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adam edited this page Dec 13, 2018 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the vim wiki!

supported system

  • mac
  • ubuntu
  • centos
  • other linux system


0. make sure vim version >= 8.0

ubuntu try:

./install ubuntu_vim

mac try:

brew upgrade vim --with-cscope --with-python --with-python3 --with-lua --with-ruby --override-system-vim

1. cscope not work, like:

  • CscopeFind not found
  • :cs f t XXX not work


ubuntu: sudo apt-get install cscope
mac: brew install cscope
centos: sudo yum install cscope

2. ycm not work:


cd ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe/
git submodule update --init --recursive
./ --all

3. vim-go not work:

  • you need set $GOROOT $GOPATH $GOBIN
  • and try:

4. tagbar not work:

  • install ctags
    centos: sudo yum install ctags
    ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ctags
    mac: brew install ctags

5. how to close cpp error check:

  • open plugin.vim
    let g:ycm_show_diagnostics_ui = 0