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This project will show an auto-updated map with the people interaction during COVID19 in the US using big data technologies to analysis a real-time stream of Twitter data.


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Realtime Twitter feed map analyzer for the US during COVID19


This project will show an auto-updated map with the people interaction during COVID19 in the US using big data technologies to analysis a real-time stream of Twitter data. This project is a work of 3 people (me and two other teammates), original project repo is at Bitbucket here.

data flow of the whole project

How to import the project into eclipse

  1. Make sure that you have maven installed in your local machine.
  2. Clone the repository from eclipse 'git' perspective.
  3. Import the project.
  4. Right click on the project and select 'Maven -> Update Project' check 'Force Update...'
  5. Go to the project home directory and execute the following in the terminal:
    $ mvn clean install
    $ mvn package
  6. Go to the download location of the 'lombok-xxx.jar' jar file in the '.m2' folder.
  7. From the terminal execute:
    $ java -jar lombok-1.16.18.jar
  8. Follow the steps found on this website.
  9. Repeat step 4 again after restarting eclipse.

Prepare your VM environment

  1. Install Kafka.

    1.1. If you are working with Cloudera VM, then:
    1.2. Navigate to the Desktop and Execute the 'Migrate to Parcels' script.
    1.3. Install Kafka (from this link for Cloudera VM 5.13).

    Optional steps
    1.4. If step 1.2. stucked, then you can activate Parcels from CM.
    1.5. Click on Parcels icon on the top right.
    1.6. Find CDH 5 and activate it.

  2. Create a new topic:
    kafka-topics --create --zookeeper quickstart.cloudera:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 3 --topic covid-tweets

  3. Verify if the topic is created:
    kafka-topics --zookeeper quickstart.cloudera:2181 --list

  4. Run some smoke test for producer/consumer:
    4.1. Open a new console, start producer:
    kafka-console-producer --broker-list quickstart.cloudera:9092 --topic covid-tweets
    4.2. Open a new console, start consumer:
    kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper quickstart.cloudera:2181 --topic covid-tweets --from-beginning
    4.3. Now try to type something on your producer and see if the message comming in consumer.
    4.4. Exit both consoles.

Building and Getting Ready

  1. Go to the project directory.
  2. Execute mvn package in the terminal.
  3. Get the file streamdata-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar from target foler.
  4. Create Hive table based on Hbase table (found in commands/hive.sql):
    hive -f hive.sql

Installing Jupyter

Please find the script to install Jupyter in 'commands/'

To run the notebook in a new console window:

More information about Jupyter can be found in the main website and more example about Jupyter and Lightning integration can be found here.

Install Lightning Visualization Server

Please find the script to install Lightning Server in 'commands/'

To run the server in a new console window:
nvm use v6.3.0

More information about Lightning can be found in the main website and the API can be found here.

Start Twitter Kafka Producer(P4), Twitter Spark Streaming consumer (P1) and Spark SQL for data analysis(P2)

Note that: you need to get a Twitter developer key first.

Follow the below steps, at your working folder, after getting the jar mentioned at section Building and Getting Ready.

Step 1:
Start Twitter Kafka producer at a new console window.

Data is streaming directly from Twitter and filter by hashtag #COVID19, #coronavirus and by location in USA.

Streaming data is put into Kafka brocker by using Kafka producer.

spark-submit --class "bdt.streamdata.TwitterKafkaProducerApp" --master yarn streamdata-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Step 2:
Start Twitter Spark Streaming consumer at a new console window.

Spark Streaming getting data from kafka as a consumer subscribes to a Kafka topic.

It processes the data and saves it into HBase.

spark-submit --class "bdt.streamdata.TwitterKafkaConsumerApp" --master yarn streamdata-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Optional Step 3:
Start Spark SQL for data analysis in a new console window.

Using Spark SQL and HiveSQL to get the data from HBase and compute data

spark-submit --class "bdt.streamdata.TwitterAnalysisApp" --master yarn streamdata-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Step 4:
Run the Jupyter notebook, and check the map at Lightning server, the map is auto-updating around every 2 mins (depending on the machine) with the highest number of tweets per state about COVID19 (darker state color means more tweets).

demo for the whole project


This project will show an auto-updated map with the people interaction during COVID19 in the US using big data technologies to analysis a real-time stream of Twitter data.








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