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This is a short Rails project which helps users create events and allow other users to join those events. Each user can see the events they have created as well as those events they have decided to attend. An event page lists the creator and the interested attendees

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Private Events - Eventeer

In this project, I created a Rails app for users to create and attend events. It involves has_many through associations. An event has a creator and many attendees. A user can create and attend many events.

I also used validations, complex database queries, as well as RSpec and Capybara for testing.

App Screenshot

app screenshot

Built With

  • Ruby v 2.7.1
  • Rails v
  • Devise
  • Bulma
  • Simple Form
  • SQLite3
  • RSpec
  • Capybara
  • FactoryBot
  • Faker Gem

Database ERD

Entity Relational Diagram


  1. Open your Terminal and navigate to the directory of your choice
  2. Clone this repo from here
  3. cd into the repo folder and run bundle install
  4. Make sure you have the latest version of yarn installed in your machine. Sometimes the presence of cmdtest prevents yarn from being upgraded to its latest version
  5. Run rails db:migrate
  6. Run rails server and navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser
  7. The home page will have a form for creating an event. It will also list all the events created by all the users
  8. Sign up, log in and click the Create Event button to go back to the home page. Use the form to create some events.
  9. Sign up from another browser using a second username and email. Create some events from that account
  10. When an event is successfully created, it takes you to the event page
  11. Now, attend the events using the Attend this event button. Your name will appear in the event Attendees list. Try attending the event you already have attended. It will give you an notice/alert
  12. You can navigate to other pages using the Go To Main Feed and Go to My Events links
  13. Visit the home page by clicking the Go To Main Feed or Eventeer brand link left of the navbar. It will list all the events created. Events are listed as Upcoming and Past Events
  14. Now, click the My Events link in the right side of the navbar. It will list all events you have created, as well as those you are attending. Each section is subdivided into Upcoming and Past Events sections
  15. Finally, log out and it will lead you back to home page and you will have to log in in order to create and attend an event


👤 Abdullah Numan

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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This is a short Rails project which helps users create events and allow other users to join those events. Each user can see the events they have created as well as those events they have decided to attend. An event page lists the creator and the interested attendees







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