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An Adenture

Welcome to my first fantasy medieval RPG prototype.

This is not - and probably will never be a full game

This game is permanently under construction, developed as an exercise to improve my skills with JavaScript. It will never be a full game, as this is not my point of doing it. Thus, I'd rather work on small tasks while I develop the skills and knowledge necessaries to code the execution of the task itself.

I do not use Frameworks

As my objective is improving my JS skills, I've chosen not to use any framework, such as Phaser. I know I could just write a single line to accomplish the same task where here I need to burn my gray matter conceiving and writing dozens of lines of code. But that is the whole point of it. Parallel, I am starting to learn Phaser without using it here. Maybe someday when I feel more confident about it, I could convert this game and explore all Phaser's potential to have a solid game. For for the moment, I am happy with my veeery tiny accomplishments. 💪🏼

The current assets are not mine

This is not a commercial project, but a investigative one. And as I wanted to focus on Javascript coding, I just kindly stole images from random pages found through Google. When I feel my skills are more consolidated I intend to build my own assets. For the moment, if you own rights for any image or sound displayed here and it bothers you, please notify me so I can change it and we are still friends. 😉

Keep up with updates

This development is happening reeeally slowly, as I am involved in several other projects and focusing on other studies really hard to improve my Front End Skills. Thus, I can only invest some time here when all my other taks are completed. But if you want to be notified about future updates, you may follow my on Twitter. I post just a few tweets in a week, but if you get bored, don't you worry, just unfollow me and there was no harm done. And yeah, we are still friends! ☺️ @AnyaBranco

Want to help it?

All comments, suggestions and critics are really aprreciated. Please use PR or direct contact me.

Want to see it as a full game?

Well, in fact so do it! And it is easy! Just hire me to develop it and I promiss you all my efforts and priorities will be here. 😉