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King County House Price Prediction

Image of KC


  • King County is located in the U.S. state of Washington. The population was 2,252,782 in the 2019 census estimate, making it the most populous county in Washington, and the 12th-most populous in the United States. The county seat is Seattle, also the state's most populous city.
  • How much reasonable price for house in King County?


Predict a reasonable house price in King County

About Data

We got this data from Kaggle:

Feature Description

  • id : Unique id for each home sold
  • date : Date of the home sale
  • price : Price of each home sold
  • bedrooms : Number of bedrooms
  • bathrooms : Number of bathrooms, where .5 accounts for a room with a toilet but no shower
  • sqft_living : Square footage of the apartments interior living space
  • sqft_lot : Square footage of land space
  • floors : Number of floors
  • waterfront : A dummy variable for whether the apartment was overlooking the waterfront or not
  • view : An index from 0 to 4 of how good the view of the property was
  • condition : An index from 1 to 5 on the condition of the apartment
  • grade : An index from 1 to 13, where 1-3 falls short of building construction and design, 7 has an average level of construction and design, and 11-13 have a high quality level of construction and design
  • sqft_above : The square footage of the interior housing space that is above ground level
  • sqft_basement : The square footage of the interior housing space that is below ground level
  • yr_built : The year the house was initally built
  • yr_renovated : The year of the house's last renovation
  • zipcode : What zipcode area the house is in
  • lat : Latitude
  • long : Longitude
  • sqft_living15 : The square footage of interior housing living space for the nearest 15 neighbors
  • sqft_lot15 : The square footage of the land lots of the nearest 15 neighbors

Table of Content

  • Data Exploration
  • Data Analysis and Data Visualization
    • Univariate
    • Bivariate
  • EDA Conclusion
  • EDA Recommendation
  • Data Preparation
  • Base Model
  • Feature Engineering 1
  • Feature Engineering 2
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
  • ML Conclusion

EDA Conclusion

  • Houses with price above median mostly are located in the center and nearby of city
  • Houses with price under median mostly are located far from city
  • Houses with 0 - 3 bedrooms mostly under median price
  • Houses with more than 3 bedrooms mostly above median price
  • Houses with 0 - 2 bathrooms mostly under median price
  • Houses with more than 2 bathrooms mostly above median price
  • Middle-low (225 - 644 sqft) and Middle-up (645 - 1291 sqft) houses mostly under median price
  • Luxury (> 1291 sqft) houses mostly above median price
  • Houses with 1 floor mostly under median price
  • Houses with more than 1 floor mostly above median price
  • Houses without waterfront almost balance between number of under and above median price
  • Houses with waterfront mostly above median price
  • Houses without view mostly under median price
  • Houses with except very bad view mostly above median price
  • Houses with very bad, bad, and very good condition mostly under median price
  • Houses with best condition mostly above median price
  • Houses with good condition are almost balance between under and above median price
  • Houses with bad quality and average quality mostly under median price
  • Houses with high quality mostly above median price
  • Houses without basement mostly under median price
  • Houses with basement mostly above median price
  • House with basement mostly luxury house (>1292 sqft)
  • Houses that renovated mostly above median price
  • Houses that not renovated mostly under median price
  • Number between young and old house almost balance
  • Young houses mostly above median price
  • Old houses mostly under median price

EDA Recommendation

  • Houses that are located in the center and nearby city can priced above median
  • Houses that are located far from city can priced under median
  • Houses with 0 - 3 bedrooms can priced under median price
  • Houses with more than 3 bedrooms can priced above median price
  • Houses with 0-2 bathrooms can priced under median price
  • Houses with more than 2 bathrooms can proced above median
  • Middle-low and Middle-up houses can priced under median
  • Luxury houses can priced above median
  • Houses with 1 floor can priced under median price
  • Houses with more than 1 floor can priced above median price
  • Houses without waterfront can priced under or above median price depends on other variables
  • Houses with waterfront can priced above median price
  • Houses without view can priced under median price
  • Houses with view can priced above median price
  • Houses with very bad, bad, and very good condition can priced under median price
  • Houses with good and best condition can priced above median price
  • Houses with bad and average quality can priced under median price
  • Houses with high quality can priced above median price
  • Houses without basement can priced under median price
  • Houses with basement can priced above median price
  • Houses that not renovated can priced under median price
  • Houses that renovated can priced above median price Young (<= 40 years old) houses can priced above median price Old (more than 40 years old) houses can priced under median price

ML Conclusion

  • Ridge:
    • Best score from ridge is still Ridge + Polynomial + price feature transformation, fit in 0.82
  • KNN:
    • Best score from KNN is KNN + Hyperparameter Tuning, test score reach 0.85 although the score are overfitting among train and test
  • XGBoost:
    • Best score from XGB is XGBoost + Hyperparameter Tuning, test score reach 0.91 although the score are overfitting among train and test. Also this is highest test score than other algorithms


Exploratory Data Analysis and Machine Learning







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