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A recreational stack-oriented concatenative two-dimensional non-linear self-modifying esoteric programming language that uses the dots on domino pieces to represent code.


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Current version 0.2.0

Have you ever wanted to write code using domino pieces? No?

Well, now you can! Introducing DominoScript!

A recreational stack-oriented concatenative two-dimensional non-linear self-modifying int32-based esoteric programming language that uses the dots on domino pieces to represent code.

This repository contains the reference implementation written in TypeScript as well as all the documentation and examples for the language.

It's still very much a work-in-progress. Not everything is fully fleshed out yet.

Feel free to open issues for clarification requests, feature suggestions, bugs etc. I am grateful for any interest and help in eliminating bugs, edgecases and improve the documentation. I'd love for people to make their own Interpreters or Compilers and will link to all of them. Just be warned about potential breaking changes this early on!


Table of Contents

Core Concepts

  • Recreational Esolang: This isn't a serious programming language. I got inspired after watching "The Art of Code" by Dylan Beattie where I discovered "Piet" and eventually went down the esolang rabbit hole. I wanted to create a language that is not only weirdly powerful but can also look good when hanged on a wall.

  • Stack-Oriented: There is a global data stack that all instructions operate on. Internally every item on the stack is a signed 32-bit integer. Strings are just null-terminated sequences of integers representing Unicode char codes. Floats are not supported. No other data structures exist.

  • Concatenative: DominoScript at its core is just another concatenative reverse-polish language. The following code: 0—1 0—5 0—1 0—6 1—0 0—3 1—2 5—1 is the same as 5 6 + dup * . in Forth.

  • Two-Dimensional: The code is represented on a rectangle grid. The instruction pointer can move in any cardinal direction. One domino takes up 2 cells on the grid. Direction changes are performed by placing dominos in a certain way (IP always moves from one half to the other half of the same domino) as well as the current Navigation Mode.

  • Self-Modifying: The code can override itself similar to befunge.

  • Òbfuscated: Because all code is represented using domino pieces, reading it is somewhat like reading machine code. To "de-obfuscate" it you would need to replace the domino pieces with their corresponding instructions and literal values. The following: NUM 5 NUM 6 SUM DUPE MULT NUMOUT is a readable pseudocode representation of DominoScript.

How to run DominoScript

Be warned that the interpreter is still in its early stages and might not always work as expected.

The reference interpreter is here in this repo. See the here for details.

If you want to use dominoscript via the command line, you can install it globally like this:

npm install -g dominoscript

Then you can run it like this:

dominoscript path/to/your/file.ds

Or you can use npx to run it without installing it:

npx dominoscript path/to/your/file.ds

Eventually there will be an online editor where you can write and run it directly in the browser.

Maybe even a repository of user submitted DominoScript programs.

How does it work

DominoScript by default uses Double-Six (aka D6) dominos to represent code. Double-six here means that each domino has 2 sides with up to 6 dots on each side.

Everything is either:

  • an instruction
  • a number literal
  • or a string literal

By default, everything will be parsed using base7. This behaviour can be changed using the BASE instruction. This means that with a higher base you can use dominos with more dots to represent larger numbers with fewer dominos.

The Grid

  • The grid is a rectangle of cells which can contain domino pieces.
  • The grid can contain up to 65408 cells (soft limit)
  • One domino takes up 2 cells and can placed horizontally or vertically.
  • The top-left cell is address 0. The bottom-right cell is address width * height - 1.
  • When playing domino game variants you can usually place pieces "outside" the grid when both sides have the same number of dots: 🁈🁳🁀 - this is not allowed in DominoScript (Maybe in future versions but for now not worth the extra complexity)

Each cell needs to be indexable using an int32 popped from the stack, so in theory you could have something crazy like a 300k rows and columns. However, the interpreter will likely not be able to handle that. The artifical limit I decided on for now is a total of 65408 cells. That allows a square grid of 256x256 or various rectangular grids like 64x1024, 128x512, or 949x69 as long as the total cell count is 65408 or less. This limit will likely be configurable in future versions.

Text Format

A text based format is used to represent domino pieces.

This format is used as source code. At the beginning it will be the only way to write DominoScript until a visual editor is created that shows actual dominos. Eventually I want to be able to convert images of real dominos on a (reasonably sized) grid into the text format.

  • The digits 0 to f represent the dots on half of a domino. To indicate an empty cell, use a dot .
  • The "long hyphen" character indicates a horizontal domino (regular hyphen - also accepted to make it easier to type). It can only appear on even columns and odd rows.
  • The "pipe" character | indicates a vertical domino. It can only appear on odd columns and even rows.
  • Any other line before and after the actual code is ignored.
  • It is just a text format, so the file extension doesn't matter for now. You can make it .md and comment using markdown if you want! See example



You can write the soure code as a normal text file (.ds extension recommended) or as a .md file with markdown comments like here.

Be aware of the following rules:
> 1. You cannot start a non-code line with a dot `.`
> 2. You cannot start a non-code line with a number `0 to f`
> 3. You cannot comment within the code. Only above and below it.

For comments starting with any non-allowed character, add a space or any other allowed char before it.

## DominoScript

The below code NO-OPs forever because
The IP can always move to a new domino

. . . . . . . .

. 6 6 6—6 6 6 .
  | |     | |
. 6 6 6 6 6 6 .
      | |
. 6—6 6 6 6—6 .

. 6—6 6—6 6—6 .

. . . . . . . . 

## Some Notes

Bla bla bla

When the source code is parsed it ignores everything except the actual code:

. . . . . . . .

. 6 6 6—6 6 6 .
  | |     | |
. 6 6 6 6 6 6 .
      | |
. 6—6 6 6 6—6 .

. 6—6 6—6 6—6 .

. . . . . . . . 

Which is the equivalent of these dominos:


The grid doesn't have to be a square but it must have a consistent number of columns and rows, otherwise an InvalidGridError will be thrown before execution starts:

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . .

. . .  . . . .

