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Petri Lehtinen edited this page Nov 26, 2018 · 7 revisions

Use these steps to make releases of Jansson:

  • Write a changelog entry. Use git log PREV...CUR to view the commits.
  • Use git grep to find all occurences of the old version number and replace them with the new one
  • Update libtool version-info if needed (see Library interface versions in Libtool manual)
  • Clean the source tree: git clean -d -x -f
  • Bootstrap autotools: autoreconf -i
  • Configure: ./configure
  • Run distchek: make VALGRIND=1 distcheck
  • Let: v=X.Y.Z
  • Commit: git commit -a -m "jansson $v"
  • Create a tag: git tag -s -m "jansson $v" v$v
  • Make a tar.bz2 tarball: make dist-bzip2
  • Sign the source tarballs: for s in gz bz2; do gpg --detach-sign --armor jansson-$v.tar.$s; done
  • Push: git push origin <branch> tag v$v (replace <branch> with master or the branch name)
  • Upload tarballs and signatures to, modify the Jansson page links
  • Write a release email to jansson-users mailing list
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