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Command-line application to create ASCII art from images.

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ASCIICSA: ACSII Computer Synthesized Art


There are many image to ASCII converters avaliable but these projects were limited and lacked the customization capabilities needed to create artistics images. ASCIICSA - ACSII Computer Synthesized Art - can generate highly customizable ASCII art from an input image or video. Take a look at some of the results and even try it out to create your own ASCII art!

Customization Features:

  • Color Selection
    • Select number of shades of Greyscale
    • Select standard 8 or 16 ANSII colors for a retro look
    • Automatically sample colors from source image
  • Text
    • Select the font used by uploading font bitmap
    • Choose characters used
  • Conversion
    • Add filters to get desired output
    • Set sampling methods used
    • Set size and resolution of output image
    • Save raw ANSI text to textfile

Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Ensure python>=3.9
    python --version
  3. Install project dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt


Convert an image to ASCII image

  python src/ /path/to/image

Convert an image to ASCII video

  python src/ /path/to/video

Convert an image to animated ASCII image

  python src/ /path/to/image

Image Customization Parameters

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g, --greyscale       Select for greyscale image and pass number of shades used (defaults to true and 8 shades).
                        Number of samples in palette when in greyscale mode (defalut: 8).
  -c [{ansi8,ansi16,rgb,rb,gb,b}], --colorPalatte [{ansi8,ansi16,rgb,rb,gb,b}]
                        Select color palatte used to for colored image (default: ansi16).
  -C {nearest,fixed}, --colorSelection {nearest,fixed}
                        The color selection method used: [nearest, fixed] (default: nearest).
  -a [AUTOCOLOR], --autoColor [AUTOCOLOR]
                        Size of sampled color palette from the most prominent colors in the picture (defalut: 16).
  -i, --invert          Invert the output of the image (default: light characters on black background).
  -n COLS, --cols COLS  The number of characters on the width of the output image (default: 120).
  -l SCALE, --scale SCALE
                        The width-to-height ratio of the pixels sampled for each character (default: 0.6).
  -t CHARS, --chars CHARS
                        The ASCII characters to be used or select from presets: [printable, alphanumeric, alpha,
                        numeric, lower, upper, tech, symbols] (default: printable)
                        Contrast factor: <1 less contrast, 1 no change, >1 more contrast (default: 1.3).
  -T {resize,median,mean}, --sampling {resize,median,mean}
                        The sampling method used: [resize, median, mean] (default: resize).
                        The path to the font to be used (default: SFMono-Medium).

  -r RESOLUTION, --resolution RESOLUTION
                        The resolution of the output image (default: 1920)
  -S [SAVE], --save [SAVE]
                        Save ASCII image as inputed path (default: './out/<filename>_ascii.png').
                        Output text location.
  -H, --hide            Do not open image after conversion (default: false).
  -P, --print           Print ASCII text to output (default: false).

Video Customization Parameters

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Select for greyscale image and specify number of shades (defaults to 8 when selected).
  -a [AUTOCOLOR], --autoColor [AUTOCOLOR]
                        Size of sampled color palette from the most prominent colors in the picture (defalut: 16).
                        When autocolor is selected, number of frames between color sampling (defaults to 1)
  -i, --invert          Invert the output of the image (default: light characters on black background).
  -n COLS, --cols COLS  The number of characters on the width of the output image (default: 120).
  -l SCALE, --scale SCALE
                        The width-to-height ratio of the pixels sampled for each character (default: 0.6).
  -t CHARS, --chars CHARS
                        The ASCII characters to be used or select from presets: [printable, alphanumeric, alpha,
                        numeric, lower, upper, tech, symbols] (default: printable)

  -r FPS, --fps FPS     The fps of output video. (default: match input video)
  -r RESOLUTION, --resolution RESOLUTION
                        The resolution of the output image (default: 1920)
                        Output text location.
  -H, --hide            Do not open image after conversion (default: false).
  -T, --test            Test settings before video generation (default: false).


python3 src/ -a 16 stary_night.jpg # auto color

python3 src/ -n 80 -c rb -t symbols stary_night.jpg   # something funky

python3 src/ -c b woman.jpg    # blue colour palatte

python3 src/ -c rb bill-evans.jpg    # red-blue colour palatte

python3 src/ -n 160 woman.jpg    # more characters

For more examples see the ./resources/ folder.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Arian Omidi - [email protected]

Any ideas or improvements are much appreciated.