Connecting to a domino half which is already connected results in MultiConnectionError:

6—6 6—6 .

6 6—6 . .
6 . . . .
6—6—6—6 .

6—6 . . .
6 . . . .

Having a domino half that is not connected to anything results in MissingConnectionError:

. . 6—6 .

. 6 . . .
. 6 . . .
. . 6 6 .

. 6 . . .
. 6 . . .

Having a connection where 1 or both ends are empty results in a ConnectionToEmptyCellError:

6—6 . 6—6

6 . . . 6
|       |
6 . . . 6
6—. . .—6

6 . . . .
|       |
. . . . 6

About the stack

  • There is a single global stack that all instructions operate on.
  • It only stores signed 32-bit Integers
  • The interpreter will preallocate all the memory required to maintain the stack, therefore its size is limited to 512 items for now. (No particular reason for this rather small limit, it will likely be configurable in future versions)

Why not 64-bit integers?: No good reason really. I wanted to implement the first reference interpreter in typescript and since JS converts numbers to 32-bit when doing bitwise operations, I decided to just stick with 32-bit integers instead of having to split the lower and upper 32-bits for every bitwise operation. If there is demand, I will change the spec to support 64-bit ints but for now it is what it is.

How to represent Strings

DominoScript is a language where you cannot really tell what is going on just by looking at the code. It all depends on how the IP moves.

When the IP encounters a STR instruction, it will parse the next dominos as characters of a string. How that works exactly is explained in more detail in the description of the instruction.

It is important to understand that internally everything in DominoScript is represented as signed 32-bit integers and externally everything is represented by the dots on the domino pieces.

Internally strings are just null-terminated sequences of integers representing Unicode characters. It is your job as the developer to keep track of what items on the stack are numbers and what are characters of a string.

You can use any instruction on characters of a "string" but most of them will not distinguish between what is a number and a character. There are only 3 instructions which are specifically for handling strings: STR, STRIN, STROUT.

For convenience and clarity in examples I will often represent Unicode characters like this:

[..., 'NUL', 's', 'e', 'y']

But in reality the stack will store them as integers and look like this:

[..., 0, 115, 101, 121]

How to represent floating point numbers

Floats don't exist in DominoScript. I'd suggest to scale up numbers by a factor of 10, 100, 1000 or whatever precision you need.

(I know that pico-8 uses 32-bits for numbers but treats them as 16.16 fixed point numbers. I am not quite sure if that is just a convention or if pico8's API actually treats them as fixed point numbers. I would like to eventually add some trigonometry instructions to DominoScripts "D9-mode" but unsure what the best way would be)

How the Instruction Pointer Moves

The instruction pointer (IP) keeps track of the current cell address that will be used for the next instruction. Since DominoScript is 2D and non-linear, it isn't obvious where the IP will move to without understanding the fundamental rules and the Navigation Modes.

Before the program starts:

  • the interpreter will scan the grid from top-left to top-right, move down and repeat until it finds the first domino.
  • Upon reaching the first domino, the IP is placed at the address of the first found domino half.
  • If no domino could be found, the program is considered finished.

During the program execution: The IP will adhere to the following rules:

  • Rule_01: The IP moves in all cardinal directions, never diagonally. How dominos are parsed is all relative to that. For example the horizontal domino 3—5 can be interpreted as the base7 number 35 (IP moves eastwards) or 53 (IP moves westwards). Same thing for vertical dominos.

  • Rule_02: The IP will always move from one half (entry) of the same domino to the other half (exit) of the same domino.

  • Rule_03: If the IP cannot move to a new domino, the program is considered finished. If a JUMP happens to move to an empty cell, a JumpToEmptyCellError is thrown and the program exits with a non-zero code

  • Rule_04: At the exit half of a domino, the IP will never move back to the entry half. It will always try to move to a new domino. That means there are 0 to 3 potential options for the IP to move.

  • Rule_05: When the IP needs to move to a new domino, it is possible that there are no valid moves despite there being dominos around. The Navigation Mode decides where the IP can and cannot move next.

How Navigation Modes work

In a nutshell Navigation Modes are predefined "behaviours" that follow a specific deterministic pattern. There are a lot of different nav modes. Some of them simple and logical, and others a bit more complex and chaotic.

Change navigation modes using the NAVM instruction.

First I'm gonna bombard you with some jargon:

  • Priority Directions (PDs): Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
  • Relative Directions (RDs): Forward, Left, Right
  • Cardinal Directions (CDs): North, East, South, West

The Cardinal directions don't matter much. It is all about the direction in relation to the exit half of the current domino (If you ever did any kind of game dev you probably know the difference between world space and local space. It's kind of like that)

When the IP moves to a new domino, the half it enters to is called the "entry" while the other half is called the "exit". Now from the perspective of the exit half, the IP can potentially move in 3 directions: Forward, Left, Right. These are the Relative Directions (RDs).

Which direction it chooses depends on the current "Navigation Mode". Here are some of the most basic Nav Mode mappings:

index Primary Secondary Tertiary
0 Forward Left Right
1 Forward Right Left
2 Left Forward Right
3 Left Right Forward
4 Right Forward Left
5 Right Left Forward
... ... ... ...

The "index" here is the argument for the NAVMinstruction but also refers to the current Navigation Mode

If we imagine the 6 to be the exit half, what will be the next domino the IP moves to?:

East West South North
. 2 . . .
. 2 . . .

5—6 1—1 .

. 3 . . .
. 3 . . .
. . . 3 .
. . . 3 .

. 1—1 6—5

. . . 2 .
. . . 2 .
. . 5 . .
3—3 6 2—2

. . 1 . .
. . 1 . .

. . . . .
. . . . .

. . 1 . .
. . 1 . .

2—2 6 3—3
. . 5 . .

All 4 snippets are exactly the same code with the difference that they are all flipped differently. This is what I mean by the cardinal direction not mattering much in DominoScript.

