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How to compile

Alberto Realis-Luc edited this page Nov 30, 2013 · 1 revision

In order to compile C programs to ARM executables through a linux pc, follow the steps described here. Alternatively, you may consider building your own toolchain.

  1. Start bash and verify that a C source program can be correctly compiled to a linux executable.

  2. Go to

  3. Download

  4. Unpack the file to /usr/local/cross

  5. Perform then the following links:

$ cd /usr/local/cross/gcc-3.3.4_glibc-2.3.2/arm-linux/sys-root/usr/include/asm
$ sudo ln -s arch-s3c2410 arch

$ cd /usr/local/cross/gcc-3.3.4_glibc-2.3.2/arm-linux/sys-root/usr/include/asm
$ sudo ln -s proc-armv proc

This is because the TTGO processor is a SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS S3C2410 (Arm920T), 32-bit architecture (so armv, while armo is for the old 26-bit ones). Check also: Porting the Linux Kernel to a New ARM Platform

  1. Export the PATH:
export PATH=/usr/local/cross/gcc-3.3.4_glibc-2.3.2/arm-linux/bin:$PATH:/usr/local/cross/gcc-3.3.4_glibc-2.3.2/bin
  1. The cross compiler is now ready!

  2. To compile AirNavigator, go to his folder and type:

$ make all
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