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Step by Step Guide to the Bicycle Workshop Application

This Hands-on-Lab covers basic and most used features of the CUBA Platform, including development approach and runtime features of the platform. It will learn you how to accelerate development of enterprise applications, taking bicycle workshop system as an example.

Environment Required


Estimated time to complete this lab is 3 hours. The estimation is given for developers, who have general (basic) knowledge of Java SE.

You will learn how to

  • Create a project on the CUBA Platform
  • Define a data model and create a database
  • Auto-generate CRUD UI and customise it
  • Apply generic filters
  • Setup role-based and row-based security
  • Audit changes in the database
  • Integrate CUBA Studio with Java IDE
  • Implement business logic

Step by Step Guide

The complete guide and the code snippets you can find on the wiki pages.