  • index 0 the IP will move to 1—1 (Primary, Forward)
  • index 1 the IP will move to 1—1 (Primary, Forward)
  • index 2 the IP will move to 2—2 (Primary, Left)
  • index 3 the IP will move to 2—2 (Primary, Left)
  • index 4 the IP will move to 3—3 (Primary, Right)
  • index 5 the IP will move to 3—3 (Primary, Right)

What if we remove the 1—1 domino? Where will the IP go to then?:

East West South North
. 2 . . .
. 2 . . .

5—6 . . .

. 3 . . .
. 3 . . .
. . . 3 .
. . . 3 .

. . . 6—5

. . . 2 .
. . . 2 .
. . 5 . .
3—3 6 2—2

. . . . .
. . . . .

. . . . .
. . . . .

. . . . .
. . . . .

2—2 6 3—3
. . 5 . .
  • index 0 the IP will move to 2—2 (Secondary, Left)
  • index 1 the IP will move to 3—3 (Secondary, Right)
  • index 2 the IP will move to 2—2 (Primary, Left)
  • index 3 the IP will move to 2—2 (Primary, Left)
  • index 4 the IP will move to 3—3 (Primary, Right)
  • index 5 the IP will move to 3—3 (Primary, Right)

And what if we remove both the 1—1 and the 2—2 domino?:

East West South North
. . . . .
. . . . .

5—6 . . .

. 3 . . .
. 3 . . .
. . . 3 .
. . . 3 .

. . . 6—5

. . . . .
. . . . .
. . 5 . .
3—3 6 . .

. . . . .
. . . . .

. . . . .
. . . . .

. . . . .
. . . . .

. . 6 3—3
. . 5 . .
  • index 0 the IP will move to 3—3 (Tertiary, Right)
  • index 1 the IP will move to 3—3 (Secondary, Right)
  • index 2 the IP will move to 3—3 (Tertiary, Right)
  • index 3 the IP will move to 3—3 (Secondary, Right)
  • index 4 the IP will move to 3—3 (Primary, Right)
  • index 5 the IP will move to 3—3 (Primary, Right)

Again, these are only the very basic navigation modes. See the reference for all the different modes and how they work.

How to read DominoScript manually

DS isn't meant to be human readable but there are deterministic patterns that will make it much easier to follow along once you know them.

All of these patterns revolve around how the NUM and STR instructions behave differently than any other instruction.

Once you understand their differences, reading the rest of DominoScript is mostly a matter of keeping track of how the other instructions affect:

  • the Stack (most of them do)
  • the Instruction Pointer (JUMP, CALL, NAVM).

Here are the pattern and some examples:


Look out for 0—1 and 0—2 dominos.

These are the opcodes for the NUM and STR instructions respectively. They are used to push numbers or strings to the stack so you will see them a lot.

They are the ONLY 2 instructions that don't get their arguments from the stack but from the board.


Look out for the first half of a domino right after a NUM instruction.

It will decide how many more dominos will be part of the argument before the next instruction is executed.

The below code results in the number 6 being pushed and popped of the stack:

0—1 0—6 0—0
  • 0—1 is the NUM instruction (PATTERN 1)
  • 0—6 is the argument for NUM
    • first half is 0 which means no more dominos will follow and only second half is parsed as number (see PATTERN 2)
    • Second half is 6 in both base7 and decimal so the number 6 is pushed to the stack
  • 0—0 is the next instruction. We know that because the first half of previous domino told us that no more dominos will be part of the argument. (see PATTERN 2)

The below code results in the number 1000 being pushed and popped off the stack:

0—1 2—0 2—6 2—6 0—0
  • 0—1 is the NUM instruction (see PATTERN 1)
  • 2—0 2—6 2—6 is the argument for NUM representing 1000 in base7
    • the first half is 2 which means 2 more dominos will be part of the argument (see PATTERN 2)
    • the remaining 2.5 dominos are parsed as 2626 in base7 which is 1000 in decimal.
    • 0—0 is the next instruction. We know that because the first half of the domino after NUM told us that 2 more dominos will be parsed as part of the number so 3rd one after will be an instruction(see PATTERN 2).


Look out for the first half of a domino right after a STR instruction.

For the same reason as after a NUM instruction. It will decide how many more dominos will be part of the character before the next character is parsed.


Look out for the NULL terminator 0—0 during a STR instruction.

It indicates the the string is complete and will be pushed to the stack and that next domino will be a new instruction.

The below code results in the string "abc" being pushed to the stack.

0—2 1—1 6—6 1—2 0—0 1—2 0—1 0—0 0—1 0—6 0—0
  • 0—2 is the STR instruction
  • 1—1 6—6 is the Unicode value for "a"
  • 1—2 0—0 is the Unicode value for "b"
  • 1—2 0—1 is the Unicode value for "c"
  • 0—0 is the null terminator and not the POP instruction as in the previous 2 examples. We know that because STR only ends once it encounters a 0—0 (see PATTERN 4)
  • 0—1 0—6 0—0 is the code from the first example above. It will push the number 6 to the stack and then pop it off again.

All these patterns are deterministic but it doesn't mean that every 0—0, 0—1, 0—2 you see is a NULL terminator, a NUM instruction or a STR instruction respectively (as you can see in the examples above!)

It all depends on the context and how the IP moves:

  • A 0—0 can be part of a number, the NULL terminator or the POP instruction
  • A 0—1 can be part of a number, the NUM instruction or the ADD instruction if the IP moves in a different direction
  • A 0—2 can be part of a number, the STR instruction or the NOT instruction if the IP moves in a different direction

The patterns are universal for all cardinal directions the Instruction Pointer can move in.

I only showed examples where the IP moves from left to right but you have to understand that the same domino can either mean the same thing or something completely different depending on the direction the Instruction Pointer moves in and what instructions precede it:

0—1 . 1—0 . 1 . 0 . . .
            |   |
. . . . . . 0 . 1 . . .


The base instruction set is designed to fit on a single "double-six" domino. It consists of up to 49 instructions and is shown below on a 7x7 matrix.

