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akash-gaurav-codes edited this page Feb 6, 2017 · 3 revisions


Imagine a hypothetical scenario where a university has an app for prospective PG students. The idea is that those seeking admissions should first gather as much information about the university, its courses, faculty, culture, anything and everything and take notes. While this exercise helps them to make better choices regarding the courses, etc. it would also showcase their exploratory and note taking skills which the university takes into consideration.

This project has two django apps accordingly - form and outliner. A third app serves as the landing page with links to the other two. Later, it will grow as new apps get added to this project.

Its a demo project focusing mainly on backend using Django 1.10

The outliner app uses django-REST-framework to implement CRUD. It can return responses in JSON format as well as in rendered HTML. Each entry that the user creates can have multiple child entries and each child can have its own childen and so on upto any level. I implemented this using self-referencing foreign key.

Please add this to your projects to run outliner


The second app, admitForm, implements a POST request handling without django-REST-framework. It uses javascript for form input validation.

The frontend has been built with Bootstrap framework.

Below are some screenshots: simple Welcome page

Outliner first page

Outliner entry


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