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Albert Graef edited this page Aug 6, 2022 · 10 revisions

Pure on Debian/Ubuntu

As of August 2019, we maintain all our Debian/Ubuntu package repositories on SuSE's Open Build Service (OBS). We offer a fairly complete collection of packages for the most recent Debian and Ubuntu releases. Using OBS, the packages are built in a secure and clean build environment, which ensures that all packages build properly and are up-to-date with respect to 3rd party dependencies at all times.


OBS maintains package collections for different distributions in different package repositories. At the time of this writing, we have the following repositories available:

  • Debian_9.0, Debian_10, Debian_11, Debian_Testing, Debian_Unstable

  • xUbuntu_16.04, xUbuntu_18.04, xUbuntu_20.04, xUbuntu_21.04, xUbuntu_22.04

(Note the "x" in front of the Ubuntu release names. Apparently that's just the generic OBS name for all Ubuntu flavors. In any case, you'll have to follow that naming scheme to get to the package repositories.)

These repositories include all the required dependencies which aren't readily available in the standard repositories, including LLVM 3.5 (the version of LLVM required by Pure).

In the following we take the most recent Ubuntu LTS release as a running example, but you can change the distribution name and version number accordingly if you're running a different Debian-based system from the list above.

Repository URL

Each repository has its own URL, where you can find all the source packages, the repository key, and the binary packages. E.g., for the Ubuntu 22.04 repository this is: (You can also find this URL in the web interface, if you click on the Repositories link and then on the download link of the repository that you want to use.)

You can use the repository URL to download packages directly and then install them manually. This is not very convenient, though, and you won't receive any automatic updates.

Adding the Repository

The recommended procedure is to add the repository to your apt sources. These repositories aren't Ubuntu PPAs, just plain old binary Debian package repositories, so we have to do this the Debian way. On modern Debian/Ubuntu systems, you first need to import the repository key to make automatic updates work. The key can be downloaded from the repository URL and then added to apt as follows (this only needs to be done once):

curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_aggraef_pure.gpg > /dev/null

(Note that the commands which modify the apt configuration all need to be run as root, hence we use sudo here. Enter your password when prompted.)

Then add the repository to your apt sources as follows (we use http here, because older Debian/Ubuntu systems might require additional software to make apt work over https connections):

echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:aggraef:pure.list

By these means, the repository source ends up in its own file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:aggraef:pure.list, which can be simply removed if you don't need the repository any more, or if you upgrade to a new system release.

Finally, run sudo apt update and you should be set.

Debian works exactly the same. Just replace "xUbuntu_22.04" with "Debian_11" (say). Also change the version number if you're running a different Debian/Ubuntu version.

Package Installation

You can now install whatever packages you want:

sudo apt install pure pure-docs

This will also pull in all required dependencies. To remove these packages again:

sudo apt remove pure pure-docs

Some meta packages are provided so that you can quickly install certain categories of packages as needed. Check the dependencies of the pure-complete package to see which package categories are available. For a complete installation, including all the available add-on modules, you can simply install the pure-complete package and be done with it:

sudo apt install pure-complete

Quickly uninstalling package categories in Debian is another matter, though. You can actually use sudo apt remove pure-complete && sudo apt autoremove to remove all the packages pulled in by pure-complete, but this may get rid of other auto-installed packages as well, which may not be what you want. The quickest way to delete (almost) all and only Pure-related packages from your system is this:

sudo apt remove libpure8

Of course, instead of apt you can also use a graphical package manager such as synaptic. You won't find the Pure repository as a source in the "Origin" view, because it's only a binary repository, but you can find the packages there, install and remove them.

Direct Package Downloads

The binary packages can also be found on the Download page for each package on the OBS website. E.g., to download the pure package, you can go to the repository page, click on the pure package, and then on the Download package link. Finally select your target operating system and click on Grab binary packages directly to reveal the direct download link for the package. You can then save the package to your hard disk and install it manually.

It goes without saying that, while this method works well if all you want is a single package, it quickly becomes unwieldy for installing multiple packages or the entire collection, which can be done much quicker on the command line.

On the same page, you can also click on Add repository and install manually to review the instructions from above on how to enable the repository and install its PGP key.

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