Keep in mind that if you change into a higher "base", you will need to use a different domino to represent the same opcode than shown in the images you see alongside each instruction. E.g. a NOOP in base7 is 6—6 but in base16 it would be 3—0.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 CATEGORY
2 NOT AND OR EQL GTR _ _ Comparison & Logical
5 NUMIN NUMOUT STRIN STROUT _ _ _ Input & Output

(DominoScript isn't limited to these 49 instructions though. The way the language is designed, it can theoretically be extended to up to 1000 instructions)

Stack Management



Discards the top of the stack.


  • If the stack is empty, a StackUnderflowError is thrown.



Switch to "number mode". The first half of the next domino will indicate how many dominos to read as a number. Then the other halfs will all be read as base7 digits (in D6 mode) to form the number that will be pushed to the stack.

With 7 dominos, 13 out of 14 halfs are used for the number. You can theoretically represent a number much larger than the max int32 value. However, if the number exceeds the maximum int32 value, it will wrap around from the minimum value, and vice versa (exactly the same as when doing bitwise operations in JS --> (96889010406 | 0) === -1895237402).

You might think that since internally numbers are int32s, that we parse from base7 to two's complement. That is not the case. We simple push the decimal version of the positive base7 number to the stack

For example:

  • 0—0 represents the number 0 in both deciamal and base7
  • 0—6 represents the number 6 in both decimal and base7
  • 1—6 6—6 represents the number 342 in decimal and 666 in base7
  • 2—6 6—6 6—6 represents the number 16,806 in decimal and 6,666 in base7
  • 6—6 6—6 6—6 6—6 6—6 6—6 represents the number 1,977,326,742 in decimal and 66,666,666,666 in base7 (about 92.1% of the max int32 value)
  • 6—0 1—0 4—1 3—4 2—1 1—1 6—1 represents the number 2,147,483,647 in decimal and 104,134,211,161 in base7 (exactly the max int32 value)
  • 6—6 6—6 6—6 6—6 6—6 6—6 6—6 represents the number -1,895,237,402. WHY?: The actual decimal number the dominos represent is 96,889,010,406 which is ~45x larger than the max int32 value. It wraps around about that many times before it reaches the final value.

What if numbers are read from the other direction?

  • 1—1 1—1, 2—2 2—2 2—2 for example will be exactly the same numbers (216 in decimal) eastwards and westwards.
  • 1—2 3—1 when parsed backwards is 1—3 2—1 and can therefore represent different numbers if the IP moves to the east or to the west.
  • 1—6 6—6 represents 666 in base7 (342 in decimal) but when parsed backwards the interpreter will raise an UnexpectedEndOfNumberError. Remember that the first half of the first domino indicates how many more will follow. In this case it expects to read 6 more dominos but the number ends prematurely after 1 domino.

To push the number 10 and 5 to the stack you would use the following dominos:

  • In pseudo code: NUM 10 NUM 5
  • In DominoScript: 0—1 1—0 1—3 0—1 0—5
    • 0—1 is NUM
    • 1—0 1—3 is the number 13 in base7 which is 10 in decimal
    • 0—1 is NUM again
    • 0—5 is the number 5 in both base7 and decimal

To push the number -10 and -5 to the stack you would use the following dominos:

  • In pseudo code: NUM 10 NEG NUM 5 NEG
  • In DominoScript: 0—1 1—0 1—3 1—5 0—1 0—5 1—5
    • 0—1 is NUM
    • 1—0 1—3 is 13 in base7 which is 10 in decimal
    • 1—5 is NEG
    • 0—1 is NUM again
    • 0—5 is 5 in both base7 and decimal
    • 1—5 is NEG


  • UnexpectedEndOfNumberError is thrown when the IP cannot step as many times as indicated by the first half of the first domino.



With STR you switch to "string mode" and can push multiple integers to the stack to represent Unicode characters.

The way the dominos are parsed to numbers is identical to NUM: First half of first domino indicates how many more will follow for a single number.

The difference is that it doesn't stop with just one number. It will keep reading numbers until it encounters the NULL character represented by domino 0—0.

Only once the interpreter does encounter the NULL character, will it push the characters to the stack in reverse order.

(Note: I decided to parse strings like this because I wanted a single int32 based stack and, out of all options I could think of, this one felt the least annoying. If you can think of better ways, I am open for suggestions!)

This is how you push the string "hi!" to the stack and output it:

0—2 1—2 0—6 1—2 1—0 1—0 4—5 0—0 5—3

It equals the following pseudo code: STR "hi!" STROUT

  • 0—2 is the STR instruction
  • 1—2 0—6 is the Unicode value 105 representing the character h
  • 1—2 1—0 is the Unicode value 105 representing the character i
  • 0—0 4—5 is the Unicode value 33 representing the character !
  • 0—0 is the Unicode value for the NULL character which terminates the string.
  • 5—3 is the STROUT instruction. It will pop items from the stack, parse them as Unicode chars and once it encounters the NULL character, it will output the string to stdout all at once.

This is the resulting stack:

Imaginative Reality
[..., 'NUL', '!', 'i', 'h']
[..., 0, 33, 105, 104]

Keep in mind that the IP can move in 4 cardinal direction so the following variations would also push the string "hi!" to the stack:

IP moves right to left:

3—5 0—0 5—4 0—1 0—1 2—1 6—0 2—1 2—0

IP moves in multiple directions:

0 . . . . 0 4—5
|         |
2 . . . . 1 . 0
1 . . 2 1—0 . 0
|     | 
2 0—6 1 . . 3—5



Duplicate the top item on the stack.

Stack Before Stack After
[a, b] [a, b, b]



Pops one argument from the stack to be used as "depth".

