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COVID-19 Detection


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This project involves End-to-end ML-project. from developing a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model based on the ResNet50 architecture to detect COVID-19 from X-ray images to building the API with the help if FastAPI. with containerinzation using Docker

The model was trained on a dataset with 148 examples, with F1 score 0.8696 and achieved an accuracy of 97.5%.


  1. GitHub
  2. Docker


  • code.ipynb: Contains all the code for data preprocessing, model training, and evaluation.

  • COVID The dataset used for training and testing the model.

  • Dockerfile with the containerization of the project.

  • The /app directory have all the file related to the Ops

    • With /app/ as the file containing FastAPI.
    • With /app/model.h5 the trained model.
    • With /app/requirement.txt having the required libraries.

Model Performance

  • Accuracy: 97.5%
  • F1 Score: 0.8696
  • Training Data: 148 X-ray images


  • Using deployed API:

    1. Just download the app/ file
    2. Run the following command in the terminal
      pip install streamlit
      streamlit run
      by runing these commands a
          You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.
          Local URL: http://localhost:8501
          Network URL:
      this type of window will be shown and you can open the app by following the link provided.
  • Using Docker Image :

    1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository
    2. Open the Repository: Go to the cloned repository
    3. Run Docker Image: use $ docker run covid-19-detection in the bash.
    4. Check the FastAPI: Check the API at the /predict/docs
  • Manually :

    1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository
    2. Open the Repository: Go to the cloned repository
    3. Go to the app:use $ cd app in the bash.
    4. Install required libraries run $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    5. Run the app: use $ uvicorn main:app in the bash.
    6. Check the FastAPI: Check the API at the /predict/docs


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.