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A parallel distributed batch processing framework similar to Hadoop MapReduce with a SQL Engine and a distributed file system

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MapleJuice is a parallel cloud computing framework written in Go, bearing similarities to Hadoop MapReduce. Features of the project include:

  • Gossip-style heartbeating failure detector to ensure fault tolerance to up to 3 simultaneous failures.
    • In addition to gossip-style heartbeating, we've implemented Gossip-style heartbeating with Suspicion (similar to the suspicion mechanism in SWIM, but without any pinging)
  • Simple Distributed File System (SDFS) similar to Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
    • SDFS is a flat-file system
    • Allowed file operations include
      • put local_filename sdfs_filename
      • get sdfs_filename local_filename
      • delete sdfs_filename
      • ls sdfs_filename - list all machine addresses where sdfs_filename is stored
      • store - list all files currently being stored at the current machine
    • Allows at most one client to write a file at a time, but allows up to 2 clients to read a file simultaneously. It does not allow a writer and reader simultaneously.
  • MapleJuice similar to MapReduce.
    • MapleJuice is built on top of the failure detector and SDFS.
    • Maple is similar to the Map phase and Juice is similar to the Reduce phase. Given Maple & Juice executables written in Go, the framework will execute the job(s) parallely among the machines in the cluster and save it's outputs to SDFS.
  • SQL Engine - A SQL Engine with implementation for Filter and Join queries that can run on CSV datasets. Implemented using MapleJuice under the hood.

More information on the architecture for MapleJuice, SDFS, Failure Detector, and SQL Engine can be found below after the program details.

Program Details

Build Instruction

  • Go must be installed with at least version 1.19
  • Run make from the root directory of this project, which will create an executable app in the root directory of the project. This is the main executable that will be ran on each VM. make will also create binary executables for all the maple, juice, and hadoop map/reduce executables in the bin folder.

Command Line Arguments for ./app

  • ./app is the main executable that will run the MapleJuice program with the failure detector, Simple Distributed File System, and SQL Engine. ./app has the following command line arguments:
    • -f [REQUIRED]
      • Pass the name of the log file after -f. If the file does not exist, it will create it. If if it already exists, it will truncate the file and overwrite it
      • The program will log information to this log file, which can be used for debugging any issues.
    • -g
      • default value: config.T_GOSSIP. That is, if not provided, the default value is whatever the variable T_GOSSIP is set to in internal/config/config.go
      • Represents T_GOSSIP (the gossip period, i.e., the number of seconds between gossip heartbeats).
      • Represented in milliseconds
      • type: integer


  • You can run the following commands from any machine once the program has started:
    • list_mem
      • Lists the membership list
    • list_self
      • List self's id
    • leave
      • Voluntarily leave the group
    • enable suspicion
      • Enables gossip + suspicion mode
    • disable suspicion
      • Disables gossip + suspicion mode
      • Will run in gossip mode
    • mode
      • Lists current gossip mode
    • put [local filename] [sdfs filename]
      • puts file from local directory to the SDFS
    • get [sdfs filename] [local filename]
      • fetches file from SDFS to local directory
    • delete [sdfs filename]
      • delete from SDFS
    • store
      • list the set of SDFS files stored/replicated on current machine
    • ls [sdfs filename]
      • list all VM addresses where the sdfs file is currently replicated
    • acknowledgement
      • display all acknowledgements received to this client machine for every get/put operation that was made from this client machine
    • multiread [sdfs filename] [local filename] VMi VMj ... VMk
      • launches a GET/read operation from VMs i to k, inclusive simultaneously for the sdfs filename
    • maple [maple_exe] [num_maples] [sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix] [sdfs_src_directory]
      • launches a maple job
    • juice [juice_exe] [num_juices] [sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix] [sdfs_dest_filename] delete_input={0,1}
      • launches a juice job
      • launches a SQL FILTER query on the D1 dataset (must be stored in SDFS) by running maple and juice jobs
      • launches a SQL JOIN query on the D1 and D2 datasets (must be stored in SDFS) by running maple and juice jobs

Further Details

  • The introducer & leader is always VM1. However, this can be changed in the config.go by changing the INTRODUCER_LEADER_VM variable
  • The introducer/leader must always be ran first to allow other nodes to connect to it and join the group.
  • Once the main program starts, the non-introducer nodes automatically join the network by contacting the introducer since its membership list will only contain the introducer and itself. You do not need to explicitly type join - it automatically joins once program starts.
  • You can edit other configuration variables inside config/config.go, such as T_FAIL, T_CLEANUP, FANOUT, for the gossip failure detection, and you can also edit the newer configuration variables for MP3 like SHARD_SIZE, REPLICA_COUNT, SDFS_ROOT_DIR etc.
  • Files in the SDFS file system will be stored in the config.SDFS_ROOT_DIR folder

Architecture Details

Failure Detector Architecture

Coming soon...

SDFS Architecture

Coming soon...

MapleJuice Architecture

Coming soon...

SQL Engine Architecture

Coming soon...


A parallel distributed batch processing framework similar to Hadoop MapReduce with a SQL Engine and a distributed file system







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