  • With a negative depth, the item at the top is moved to the nth depth
  • With a positive depth, the item at the nth depth is moved to the top

With roll you can implement common stack operations like SWAP and ROT:

Roll Depth Equivalent to Stack Before Stack After
-3 - [a, b, c, d] [d, a, b, c]
-2 ROTR [a, b, c] [c, a, b]
-1 SWAP [a, b] [b, a]
0 NOOP [a] [a]
1 SWAP [a, b] [b, a]
2 ROTL [a, b, c] [b, c, a]
3 - [a, b, c, d] [b, c, d, a]



Pushes the number of items on the stack.



Removes all items from the stack.




Pops 2 numbers from the stack. The sum is pushed to the stack.



Pops 2 numbers from the stack. The result of numberA - numberB is pushed to the stack.



Pops 2 numbers to multiply. The result is pushed to the stack.



Pops 2 numbers. The result of the division of numberA by numberB is pushed to the stack.

Keep in mind that DominoScript is integer based and any remainder is discarded.


  • NUM 5 NUM 3 DIV is 5 / 3 and equals 1
  • NUM 5 NEG NUM 3 DIV is -5 / 3 and equals -1



Pops 2 numbers. The remainder of division of numberA / numberB is pushed to the stack.

When numberA is positive modulo behaves identical in most languages (afaik). However, there are some differences across programming languages when numberA is negative. In DominoScript modulo behaves like in JavaScript, Java, C++ and Go and NOT like in Python or Ruby!


  • NUM 5 NUM 3 MOD is 5 % 3 and equals 2
  • NUM 5 NEG NUM 3 MOD is -5 % 3 and equals -2 (in python, ruby and calculators it would equal 1)



Pops the top item off the stack. Negates it. Then pushes the negated version back onto the stack. Essentially a num * -1 operation.



Unmapped opcode. Will throw InvalidInstructionError if executed.

Comparison & Logical



Pops the top item off the stack. If it is 0, it pushes 1 to the stack. Otherwise it pushes 0.



Pops the top 2 items off the stack, performs the logical AND operation and pushes the result back onto the stack.



Pops the top 2 items off the stack, performs the logical OR operation and push the result back onto the stack.



Pops the top 2 items off the stack, compares them and pushes the result back onto the stack. If the items are equal, it pushes 1 to the stack, otherwise 0.



Pops the top 2 items off the stack, compares them and pushes the result back onto the stack. If the first item is greater than the second, it pushes 1 to the stack, otherwise 0.



Unmapped opcode. Will throw InvalidInstructionError if executed.



Unmapped opcode. Will throw InvalidInstructionError if executed.




Bitwise NOT. Pops the top item off the stack, inverts all bits and pushes the result back onto the stack.



Bitwise AND. Pops the top 2 items off the stack, performs bitwise AND and pushes the result back onto the stack.



Bitwise OR. Pops the top 2 items off the stack, performs bitwise OR and pushes the result back onto the stack.



Bitwise XOR. Pops the top 2 items off the stack, performs bitwise XOR and pushes the result back onto the stack.



Logical Shift Left. Performs the equivalent of argA << argB and pushes the result back onto the stack.



Logical Shift Right. Performs the equivalent of argA >>> argB and pushes the result back onto the stack.



Arithmetic Shift Right. Performs the equivalent of argA >> argB and pushes the result back onto the stack.

Control Flow



Changes the Navigation Mode. The default Mode is 0.

See Navigation Modes to see all possible nav modes and their indexes.



Like an IF-ELSE statement. It pops the top of the stack as a condition:

  • When true: The IP will move LEFT
  • When false: The IP will move RIGHT

It ignores the current Navigation Mode, so you can be assured that it will always either go left or right.

Keep in mind that: all non-zero numbers are considered true. Only 0 is false! -1, -2 etc. is true

Here we push 1 to the stack which will cause the IP to move LEFT:

. . . . . 6 . .
. . . . . 6 . .

0—1 0—1 4—1 . .
. . . . . X . .
. . . . . X . .

Here we push 0 to the stack which will cause the IP to move RIGHT:

. . . . . X . .
. . . . . X . .

0—1 0—0 4—1 . .
. . . . . 6 . .
. . . . . 6 . .



A label is like a bookmark or an alternative identifier of a specific Cell address. You can also think of it as a pointer. It can be used by the JUMP, CALL, GET and SET instructions.

Labels are probably not what you expect them to be.

  • They are not strings, but negative numbers.
  • They are auto generated and self decrementing: -1, -2, -3, etc. ...

Executing the LABEL instruction pops the address of the cell you want to label from the stack and assigns it to the next available negative number label.

The negative number label will NOT be pushed to the stack. First label will be -1, second label will be -2 and so on. You need to keep track of them yourself.

For clarity, I'd generally recommend adding comments like the following to your source files:

## Label Mappings
| Label | Address | Function name |
| -1    | 340     | main          |
| -2    | 675     | update        |
| -3    | 704     | whatever      |

It is not mandatory to use labels. The 4 mentioned instructions that can use them also work with addresses directly!

Labels are mandatory only in the following cases:

  • Calling JS functions: The "official" js interpreter exposes an API where you can define functions in JS and call them from DominoScript via a label (Not implemented yet!)
  • Calling imported functions: DominoScript will have an IMPORT instruction that allows source files to be imported into others. The imported functions can only be called via labels, so in that regard a label also acts like an export. (Not implemented yet!)



Moves the IP to a labeled address on the grid. If the IP cannot move anymore, the program will terminate.

If label is unknown it will throw an UnknownLabelError.



Like the name suggests, it is similar to a function call.

Exactly like JUMP with one crucial difference: When it cannot move anymore, the IP will return to where it was called from instead of terminating the program.

Internally there is another stack that keeps track of the return addresses.



Pop a "string" from the stack to indicate the file name of the source file to import.

On import the interpreter will load the file and start running it until its Instruction Pointer cannot move anymore.

Labels defined in the imported file are accessible from the importing file. That means you can call functions from the imported file via the CALL instruction.

If the importer file defined label before the import, the labels from the imported will have different identifiers. For example:

  • FileChild.ds defines a label -1.
  • FileAParent.ds defines labels -1, -2, then imports FileB.ds, then defines another label -6.

