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PROJECT: Decentralized Star Notary Service Project - For this project, you will create a DApp by adding functionality with your smart contract and deploy it on the public testnet.


For this project, you will need to have:

  1. Node and NPM installed - NPM is distributed with Node.js
# Check Node version, Project tested with version v14.17.0. you can use "nvm" to switch between node versions
node -v
# Check NPM version, Project tested with v6.14.13
npm -v
  1. Truffle v5.X.X - A development framework for Ethereum.
# Unsinstall any previous version
npm uninstall -g truffle
# Install
npm install -g truffle
# Specify a particular version. Project tested with v5.3.6
npm install -g [email protected]
# Verify the version
truffle version
  1. Metamask: 9.5.2 - If you need to update Metamask just delete your Metamask extension and install it again.

  2. Ganache not needed. We run a local test node using the command "truffle develop". Port is 8585

  3. Mandatory packages for contracts and truffle:

# install packages
npm install --save  [email protected]
npm install --save  [email protected]
npm install --save  @truffle/[email protected]
  1. Mandatory packages for the frontend:
cd app
# install packages
npm install webpack-dev-server -g
npm install web3
  1. Configure truffle compiler in truffle-config.js:
// Configure your compilers  
compilers: {    
  solc: {      
    version: "0.8.4", // <- Use this        
    // docker: true,
    // ...
  1. **Load Infura key and your account private key in ** in .env file (please created in the root of your project):

Run the application

  1. Clean the frontend
cd app
# Remove the node_modules  
# remove packages
rm -rf node_modules
# clean cache
npm cache clean
rm package-lock.json
# initialize npm (you can accept defaults)
npm init
# install all modules listed as dependencies in package.json
npm install
  1. Start Truffle by running
# For starting the development console
truffle develop
# truffle console

# For compiling the contract, inside the development console, run:

# For migrating the contract to the locally running Ethereum network, inside the development console
migrate --reset

# For running unit tests the contract, inside the development console, run:
  1. Frontend - Once you are ready to start your frontend, run the following from the app folder:
cd app
npm run dev

Compare with my tests on Rinkeby

  • ERC-721 Token Name & ERC-721 Token Symbol are setup in the file StarNotary.sol. They are respectively "StarNotary" and "STR".
  • compile your project trumple compile
  • Deploy contract to rinkeby. Execute truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby
  • Please fetch contract address from truffle output. Mine is "0x784F73b81f207B79768103b568d16c33433f4504"
  • Check on Rinkeby etherscan