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This project builds a Twitch Streamable Dockerized Mupen64Plus container with XVFB and FFMPEG.


Build the Docker image.



Environment Variables

Name Required? Default Value Description
TWITCH_CLIENT_ID Yes Twitch Dev Client Id for Bot.
TWITCH_OAUTH_SECRET Yes Twitch OAuth Key for Bot.
TWITCH_STREAMKEY Yes Your Twitch Stream Key.
TITLE No Twitch Plays M64P! Top left overlay text.
TITLE_SIZE No 18 Top left overlay text font size.
TITLE_COLOR No orange Top left overlay text color.
DEBUG No Show debug overlay on top right. To enable, set to true.
LOCAL No Stream a local UDP MPEGTS instead of Twitch. To enable, set to true.
LOCAL_PORT No 38000 Set the local UDP MPEGTS port.
CHAT_CHANNEL Yes Your stream channel name (your username).
CHAT_MODS_ONLY No Only allows chat moderators to control the bot. To enable, set to true.
CHAT_PREFIX No Bot commands must be prefixed with this to control the bot. i.e. !.
CHAT_MAX_CMDS No 8 Only allow a max of 8 commands in a single chat submission.
CHAT_DEF_CMD_DUR No 300 Default time that a button is held down for in milliseconds if not specified.
CHAT_MAX_CMD_DUR No 5000 Maximum time that a button may be held down for in milliseconds.
WHITELIST No Enable only whitelisted users to control the bot. To enable, set to true.
WHITELIST_LIST No Comma separated list of usernames to allow to control the bot.

Chat Commands

All these buttons have an optional milliseconds parameter. Button commands are executed in sequential order and wait for the previous command to finish before executing the next command.

You can execute a set of button commands at the same time without waiting for the previous button command to finish by using asynchronous blocks.

  • a - A-Button.
  • b - B-Button.
  • l - L-Trigger.
  • r - R-Trigger.
  • z - Z-Trigger.
  • up - Analog-Up.
  • down - Analog-Down.
  • left - Analog-Down.
  • right - Analog-Down.
  • cup - C-Up.
  • cdown - C-Down.
  • cleft - C-Left.
  • cright - C-Right.
  • start - Start/Pause button.
  • { - Begin asynchronous block. Group a set of button commands in curly braces to execute them at the same time.
  • } - End asynchronous block.

A few examples:

  • up = Analog-Up for 300ms.
  • down 500 = Analog-Down for 500ms.
  • up left 2000 up 500 b b 3000 = Analog-Up for 300ms, then Analog-Left for 2s, then Analog-Up for 500ms, then B-Button for 300ms, then B-Button for 3s.
  • l up 1000 { up right up right up right } = L-Trigger for 300ms, then Analog-Up for 1s, then Analog-Up and Analog-Right at the same time for 300ms three times.

Chat Moderator Commands

  • status - Show emulation status.
  • reset - Restart the emulator.
  • limiter <on/off> - Enable or disable the speed limiter on the emulator.
  • modsonly <on/off> - Enable or disable moderator-only mode.
  • whitelist list - List all users in the whitelist.
  • whitelist <on/off> - Enable/Disable only whitelisted users to control the bot.
  • whitelist add <user> - Add a user to the whitelist.
  • whitelist remove <user> - Remove a user from the whitelist.


Stream to Twitch

Run the container as production. Where TWITCH_CLIENT_ID and TWITCH_SECRET is provided by your application.

docker run -d --name majoras-mask \
	-v "/home/user/Desktop/majoras_mask.z64:/mnt/rom.z64:ro" \
	-e TWITCH_CLIENT_ID="abcdef" \
	-e TWITCH_OAUTH_SECRET="oauth:ghijklm" \
	-e TWITCH_STREAMKEY="nopqrst" \
	-e TITLE="Majoras Mask" \
	-e TITLE_COLOR="purple" \
	-e CHAT_CHANNEL="twitchplaysmajora" \

Stream Locally (Test)

docker run --rm -it \
	-v "/home/user/Desktop/majoras_mask.z64:/mnt/rom.z64:ro" \
	--net=host \
	-e DEBUG="true" \
	-e LOCAL="true" \
	-e TWITCH_CLIENT_ID="abcdef" \
	-e TWITCH_OAUTH_SECRET="oauth:ghijklm" \
	-e TWITCH_STREAMKEY="nopqrst" \
	-e CHAT_CHANNEL="twitchplaysmajora" \

Development (Test)

docker run --rm -it \
	-v "$(pwd):/srv:ro" \
	-v "/home/user/Desktop/majoras_mask.z64:/mnt/rom.z64:ro" \
	--net=host \
	-e DEBUG="true" \
	-e LOCAL="true" \
	-e TWITCH_CLIENT_ID="abcdef" \
	-e TWITCH_OAUTH_SECRET="oauth:ghijklm" \
	-e TWITCH_STREAMKEY="nopqrst" \
	-e CHAT_CHANNEL="twitchplaysmajora" \
	twitch-bot-m64p bash


Twitch Bot for controlling Mupen64Plus







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