The label -1 in FileChild.ds will be -3 in FileAParent.ds because labels are always auto decrementing. Why? Because it is the simplest way to avoid conflicts and be able to use labels internally and externally.

The data stack is shared between parent and all imported files. Apart from that they parent and child imports run in their own contexts. Imported files can have imports themselves but you should avoid circular dependencies.

If you import the same file into more than one other file, it will result in multiple instances of the imported file. This is not a problem as long as you are aware of it.



Pops the top item off the stack and waits for that many milliseconds before continuing.

(You could simulate a delay without using WAIT using a 'busy loop' like in example 011_basic_game_loop but it is not recommended)

Input & Output



Prompt the user for a number. The user input will be pushed to the stack.



Pop the top item from the stack and output it to stdout.



Prompt the user for a string. The user input will be pushed to the stack as individual Unicode characters in reverse order.

So if the user inputs "yes", the stack will look like this:

[..., 0, 115, 101, 121]

For convenience you might often see the stack represented But remember that in reality it just stores int32s.

[..., 'NUL' 's', 'e', 'y']



Pops numbers (representing Unicode char codes) from the stack until it encounters a null terminator (number 0). It will then output the string to stdout.



Unmapped opcode. Will throw InvalidInstructionError if executed.



Unmapped opcode. Will throw InvalidInstructionError if executed.



Unmapped opcode. Will throw InvalidInstructionError if executed.




Get the value of a single whole domino at a specific address on the grid.

Pops an item from the stack representing the address of the first domino half, then gets the number of dots on that first half and the other half. Out of both halves it forms a number the same way it does when parsing opcodes. The resulting decimal value will then be pushed to the stack.

For example:

  • 0—6: First half 0, second half 6 -> 6 in base7 -> 6 in decimal pushed to stack
  • 1—0: First half 1, second half 0 -> 10 in base7 -> 7 in decimal pushed to stack
  • 6—6: First half 6, second half 6 -> 66 in base7 -> 48 in decimal pushed to stack


  • If the address is out of bounds, an InvalidAddressError is thrown.
  • If the address references an empty cell the number -1 will be pushed to the stack. No error.



Sets the value of 2 cells (a whole domino) on the grid. This one is similar to the p instruction in befunge used to modify the grid.

It requires 2 arguments from the stack:

  • The address of the first cell (just like GET)
  • and then the value to set the domino to. 0-48 range is allowed for D6 mode. If

For example here we have a 10x3 grid:

Before SET After SET
0—1 1—0 6—0 0—1 1—0
. . . . . . 1—6 0—1

. . . . . . . . . .
0—1 1—0 6—0 0—1 1—0
. . 0—6 . . 1—6 0—1

. . . . . . . . . .

What has happened?:

  • 0—1 1—0 6—0 We push the number 42 to the stack
  • 0—1 1—0 1—0 We push the number 13 to the stack (last domino wraps around on second line)
  • 6—1 We execute the SET instruction
    • it pops 13 for the address
    • it pops 42 for the value

The decimal number 42 is 60 in base7. The cell at address 13 is set to the value 6, the cell at the address 12 is set to the value 0:

But why is the set domino "backwards"? Because the IP was moving to the west when SET was executed. Remember that the IP can move in all 4 cardinal directions, so there is no "backwards" or "forwards" in the traditional sense. The address argument indicates the first cell only. The other one depends on the direction the IP is moving.


  • If the address argument is out of bounds, an InvalidAddressError is thrown.
  • If the value argument is not within 0-48, an InvalidDominoValueError is thrown.
  • If the address of the other domino half is out of bounds, an AddressError is thrown.



Unmapped opcode. Will throw InvalidInstructionError if executed.



Pops one number from the stack to use as the "base" for future parsing of dominos (opcodes, number literals, string literals)

By default, DominoScript uses double six (D6) dominos to represent everything, so the default base is 7.

The max cell value of half of a domino is always 1 less than the Base. So in base 7, the max value is 6. In base 10, the max value is 9. In base 16, the max value is 15 (aka f).

If the number of dots on a domino half exceeds the base, it is clamped.

In below table you can see how the same domino sequence results in different decimal numbers depending on the base:

Domino Sequence Base 7 (D6) Base 10 (D9) Base 16 (D15)
0—6 6 6 6
0—9 6 9 9
0—f 6 9 15
1—6 6—6 342 666 1638
1—9 9—9 342 999 2457
1—f f—f 342 999 4095
2—6 6—6 6—6 16806 66666 419430
2—9 9—9 9—9 16806 99999 629145
2—f f—f f—f 16806 99999 1048575

With a higher Base, you have access to higher opcodes without needing to switch to extended mode.

Base Opcode Range
7 0 to 48
10 0 to 99
16 0 to 255

While the opcode-to-instruction mapping never changes, the domino-to-opcode mapping is completely different in each base.

The below table shows how the domino 3—0 is mapped to different opcodes depending on the base.

Base Opcode Instruction
7 21 BNOT
8 24 BOR
9 27 LSL
10 30 BRANCH
11 33 IMPORT
12 36 NUMIN
13 39 undefined
14 42 GET
15 45 BASE
16 48 NOOP



Toggle extended mode on or off. If extended mode is active the interpreter will use 2 dominos instead of 1 for each instruction which extends the opcode range from 0-48 to 0-2400.

The range 0-1000 is reserved for "real" instructions.

The range 1001-2400 is used to call functions by label. It is essentially "Syntactic Sugar" to execute CALL with a label. Making function calls look like actual instructions.

To call a function with the label -1 you'd normally do 0—1 0—1 1—5 4—4 which is equivalent to NUM 1 NEG CALL. In extended mode you could do the same 0—0 0—1 0—1 0—0 1—5 0—0 4—4 BUT You can also do the exact same using 2—6 3—0 which is the opcode 1001 and is mapped to the label -1.



Pushes the milliseconds since program start to the stack.

