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go-integ (final name TBD)

Makes it simple to pull data from HTTP based data sources. Support singer and airbyte protocol, and can easily be extended to a custom protocol format.

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WIP! Identifiers will likely change, the structure will likely be similar though.

Example integration

Pokeapi source with (mocked) incremental sync, see more examples in /integrations folder.

package pokeapi

import (

var Poke = integ.NewSource(config{}).
	HttpStream(integ.Incremental("pokemon", pokemon{}), runner)

type config struct {
	Url string

type pokemon struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Url  string `json:"url"`

var runner = integ.RunnerFunc(func(ctx integ.HttpContext) error {
	var cnf config
	var dummyState struct{}
	if err := ctx.Load(&cnf, &dummyState); err != nil {
		return err

	req := requests.New(cnf.Url).
		Query("limit", "100")

	resp := new(requests.JSONResponse)
	for {
		if err := ctx.EmitBatch(req, resp, "results"); err != nil {
			return err
		} else if next := resp.String("next"); next == "" {
			return ctx.EmitState(dummyState)
		} else if req, err = requests.FromRawURL(next); err != nil {
			return err

The contract to implement

To implement a source connector you have to fulfill the Runner interface

type HttpRunner interface {
	// Run runs the sync job.
	Run(ctx HttpContext) error

where the Extractor argument is defined by the following interface

type HttpContext interface {
	// Load a stream with shared config and state
	Load(config, state interface{}) error

	Schema() Schema

	// EmitState emit the state
	EmitState(v interface{}) error

	// EmitBatch executes the provided request, locate the data array and emit the records
	// (likely) called multiple times in the same run
	// resp: (pre-allocated and reusable)
	// path: (path to the data array)
	EmitBatch(req *requests.Request, resp *requests.JSONResponse, path ...string) error

Throttling, retries and request control is using a request builder where the Doer (see below, but think client abstraction) can be injected to have full control over the http details. A common use case is to use a single doer that is shared for all requests, and that can be responsible for not sending to many requests.

The requests.NewRetryer is a nice default that handles 429 related headers combined with exponential backoff/retry for common transient http statuses. The Doer interface is easy to adjust according to specific needs.

var doer = requests.NewRetryer(http.DefaultClient, requests.Logger(func (id int, err error, msg string) {
// log intermediate errors here if you like 
type Doer interface {
// Do attempt to do one http request (including retries/redirects)
Do(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

secrets and logging


Airbyte source example (shopify)

docker build -t airbyte-source-shopify:dev -f dockerfile-airbyte-source-shopify .
docker run --rm airbyte-source-shopify:dev spec


Simple data integrations








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