and generate a dense embeddings database in the src/llmsearch/embeddings directory. Additionally, a local cache folder (src/llmsearch/cache) will be utilized to store embedding models, LLM models, and tokenizers.

The default vector database for dense is ChromaDB, and default embedding model is intfloat/e5-large-v2, which is known for its high performance. You can find more information about this and other embedding models at

In addition to dense embeddings, sparse embedding will be generated in src/llmsearch/embeddings/splade using SPLADE algorithm. Both dense and sparse embeddings will be used for context search.

2) Interact with the documents

First, add your OpenAI API key in .env file by replacing <<YOUR_API_KEY>>> with your key.

📌 Please ensure OpenAI API key has been added to the .env file before proceeding

To interact with the documents using web app interface, run the below command:

llmsearch interact webapp -c src/llmsearch -m src/llmsearch/openai.yaml

Based on the configuration YAML files provided, the following actions will take place:

  • Based on the model config, GPT-3.5 Turbo will be accessed and model-specific parameters mentioned in model_kwargs from the llm->params section will be passed to the model.
  • The system will query the embeddings database using hybrid search algorithm using sparse and dense embeddings. It will provide the most relevant context from different documents, up to a maximum context size of 4096 characters (max_char_size in semantic_search).
  • It will then use this context to answer the user query.

Limitations and Future Work

  • The chatbot at the moment does not leverage chat history. Since it was repurposed from an RAG use-case, it only takes the current user message as input.
  • Chain-of-Thought prompting can help the chatbot better decide when to use knowledge base and when to use common-sense knowledge. But this has not been incorporated.

My GPT Chatbot version

📌 Please note that another version of this chatbot has also been developed using My GPTs feature from ChatGPT. It is live and can be accessed at, but requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription to interact with. This version generally has better performance than the one in this repository. Below is a screenshot of its config and a demo chat.

My GPT config and demo chat


A RAG Chatbot designed to introduce and answer questions about me







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