Useful for things like a gameloop, animations, cooldowns etc.



No operation. The IP will move to the next domino without executing any instruction.

(If you have 10 NOOPs in a row it will do 10 steps without doing anything. Over time, the interpreter may optimize this and do an implicit jump to the end of the NOOP chain when it things you are within a loop and the navigation mode doesn't change)

Navigation Modes

(F=Forward, L=Left, R=Right)

There are 49 total navigation modes in DominoScript. This section is a reference for all of them.

Basic Three Way

Out of three directions, the IP will prioritize moving to the one with the highest priority.

Index Priorities Domino ->
0 Forward Left Right 0—0
1 Forward Right Left 0—1
2 Left Forward Right 0—2
3 Left Right Forward 0—3
4 Right Forward Left 0—4
5 Right Left Forward 0—5
6 RANDOM 0—6

Basic Two Way

Out of two directions, the IP will prioritize moving to the one with the highest priority.

Index Priorities Domino ->
7 Forward Left 1—0
8 Forward Right 1—1
9 Left Forward 1—2
10 Left Right 1—3
11 Right Forward 1—4
12 Right Left 1—5
13 RANDOM 1—6

Basic One Way

IP can only move in one direction.

Index Only Direction Domino ->
14 Forward 2—0
15 Forward 2—1
16 Left 2—2
17 Left 2—3
18 Right 2—4
19 Right 2—5
20 RANDOM 2—6

Cycle Three Way

The direction with the highest priority becomes the least prioritized in the next cycle.

All 3 directions are available in all cycles.

Index Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Domino ->
21 F L R L R F R F L 3—0
22 F R L R F F L F R 3—1
23 L F R F R F R L F 3—2
24 L R F R F L F L R 3—3
25 R F L F L R L R F 3—4
26 R L F L F R F R L 3—5
27 (unmapped) (unmapped) (unmapped) 3—6

Cycle Two Way

The direction with the highest priority becomes the least prioritized in the next cycle.

Only 2 directions are available in a single cycle.

Index Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Domino ->
28 F L L R R F 4—0
29 F R R F L F 4—1
30 L F F R R L 4—2
31 L R R F F L 4—3
32 R F F L L R 4—4
33 R L L F F R 4—5
34 (unmapped) (unmapped) (unmapped) 4—6

Cycle One Way

The direction with the highest priority becomes the least prioritized in the next cycle.

Only 1 direction is available in a single cycle.

Index Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Domino ->
35 F L R 5—0
36 F R L 5—1
37 L F R 5—2
38 L R F 5—3
39 R F L 5—4
40 R L F 5—5
41 (unmapped) (unmapped) (unmapped) 5—6

Flip Flop

The priority flip flops between 2 primary directions.

Index Flip Flop Domino ->
42 F L 6—0
43 F R 6—1
44 L F 6—2
45 L R 6—3
46 R F 6—4
47 R L 6—5
48 (unmapped) (unmapped) 6—6

Other References:

Unicode to Domino Lookup Table

Wiith DominoScript you can output Unicode characters to the console. Here is a lookup table for the ASCII range.

Control characters (ASCII 0-31)

NUL (null character) U+0000 0 0 0—0
SOH (start of heading) U+0001 1 1 0—1
STX (start of text) U+0002 2 2 0—2
ETX (end of text) U+0003 3 3 0—3
EOT (end of transmission) U+0004 4 4 0—4
ENQ (enquiry) U+0005 5 5 0—5
ACK (acknowledge) U+0006 6 6 0—6
BEL (bell) U+0007 7 10 1—0 1—0
BS (backspace) U+0008 8 11 1—0 1—1
HT (horizontal tab) U+0009 9 12 1—0 1—2
LF (line feed) U+000A 10 13 1—0 1—3
VT (vertical tab) U+000B 11 14 1—0 1—4
FF (form feed) U+000C 12 15 1—0 1—5
CR (carriage return) U+000D 13 16 1—0 1—6
SO (shift out) U+000E 14 20 1—0 2—0
SI (shift in) U+000F 15 21 1—0 2—1
DLE (data link escape) U+0010 16 22 1—0 2—2
DC1 (device control 1) U+0011 17 23 1—0 2—3
DC2 (device control 2) U+0012 18 24 1—0 2—4
DC3 (device control 3) U+0013 19 25 1—0 2—5
DC4 (device control 4) U+0014 20 26 1—0 2—6
NAK (negative acknowledge) U+0015 21 30 1—0 3—0
SYN (synchronous idle) U+0016 22 31 1—0 3—1
ETB (end of transmission block) U+0017 23 32 1—0 3—2
CAN (cancel) U+0018 24 33 1—0 3—3
EM (end of medium) U+0019 25 34 1—0 3—4
SUB (substitute) U+001A 26 35 1—0 3—5
ESC (escape) U+001B 27 36 1—0 3—6
FS (file separator) U+001C 28 40 1—0 4—0
GS (group separator) U+001D 29 41 1—0 4—1
RS (record separator) U+001E 30 42 1—0 4—2
US (unit separator) U+001F 31 43 1—0 4—3

ASCI Printable Characters

space U+0020 32 44 1—0 4—4
! U+0021 33 45 1—0 4—5
" U+0022 34 46 1—0 4—6
# U+0023 35 50 1—0 5—0
$ U+0024 36 51 1—0 5—1
% U+0025 37 52 1—0 5—2
& U+0026 38 53 1—0 5—3
' U+0027 39 54 1—0 5—4
( U+0028 40 55 1—0 5—5
) U+0029 41 56 1—0 5—6
* U+002A 42 60 1—0 6—0
+ U+002B 43 61 1—0 6—1
, U+002C 44 62 1—0 6—2
- U+002D 45 63 1—0 6—3
. U+002E 46 64 1—0 6—4
/ U+002F 47 65 1—0 6—5
0 U+0030 48 66 1—0 6—6
1 U+0031 49 100 1—1 0—0
2 U+0032 50 101 1—1 0—1
3 U+0033 51 102 1—1 0—2
4 U+0034 52 103 1—1 0—3
5 U+0035 53 104 1—1 0—4
6 U+0036 54 105 1—1 0—5
7 U+0037 55 106 1—1 0—6
8 U+0038 56 110 1—1 1—0
9 U+0039 57 111 1—1 1—1
: U+003A 58 112 1—1 1—2
; U+003B 59 113 1—1 1—3
< U+003C 60 114 1—1 1—4
= U+003D 61 115 1—1 1—5
> U+003E 62 116 1—1 1—6
? U+003F 63 120 1—1 2—0
@ U+0040 64 121 1—1 2—1
A U+0041 65 122 1—1 2—2
B U+0042 66 123 1—1 2—3
C U+0043 67 124 1—1 2—4
D U+0044 68 125 1—1 2—5
E U+0045 69 126 1—1 2—6
F U+0046 70 130 1—1 3—0
G U+0047 71 131 1—1 3—1
H U+0048 72 132 1—1 3—2
I U+0049 73 133 1—1 3—3
J U+004A 74 134 1—1 3—4
K U+004B 75 135 1—1 3—5
L U+004C 76 136 1—1 3—6
M U+004D 77 140 1—1 4—0
N U+004E 78 141 1—1 4—1
O U+004F 79 142 1—1 4—2
P U+0050 80 143 1—1 4—3
Q U+0051 81 144 1—1 4—4
R U+0052 82 145 1—1 4—5
S U+0053 83 146 1—1 4—6
T U+0054 84 150 1—1 5—0
U U+0055 85 151 1—1 5—1
V U+0056 86 152 1—1 5—2
W U+0057 87 153 1—1 5—3
X U+0058 88 154 1—1 5—4
Y U+0059 89 155 1—1 5—5
Z U+005A 90 156 1—1 5—6
[ U+005B 91 160 1—1 6—0
\ U+005C 92 161 1—1 6—1
] U+005D 93 162 1—1 6—2
^ U+005E 94 163 1—1 6—3
_ U+005F 95 164 1—1 6—4
` U+0060 96 165 1—1 6—5
a U+0061 97 166 1—1 6—6
b U+0062 98 200 1—2 0—0
c U+0063 99 201 1—2 0—1
d U+0064 100 202 1—2 0—2
e U+0065 101 203 1—2 0—3
f U+0066 102 204 1—2 0—4
g U+0067 103 205 1—2 0—5
h U+0068 104 206 1—2 0—6
i U+0069 105 210 1—2 1—0
j U+006A 106 211 1—2 1—1
k U+006B 107 212 1—2 1—2
l U+006C 108 213 1—2 1—3
m U+006D 109 214 1—2 1—4
n U+006E 110 215 1—2 1—5
o U+006F 111 216 1—2 1—6
p U+0070 112 220 1—2 2—0
q U+0071 113 221 1—2 2—1
r U+0072 114 222 1—2 2—2
s U+0073 115 223 1—2 2—3
t U+0074 116 224 1—2 2—4
u U+0075 117 225 1—2 2—5
v U+0076 118 226 1—2 2—6
w U+0077 119 230 1—2 3—0
x U+0078 120 231 1—2 3—1
y U+0079 121 232 1—2 3—2
z U+007A 122 233 1—2 3—3
{ U+007B 123 234 1—2 3—4
| U+007C 124 235 1—2 3—5
} U+007D 125 236 1—2 3—6
~ U+007E 126 240 1—2 4—0

Error Types

The spec doesn't define a way to "catch" errors in a graceful way yet. For now, whenever an error occurs, the program will terminate and the interpreter will throw an error to stderr.

  • SyntaxError: Unexpected token '{token}' at line {line}, column {column}
  • InvalidGridError: Invalid grid. All lines containing code must be the same length (for now)
  • MultiConnectionError: {type} connection at line {line}, column {column} is trying to connect a cell that is already connected
  • MissingConnectionError: Non-empty cell at line {line}, column {column} does not have a connection
  • ConnectionToEmptyCellError: Connection to an empty cell at line {line}, column {column}
  • ConnectionToEmptyCellsError: There are connectors that are not connected to anything (Cannot give you the exact location of the error atm)
  • InterpreterError: Something wrong with the Interpreter: {message}
  • UnexpectedEndOfInputError: Unexpected end of input at line {line}, column {column}
  • AddressError: Address '{address}' out of bounds
  • InvalidLabelError: Label {name} is not a valid label
  • StepToEmptyCellError: Trying to step from cell {currentAddress} to empty cell {emptyAddress}
  • JumpToItselfError: Jumping to itself at address {address} is forbidden as it results in an infinite loop
  • CallToItselfError:Calling to itself at address {address} is forbidden as it results in an infinite loop
  • UnexpectedEndOfNumberError: Unexpected end of number at address {address}
  • EmptyStackError: Cannot pop from an empty stack
  • FullStackError: Cannot push to a full stack
  • InvalidInstructionError: Invalid instruction opcode {opcode}
  • InvalidNavigationModeError: Invalid navigation mode {mode}
  • InvalidValueError: Invalid value {value}
  • InvalidInputError: Invalid input {reason}
  • MissingListenerError: NUMIN, NUMOUT, STRIN or STROUT instructions were called and the DominoScript "runtime" did not provide a way on how to handle input or output


A list of examples to help you understand the language better.

  1. Hello World minimal
  2. Hello World Commented
  3. Hello World 2D
  4. Loop Simple
  5. Loop using jump
  6. Loop using jump and label
  7. Call function by address
  8. Call function by label
  9. Recursion: Factorial
  10. Navigation Mode changes
  11. Basic game loop
  12. Number Input
  13. String Input
  14. Import script into another
  15. Call imported function
  16. Ansi clear screen
  17. Using delay
  18. Reverse String


A recreational stack-oriented concatenative two-dimensional non-linear self-modifying esoteric programming language that uses the dots on domino pieces to represent code.








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